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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rennellese CO.SALIKI Sagiki Floor, canoe platform, shelf in ancient house.
Tikopia CO.SALIKI Sariki Platform on which to dry areca nuts; floor in modern raised house
East Futuna EO.SAQALO Saʔalo Smooth and straighten e.g. pandanus leaves
Kapingamarangi EO.SAQALO Haala To smooth by rubbing or scraping
Niue EO.SAQALO Vai /halo/ A dish of scraped coconut and arrowroot
Penrhyn EO.SAQALO Saaro Scrape, make smooth
Samoan EO.SAQALO Saalo Rub smooth with scraper
Sikaiana EO.SAQALO Saalo Make the surface smooth, of a canoe; whip with a knife in order to make soft, as in softening pandanus {kie} for weaving; whip, as in whipping a child
Tahitian EO.SAQALO Haro To smooth back the hair; to pull the raoere or leaves tied together to catch fish
Tongan EO.SAQALO Haʔalo Make clean and smooth by scraping
Hawaiian CE.SAA-ROTO Haaloko Puddle, pond, pool
New Zealand Maori CE.SAA-ROTO Haaroto Pond, pool
New Zealand Maori FJ.SALOTU Haarotu Overdone (of cooked pork) (Wms3). [? reduced to shreds] Borrowed
Kapingamarangi OC.SALU.1 Haru Scrape off smooth with a knife
Rarotongan PN.FAA-QITI ʔOoiti Constricted (of openings), narrow Problematic
Pukapuka PN.SALULU Alulu Explode; booming sound like thunder Problematic
Rarotongan CE.SAA-MAGA ʔAamanga Fork; a fork (of road, river, tree, etc.); forked stick with hook attached, used in fishing for conejo
Ifira-Mele PN.SAMI Sami Drink (some drink) with one's food
Nggela PN.SAMI Sami Soften and moisten food by drinking liquid with it
Hawaiian PN.SAA-MOLE Haamole Smooth, bald, plain features
Rarotongan PN.SAA-MOLE Aamore Smooth, not hairy
Tongan PN.SAA-MOLE Hamole/mole Smooth
Mangareva PN.SAMU.1A ʔAmu Eat leftover food. Prendre de la nourriture avec la bouche sans se servir des mains; manger des restes qui ont été jetés
Penrhyn PN.SAMU.1A Kai/samu/ Eat scraps of food
Rarotongan PN.SAMU.1A Kai/ʔamu/ Eating scraps of food
East Futuna PN.SAMU.1B Samu/koo Eat one food only (fish without vegetable, or vice versa)
East Uvea PN.SAMU.1B Hamu(koo) Eat one food only
Niue PN.SAMU.1B Kai/hamu/ Eat meat without vegetables. Eat only protein foods (Sph).
Luangiua EC.SEKE.1B Seʔe Miscarriage with blood
Pukapuka MP.SAO (Ya)yao Break loose, escape
Fijian OC.SAQO Caa Fetch or pick up firewood Problematic
Hawaiian OC.SAQO Hao Scoop, pick up Problematic
Ifira-Mele OC.SAQO Sao/a Scoop up water in a cup
West Futuna OC.SAQO Sao Poison fish in small pools Uncertain Semantic Connection
Emae NP.SAPA Sapa Malformed (limb), slightly crooked
New Zealand Maori NP.SAPA Hapa Sin, offence; violate tapu; gone by; be passed over in apportionment of anything; crooked; be in need
Tuamotu NP.SAPA Hapa Crooked, askew, awry; in error, wrong
Tahitian MP.SAPAI Hoopoi Porter un object pesant, soulever Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna OC.SAPE.A Sape Malformed (Foot)
Kapingamarangi OC.SAPE.A Habe Hop on one foot
Niue OC.SAPE.A Ape/ape Crooked legs (i) Problematic
Samoan OC.SAPE.A Sape Malformed (of foot)
Samoan OC.SAPE.A Vae sape Deformed foot
Tikopia OC.SAPE.A Sape Club-footed, deformed footed
Tokelau OC.SAPE.A Hape Club-footed person
Tongan OC.SAPE.A Hape Malformed, of foot
Tuamotu OC.SAPE.A Hape Malformed, of foot
New Zealand Maori EP.SAPE.B Hape Crooked; beside the point
Penrhyn EP.SAPE.B Sape Crooked; turn, curve
Luangiua NP.SASAGA Saŋŋaa Inner crossbeams of house roof Phonologically Irregular