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75 Results matching "langa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nukuoro PN.ALAGA.A Aalanga Member (of the body, a house etc.)
Tongan PN.ALAGA.A Alanga Thigh, upper part of leg (of humans, birds, animals
Tongan TO.ALAGA.B Alanga Mast, sails, oars, tackle (of boat)
Nukuoro MP.FATU.1A Hadu/ me llanga Lay out plaited work
Kapingamarangi PN.KALAGA Galanga Show off for members of the opposite sex
Tongan PN.KAWE.3 Kave/kalanga Keep on shouting
East Futuna EO.KITA.1 Kita Pronom personnel 1sg Incl: "moi en personne" (s'emploie dans le langage familier et marque une implication affective du locuteur) . Independent and subject clitic
Marquesas CE.KOO-PEKA.1 Kopeka (MQN), kopeʔa, ʔopeʔa (MQS) Espece d'hirondelle, salangane des Marquises, oiseau de la famille des apodidés
Tahitian CE.KOO-PEKA.1 ʔOopeʔa Hirondelle (Hirundo tahitica); salangane (Collocalia leucophaea)
West Uvea PN.LAGA.1C Langa/a Déraciner (avec pieu)
Kapingamarangi CP.LAGA.1A Langa Lift or move with a lever
Niuafo'ou CP.LAGA.1A Langa Build
Nukuoro CP.LAGA.1A Langa Lift, raise up
Vaeakau-Taumako CP.LAGA.1A Langa-a Get (fish, shark, turtle etc.) into a net
Pukapuka CP.LAGA.1A Langa Pull up, raise; pull in a line in fishing
Tongan CP.LAGA.1A Langa Raise (up)
West Uvea CP.LAGA.1A Langa/a Soulever
Kapingamarangi NP.LAGA.1B Langa/dia Buoyant
Kapingamarangi NP.LAGA.1B Langa Riding high in the water (canoe)
Nukuoro NP.LAGA.1B Langa Ship from one place to another
Nukuoro NP.LAGA.1B Langa/dia Able to remain afloat with a load
Pukapuka NP.LAGA.1B Aa/langa(langa) Buoyant (of boat with heavy load)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.LAGA.1C Langa/langa Husk (vt)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.LAGA.1C Langa Take up with a digging stick
Tongan PN.LAGA.1C Langa Make into a garden, plant, replant (of soil,land, place
Nukuoro PN.LAGA.2 L/langa Plait (mats)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.LAGA.2 Langa Plait, weave (mats, baskets)
Pukapuka PN.LAGA.2 La/langa To plait
Tongan CP.LAGA-KALI Langakali A shrub or small tree (Aglaia saltatorum)
Pukapuka CE.RAGATIRA Langatila Secular leader of a minor paternal descent group ; (NB: Post-constact borrowing) Borrowed
Kapingamarangi OC.LAGI.1 Langa Chant Phonologically Irregular
Kapingamarangi OC.LAGO.2 Langa Canoe support
Marquesas OC.LEQO.1 ʔEo Langage, dialecte, idiome, voix, ton, parole, accent; commandement, injonction
Mangareva OC.LEQO.1 Reo Voix; langue, langage; instruction, ordre, commande; parler
Tahitian OC.LEQO.1 Reo Voix; langue (qu'on parle), langage; voix (aux élections)
Tongan PN.MA-LAGA.2 Malanga Ambassador or official representative of one tribe to another
Nukuoro PN.MA-LAGA.1 Malanga Lifted up
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.MA-LAGA.1 Malanga Get up, get into vertical position
Pukapuka PN.MA-LAGA.1 Malanga Rise up, take off (birds); be uprooted
Rennellese PN.MA-LAGA.1 Malanga Appear, as a supernatural guarding a grave; develop, grow... Borrowed
Tongan PN.MA-LAGA.1 Malanga Fly up, jump up, get up; to make a public speech, to preach
West Uvea PN.MA-LAGA.1 Malanga Sortir (de la terre); se lever
Pukapuka PN.MA-LAGA.2 Malanga Any group of people Problematic
Pukapuka PN.MA-LAGA.2 Malanga Communal meal eaten after arriving on food reserve
Niue CE.MARAGAI.* Malangai South-east trade wind Borrowed
Pukapuka CE.MARAGAI.* Malangai South-east wind or direction Borrowed
West Uvea CP.MUNA Muna Parler, parole, langage... (cloche) tinter, sonner, (tambour) battre
Tahitian PN.PALAU Parau Parole, mot, le parler, langue (langage); parler, dire
Marquesas CE.TAKAO Tekao (MQN), teʔao (MQS) Parole, discours, parler; récit, conte, conversation; mot, phonème, langage; doctrine, commandement; avis
Nukuoro PN.TAU-LAGA Daulanga Port, harbour