Protoform: KIOLE [NP] Rat

Description: Rat
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to NP: Nuclear Polynesian

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Easter Island Kiore Rat (Chl)
Easter Island Kiora Rat (Thomson)/ (Fts)
Easter Island Kioʔe Rat. Mouse (Wbr). Phonologically Irregular (Fts)
Hawaiian ʔIole Rat (Pki)
Luangiua ʔIole Rat (Smd)
Luangiua Iole Rat (Hbn)
Mangareva Kiore Rat, souris; terme de mépris...pour les pauvres... (Rch)
Marquesas Kioʔe Rat, souris (Dln)
Moriori Kiore Rat (Shd)
New Zealand Maori Kiore Rat (Wms)
Penrhyn Kire Polynesian Rat (Rattus exulans) (Cbl)
Penrhyn Kiore Rat, mouse (Sta)
Pukapuka Kiole Rat (Mta)
Rapa Kioʔe Rat Problematic (Sks)
Rapa Kioi Rat Phonologically Irregular (Grn)
Rarotongan Kiore Rat (Bse)
Rennellese Kioge Rat (Ebt)
Samoan ʔIole Rat (Prt)
Sikaiana Kiole Rat (Dnr)
Tahitian ʔIore Rat, souris (Lmt)
Takuu Kiore Polynesian Rat (Rattus exulans) (Mle)
Tikopia Kiore Rat (possible archaic name, given as one of three by Pa Fenuatara, 1929) (Fth)
Tuamotu Kiore Rat (Stn)

23 entries found

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