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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tikopia SO.APAI.2 Aapai Raise person in arms or on lap -- as a sign of great respect or for protection from danger or defilement
Tahitian TA.APERE Apere The reed thrown or darted in the game called aperea; the person that throws the reed
East Uvea PN.QAPI.1 ʔApi Maison, propriété, plantation, terre, terrain...le terrain appartenant à une famille, sur lequel se trouvent la maison et les dépendances
New Zealand Maori MP.QAPI.2 Apiapi Crowded, dense; confined, constricted
Penrhyn MP.QAPI.2 Apiapi Congested, crowded
Rarotongan MP.QAPI.2 Api(api) Crowded, congested, full up, cluttered up
Tahitian MP.QAPI.2 Api Etre occupé, être plein, être encombré (en parlant d'un lieu, ou d'un contenant)
Tongan MP.QAPI.2 ʔApi Crowded, congested
Mangareva PN.APO Apo Louer, vanter. Se vanter (Rch). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rennellese PN.APO Apo To be poised and ready to do anything (as to strike, speak, open...); to threaten, as with a spear or club; to hesitate, as in deference or fear
East Uvea PN.QAA-POO ʔApoo Ce soir, cette nuit (qui vient)
Easter Island EP.AA-POOPOO Apo/éra The day after tomorrow
Marquesas EP.AA-POOPOO Apopo Plus tard, dans la suite
Fijian MP.APU.A C/avu/-ta Pull up, eradicate Problematic
Tuamotu CE.APU.B Apu To completely enclose, seize in a cavity, as when a large fish seizes a smaller one in the mouth; to take the bait, as fish; to gobble, as a piece of food...
Hawaiian CE.APU.B Apu To snap or snatch with the teeth
Tahitian CE.APU.B Apu Se jeter sur une proie (comme le font les chiens, les poissons, les oiseaux de mer), mordre (a la pêche)
Mangareva NP.AAPULU Apuru Suffocated or smothered by pressure of a crowd. Etre embarssé, gêné; être lourd, lâche (par maladie, climat)
Fijian AN.ASA.1 Yaca To grate, grind, file
New Zealand Maori AN.ASA.1 Aha/aha Saw-like instrument of shark teeth set in a wooden mounting
Roviana AN.ASA.1 Asa/ia To grind, as an axe if very blunt; grate, as taro etc.
Sa'a AN.ASA.1 Ata/ata Grate
Fijian FJ.QASA Yasa Go stealthily, as to take a thing by surprise
Samoan FJ.QASA Asa, aasa Wade through, as water or long grass
Tongan FJ.QASA Aʔa(aʔa) Wade (through water or grass or dry leaves or branches etc.); push one’s way (more or less disrespectfully) through a crowd…. Phonologically Irregular
Tahitian PN.ASEU Aheu Name of a delicious sort of fish (Teuthis spinus)
East Uvea PN.QASI ʔAhi/ʔahi Visite, visiter
Tikopia PN.QASI A/asi/ Taste; test; inspection to see if taboo is being observed
West Uvea PN.QASI Asi(a) Rendre visite à qn.
Luangiua XO.QILAAMOTU.* Lamoku Mother's brother; sister's child (man speaking).
Luangiua SO.TAINA Kaiŋa Brother, son of the brother or sister of either parent (man speaking); sister, daughter of the brother or sister of either parent (woman speaking).
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.TUPUNA Ve/thupuna Ancestors (grandfather and his brothers, usually after they have died)
Nukuoro FJ.QASO.1 Aso White-tipped Shark
Samoan FJ.QASO.1 Aso White-tipped Shark
Luangiua AN.QASO.2 Ke aho-la Yesterday Phonologically Irregular
Rotuman AN.QASO.2 Aso/fa Afternoon and evening
Samoan AN.QASO.2 Aso Day (Date)
Tokelau AN.QASO.2 Aho Day, date
Tongan AN.QASO.2 ʔAho Day (date)
Rennellese NP.ASOGAA Asongae (Pipturus argenteus)
Emae MP.QASU Asu/a Dip up, draw water
Ifira-Mele MP.QASU Asu Bail a canoe, dip water
Takuu MP.QASU Asu Scoop; dip a container into water; fill a container from a tank, drum, canoe
New Zealand Maori PN.QAASUA Aahua Hasten
Tongan PN.QAASUA ʔAahua Hasten
Easter Island CE.ATA.2 ʔAta Preverbal intensifier: superlative, in high degree. More (adv) (Wbr). Problematic
New Zealand Maori CE.ATA.2 Aata- Carefully, deliberately
Moriori CE.ATA.2 A Really (pre-verbal intensifier) Problematic
Marquesas CE.ATA.2 Aate- Carefully, slowly
Nuguria AN.QATA Te ata te mahina Abnehmender Mond