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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Luangiua SO.LAQALAQA-TEA Laalaakea Afternoon
Takuu SO.LAQALAQA-TEA Laaraatea, raaraatea Noon
New Zealand Maori CE.RARE.A Whaka/rare Distort (of a carving pattern)
Pukapuka CE.RARE.A Waka/lale/lale Pronounce, utter, often incoherent Problematic
Hawaiian NP.LALI.2 Lali Slippery and shiny, glittering, sparkling, bright; sticky
Rarotongan NP.LALI.2 Rari Splashed, spattered, drenched, stained
Sikaiana NP.LALI.2 Ma/lli Secrete saliva
New Zealand Maori EC.LALI.3 Rari/i Butterfish (Coridodax pullus)
Tahitian EC.LALI.3 Rari A fish (Cephalopholis sexmaculatus) . Blood sea bass (Cephalopolis coatesi)
Tuamotu EC.LALI.3 Rari A kind of fish, of variegated colours
Sikaiana AN.LALO.A Lalo Below, underneath; down; when at sea towards deeper water both inside the lagoon and outside the lagoon
Hawaiian PN.LALO.B Kai /lalo/ The western sea
East Futuna XW.LALO-KOKA Lalo-koka House site on Futuna
Niuatoputapu XW.LALO-KOKA Lolo-koka Colonisation site on Niuatoputapu (Kch)
New Zealand Maori NP.LAMA.2B Rama/rama Shrubs (Myrtus bullata) (Pseudowintera colorata)
Mangareva NP.LAMA.2B Rama Candlenut (Aleurites moluccana). Arbre: bancouler (Aleurites moluccana) (Euphorbiacées)...
Samoan NP.LAMA.2B Lama Candlenut tree (Aleuritea sp.)
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.RAMA Lama Torch, material for torches (usually dry parts of coconut leaves)
West Uvea AN.RAMA Lama Torche (faite de feuilles desséchées de cocotier)
New Zealand Maori EO.LAMU Haa/ramuramu/, koo/ramuramu Meaning unclear, but associated with eating Problematic
Tongan EO.LAMU Lamu To chew, masticate
Easter Island AN.RANO Rano Lake formed in crater of a volcano
Waya AN.RANO Drano A large body of freshwater lying inland; a lake or pond
Arosi AN.RANU.A Danu Bale out water
Fijian AN.RANU.A Dranu Fresh water, rinse in fresh water
Rotuman AN.RANU.A Tanu Fresh water
Tahitian OC.RANU.B Nanu Mucosités qui empêchent les nouveaux-nés de respirer. The matter in the nostrils of a new born infant (Dvs). Phonologically Irregular
Tikopia AN.RANU.A Ranu Flow, of water
Tongan AN.RANU.A Lanu Wash in fresh water v Phonologically Irregular
Tongan AN.RANU.A Anu Bathe, have a dip; move about or struggle in the water
Waya AN.RANU.A (Wai) dranu Fresh water
Easter Island OC.RANU.B Ranu El liquido amniotico, ilamado vulgarmente "las aguas"
East Futuna OC.RANU.B Lanu Sordes ex parientis mulieris corpore emissae (amniotic fluid? afterbirth?)
Niue OC.RANU.B Inu lanu (of a foetus) To suffocate or otherwise have ill-effects when it takes in (drinks) amniotic fluid
Pukapuka OC.RANU.B Lanu paa Breaking of the waters
Niue XW.LANU.B Lanu Colour; to be varied, variegated
Rennellese PN.LAQOFIE Gaʔohie To be clear weather as after rain
Tikopia PN.LAQOFIE Rao Calm, of limited duration
Sikaiana XO.LAOI Laoi Good, fine, content, healthy, in working order
Tahitian PN.LAPA.1B Rapa Pale de pagaie, d'aviron ou d'hélice; plat de la lame d'un couteau. The blade or paddle of an oar; a slab of stone or wood (Dvs).
Rarotongan MP.LAPA.1A Rapa/rapa Blade-shaped, flat-sided and tapering to an edge; fallen-in, not rounded (e.g. cheeks). To be of an oval shape, with somewhat flattened sides (Sve).
Tuamotu MP.LAPA.1A Rapa To be spread, flattened out
Easter Island OC.LAPA.2 Rapa Shine, shiny. Shine (light mottling water, landscape, grasses) (Wbr).
Penrhyn OC.LAPA.2 Rapa To flash, lighten
Rarotongan OC.LAPA.2 Rapa Flash of lightning; dazzle, glitter
Nukuoro NP.LAPAKAU Labagau Carpenter; skilful (at a craft); craftsman
Rarotongan NP.LAPAKAU Rapakau Administer or give medicine, prescribe for, treat, heal
Mangareva PN.LAPA.1B Raparapa Partie plate d'un aviron; partie plate de la feuille du cocotier qui tient au tronc.
Sikaiana PN.LAPA.1B Lapalapa the places in the trunk of a tree that extend out from the tree, as the trunk of the tava tree.
Tokelau PN.LAPA.1B Lapa Flat-topped coral head; rasp, grater