Protoform: TAGALOA.A [PN] A principal god of the pantheon
Description: | A principal god of the pantheon |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian |
Notes: |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
East Futuna | Tagaloa | Nom d'une divinite paienne | (Mfr) |
Hawaiian | Kanaloa | Name of one of the great Hawaiian gods, called a god of healing. God of darkness and evil ; associated with the octopus. | (Hdy) |
Mangaia | Tangaroa | 'Long chin'. A deity, elder brother of Rongo, son of Vaatea. Son of Vaatea and Papa, younger twin brother of Rongo (Tgr). | (Sta) |
Mangareva | Tagaroa | Father of eight god sons | (Bck) |
Mangareva | Aatea/tagaroa | Divinité, vestige de la troisième personne divine | (Rch) |
Marquesas | Tanaʔoa | God of darkness and evil ; god of the sea | (Tgr) |
New Zealand Maori | Tangaroa | God and personification of sea and fish | (Wms) |
Niue | Tagaloa | Principal god of Niueans in pre-missionary times | (Sph) |
Penrhyn | Tangaroa | A deity | (Sta) |
Pukapuka | Tangaloa | Descriptive of a class of gods | (Bge) |
Rarotongan | Tangaaroa | One of the great deities of the Polynesian race | (Bse) |
Rennellese | Tangagoa | Culture hero | (Ebt) |
Rotuman | Tagroa | Tagaloa, a polynesian deity Problematic | (Cwd) |
Samoan | Tagaloa | The name of the principal god . The lizard was his incarnation | (Hdy) |
Tahitian | Taʔaroa | The patron of fishermen. Le grand dieu des Maoris; en général le créateur (Jsn). | (Hdy) |
Tahitian | Taaroa | The great god of the Polynesians in general, he was said to be the father of the gods, and creator of all things, yet was scarcely reckoned an object of worship | (Dvs) |
Tongan | Tangaloa | God or supernatural being formerly believed to rule the sky | (Cwd) |
Tuamotu | Taŋaroa | One of the principal gods | (Stn) |
18 entries found
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