Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms
Level | Reconstruction | Description |
QOMO | Suck | |
QONE | Sand | |
QONO.1 | Barracuda | |
QONO.2 | Mend (net) | |
QONO.3 | Look at; stare at | |
QOPO | Put things together in contact with each other | |
QORA | Fishing basket | |
SF | QOSAQOSA | Remainder |
QOSO | Rush, dart, charge, pounce on | |
QOTA-QOTA | Rubbish, refuse | |
QOTA.1 | Be raw; eat raw | |
QOTA.2 | Dregs, residue (of coconut etc.) | |
QOTA.3 | Sago palm (Metroxylon sp.): *(q)ota | |
QOTAI | Dish of raw fruits: (')o(o)tai | |
QOTI.A | Completed, finished | |
QOTI.B | All | |
TO | QOWAWA.* | Banyan tree (Ficus sp.): *qo(o)wawa |
TO | QUAGA | Maggot |
QUFA.1 | Female of animals | |
QUFA.2 | Backsides | |
QUFI-LEI | Yam sp. (Dioscorea esculenta) | |
QUFI-QULU | Hat, head covering *qufi(qi)qulu | |
QUFI.1 | Yam (Dioscorea) | |
QUFI.2 | Shellfish sp | |
QUFI.3 | Cover up | |
QUFU | Parrot fish (Scarus spp.) | |
QUGA | Hermit crab sp | |
QUGA-AFI | Firebrand, burning wood | |
QUGA-KOA | Shellfish sp. (Vermetidae): *quga-ko(a,o) | |
QUGA-QUGA | Decay (of teeth, yams, coconuts): *quga(-quga) | |
QUGOGO | Worm or insect sp., destructive to wood | |
QUHA | Rain | |
QUHI.1 | Ask (vt), question: *quhi, *huqi | |
QUHI.2 | Pass by, go by, go along | |
QUHI.3 | Reason, explanation, meaning: *quhi(-ga) | |
QUHIKI | Offspring | |
QUHILA | Lightning | |
QUI | Blue, green; type of coconut | |
QUKE | Many, large | |
QULA-QULA | A prawn or shrimp | |
QULAFI | A parrot fish (Scarus sp.) | |
QULI.1 | To steer a vessel: *(q)uli | |
QULI.2 | Black, dark in colour | |
QULU-KAO | Shark sp.: *qulu-ka(o,u) | |
QULU-MATUQA | Firstborn child, eldest | |
QULU-POKO | Skull | |
QULU-QAKI | First-born child | |
QULU-QULU | Outer edge of reef where waves break | |
QULU-TUKI | Fish sp | |
QULU.1 | Head, hair |
5665 entries found