Protoform: SUU-PEQE.* [NP] Nasal mucus

Description: Nasal mucus
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to NP: Nuclear Polynesian

*0 << PN *isu-peqe
*0 >> CE *kuupee

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Easter Island Huupeʔe Nasal mucus (Fts)
Easter Island Hupe Dew Uncertain Semantic Connection (Wbr)
Hawaiian Huupee Nasal mucus (Pki)
Kapingamarangi Hube Mucus (blown from the nose) (Lbr)
Manihiki-Rakahanga Hupe Mist Uncertain Semantic Connection (Krk)
Marquesas Huupee Nasal mucus (I) (???)
New Zealand Maori Huupee Snot (Bgs)
Nuguria Supee, hupee Snot (mucus) (Dvl)
Penrhyn Suupee Saliva; to spit Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sta)
Pukapuka Yuupee Nasal mucus (Mta)
Raʔivavae Hupe Mucous discharge from the nose; dew; the chill night wind (Stn)
Rarotongan ʔUupe Nasal mucus (Bse)
Tahitian Huupee Morve, morveux (Lmt)
Tikopia Supee Mucus from the nose (Fth)
Tuamotu Hupe Nasal mucus (Stn)
West Futuna Supe Mucous of nose (Dty)

16 entries found

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