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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.MAFU.3 Mahu Bad, stale (of foods), fermented
Tongan PN.MAFU.3 Mafu Stale (of food), fermented (of milk); go sour
Easter Island EC.MAAFUU Mahuu Feeble, weak, debilitated ; una persona casta, continente
Hawaiian EC.MAAFUU Maahuu Homosexual of either sex, hermaphrodite
Tahitian EC.MAAFUU Mahu To be in a contented state of mind, to endure; meek, not irritable
Tuamotu EC.MAAFUU Maahuu Hermaphrodite; dolt, simpleton
Easter Island NP.MA-QAFU.1 Maʔahu Steamy; evaporation
Hawaiian NP.MA-QAFU.1 Maahu To steam, exude vapour
New Zealand Maori NP.MA-QAFU.1 Maahu Steamy
Tuamotu NP.MA-QAFU.1 Maahu Steam, water vapour, mist
Emae CP.MAQAFU.2 Magarafu o kaaiga, magarafu o kaamali Lesser and greater Magellan Clouds Problematic
Samoan PN.MA-FUA Mafua Tempting food or attraction to draw game or fish
Tongan PN.MA-FUA Mafua Favourite food
West Uvea EO.MAFUIKE Mafuike Tremblement de terre
Samoan PN.MA-FULI Mafuli Turned over, upset. Strained (tendon) (McP).
Niue PN.MA-FUTA Ma/futa/ To emerge (as from the bush or from the water after a dive). To wake up intermittently; to come up [as a topic] (Sph).
Sikaiana PN.MA-FUTA Mahuta Flee, run away and be scattered
Mangareva AN.MAGA.1 Maga Forked. Branche; être fourchu (en parlant des branches des arbres); appui, support, soutien, cale, tout ce qui sert à retenir le sol
Nuguria AN.MAGA.1 Te mana rakau Ast
Nukuoro MP.MURI.1A Muri After, behind; in future
Tahitian AN.MAGA.1 Maʔa Se croiser (routes)
Niue NP.MALA-TEA Malau tea Medium-size bluefin trevally (Caranx melampygus) Problematic
New Zealand Maori PN.MAGAA Mangaa Barracouta (Thyrsites atun); Gummy Shark (Mustelus antarcticus)
Kapingamarangi PN.MAQAGA Maanga Yield well (of coconuts) ; husk of coconut after juice extracted
New Zealand Maori PN.MAQAGA Maanga Remains of food after a meal
Emae SO.MA-GAALAFU Magarafu Hearth, fire site
Easter Island PN.MAAGALO.2 Vai/maŋaro/ Fresh water
Emae PN.MAAGALO.2 Maagaro Fresh (of water), not bitter (of tea)
Ifira-Mele PN.MAAGALO.2 Maagaro Sweet (of water), non-acrid (of vegetable food)
Marquesas PN.MAAGALO.2 Minaʔo/naʔo (MQN), manaʔo/naʔo (MQS) Fade. Insipide; qui a un goût d'eau tiède (Lch.) Tasteless (Atl). Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas PN.MAAGALO.2 Mee now now Watery
Tuvalu PN.LIU.1 Liu Bilge of vessel, bilgewater
Tuvalu PN.LOFI Loofi/a To be flooded, covered with water
Tuvalu AN.ROGO.1B Logo News, tell news
Tuvalu PN.LOHI Loi A lie; tell a lie
Tuvalu NP.LOMA.1 Loma Overflow, rise up (of water)
Tuvalu AN.KITE Kite To see (of eyes), to have sharp vision
Tuvalu ??.LULU.1B Lulu Phoenix Petrel (Pterodroma alba)
Tuvalu PN.LUMA Faka/luma/ Do something others may tease you for
Tuvalu FJ.LUNA Luna A herb (Laportea ruderalis)
Tuvalu PN.MA-FAI Mafai Able, permitted (Rby)
Tuvalu PN.MA-FOLA Mafola Flat (of land); extensive clearing for planting
Niue PN.MAAGALO.2 Magalo Fresh, sweet (usually of food and drink). Vai magalo, fresh water.
Anuta PN.MAGAMAGA-QA-TAI Mangamangaatai Starfish with very fine, delicate, tentacles
Rennellese PN.MAGAMAGA-QA-TAI Mangamangaatai General name for starfishes (Asteroidea)
Easter Island PN.MAGA-WAI Manavai Big holes in which plants were planted to protect them from the wind Problematic
Niue PN.MAGA-WAI Magavai Fresh water
Easter Island PN.MAGEHO.A Maŋeʔo Bitter; acid, sour Uncertain Semantic Connection
Hawaiian PN.MAGEHO.A Maneʔo Itch, itchy, smart, sexually titillated Phonologically Irregular
Luangiua PN.MAGEHO.A Maŋeo Itchy; excitement of sexual intercourse