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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rennellese SO.MAQAA Maʔaa Classificatory brother-in-law (am speaking), sister-in-law (woman speaking)
Tikopia SO.MAQAA Maa Affine of same grade and sex; brother-in-law, sister-in-law
Tokelau SO.MAQAA Maa Husband of a man's sister or cousin
Rennellese OC.MAE.1A Mae Wilt, be wilted
Tikopia OC.MAE.1A Mae Wilted
East Uvea PN.MAE.1B Mae Se gâter (poisson, viande)
Tahitian PN.MAE.1B Mae/mae Soft, ripe, as plantains or other fruit; over ripe as fruit; tending to dissolution, as flesh or fish. Avarié (poisson) (Lmt).
East Futuna PN.MA-QENE Maʔene/ʔene Tickling, ticklish, sexually excited
East Futuna PN.MA-FAQA.A Mafaʔa Broken, shattered, cracked
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.MA-FAQA.A Mahaa Be split, broken off a main thing, separated
Takuu SO.MA-FAQA.B Mafaa te muri Crack between buttocks
New Zealand Maori NP.MAAFA Maaha Gratified, satisfied, contented
Rarotongan NP.MAAFA Maʔa Satisfied or satiated, appeased . Satisfied (Bib.)
Samoan NP.MAAFA Maafa Disproportionately large in number or quantity
Nukuoro PN.MA-FAI Tee-mahai Cannot (Crn)
East Futuna PN.MAAFAQI Maafaʔi Plante grimpante dont le fruit est une espèce de concombre. (Luffa cylindrica) (Whr)
East Uvea PN.MAAFAQI Maafai Plante grimpante dont le fruit est une espèce de concombre ou de cornichon sauvage. (Luffa cylindrica) (Whr)
Samoan PN.MA-FAKI Mafaʔi To be broken out, wrenched out, extracted
Easter Island MP.MA-FANA Mahana Warm, temperate, tepid. Warm (environmental and of water) (Wbr).
Tongan MP.MA-FANA Mafana Warm (of food, water, drink); unpleasantly warm, stuffy (of room
East Uvea XW.MA-FAO Mafao Etiré, étendu; croitre, grandir (en parlant de l'homme)
Niue XW.MA-FAO Mafao Stretched apart, well separated; to stretch oneself
Tongan XW.MA-FATI Mafasi Broken internally
East Uvea PN.MAFATUA Mafatua Eternuer
East Futuna NP.MAAFE Maafe Obéir, écouter docilement
New Zealand Maori NP.MAAFE Maawhe Faded, abated, subsided
Nukuoro NP.MAAFE Maahe Decrease in strength, growth-rate
Tongan PN.MA-FELA Mafela Opened out, come open , left open (impolite)
Emae CO.MAFETUA.* Mafetue Éternuer
Hawaiian PN.MAFI Mahi Cultivate
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.MAFI Mahi Strong, insistent
West Futuna PN.MAFI Mafi/ekina Complete a job; recur (of sickness)
Mangareva NP.MAFINE Maʔine Daughter
Rarotongan NP.MAFINE Maʔine Polite and friendly term of address to women
Tahitian NP.MAFINE Mahine A daughter
Tikopia NP.MAFINE Mafine Daughter
Hawaiian PN.MA-FITI Mahiki Jump, leap, hop, move up and down, vibrate etc.
East Futuna PN.TAGALOA.B Tagaloa Ver intestinal du corps humain; ver de mer
East Futuna EO.MA-FOA.A Mafoa Paraitre; être déblayé, être débroussé (route)
Niue EO.MA-FOA.A Mafoa A place apart, a separate place Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rennellese EO.MA-FOA.A Mahoa Cracked, as a canoe or eggs; smashed, blistered; to bump (as the head)
East Uvea PN.MA-FOA-ATA Maafoataa Aurore, aube, pointe de jour
Moriori PN.MA-FOLA Mahoro, mohoro Extended (Wms)
Marquesas PN.MA-FOLA Mahoʔa (MQN) Déployer, étendre, exposer à l'air, au soleil; unir, étirer, aplatir. Spread out (Dln).
Mangareva PN.MA-FOLA Maʔora Spread. Etendre (se dit des personnes se prosternant, des bois étendus, d'une toiture qui n'a pas assez de pente); déborder, inonder, se répandre
Sikaiana PN.MA-FOLA Maahola To be flattened; to be smooth, without wrinkles; to be true or insightful, of speech
Fijian CP.MAFU.2 Mavu Taro beaten up for pudding
Pukapuka CP.MAFU.2 Mawu Grated taro pudding
Tahitian CP.MAFU.2 Mahu The name of a mess of food of grated taro, &c.
Hawaiian PN.MAFU.3 Mahuu Weak, flat, as diluted kava or stale beer, insipid, as fresh poi kept too long in the icebox