Protoform: GAGIE [CE] Coastal shrub or small tree sp. (Pemphis acidula)
Description: | Coastal shrub or small tree sp. (Pemphis acidula) |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to CE: Central-Eastern Polynesian |
Notes: | *0 << PN *gigie. |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
Mangaia | Ngangie | A littoral shrub | (Chn) |
Mangareva | Gegie | Arbrisseau (Suriana maritima) (Simurubacées) Phonologically Irregular | (Rch) |
Manihiki-Rakahanga | Ngangie | A tree | (Sve) |
Manihiki-Rakahanga | Ngangie | A kind of ironwood (Pemphis acidula) | (Krk) |
Marquesas | Nenie | Zinc, fer-blanc Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Lch) |
Penrhyn | Ngangie | Shrub sp., Pemphis acidula | (Sta) |
Pukapuka | Ngangie | A sort of ironwood tree growing along the coastline ; a tree (Pemphis acidula) | (Sby) |
Raʔivavae | ŋaŋie | A variety of small tree, Pemphis acidulata | (Stn) |
Rapa | Mangie | A bush (Styphelia oxycedrus) Borrowed Phonologically Irregular | (Sks) |
Rarotongan | Ngangie | Indigenous shrubs (Pemphis acidula) and (Suriana maritima) | (Whr) |
Rurutu | ʔAʔie | A shrub (Pemphis acidula) Phonologically Irregular | (Brn) |
Tahitian | ʔAaʔie | Arbres dont les brindilles de bois servaient à faire des peignes (Pemphis acidula) | (Lmt) |
Tokelau | Gagie | A tree (Pemphis acidula) Problematic | (Sma) |
Tuamotu | ŋaŋie | A shrub (Pemphis acidula) | (Brn) |
14 entries found
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