Anuta entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
XW.MA-TUKU | Matuku | To disband | (Fbg) |
PN.MAA-UNU | Maunu | To untie a strip of bark-cloth, so that a *popora*-type basket falls from a woman's back | (Fbg) |
MP.MAQULI | Mauri | Soul | (Fbg) |
PN.MAQU-QALUGA | Maurunga | High (in rank) | (Fbg) |
PN.MATA.5 | Mata/urunga | Door, doorway | (Fbg) |
PN.MELO | Me/mero | Pink | (Fbg) |
PN.MOSO.2 | Mo | Cooked, in any manner (baked, roasted, boiled) | (Fbg) |
PN.MOQO | Mo | For (moku, mo(o)u, mona) | (Fbg) |
MP.MOHE | Moe (pl. mo/moe, moe/raki) | To sleep | (Fbg) |
MP.MOO-MONA | Mo(o)mona | Fat, grease; greasy | (Fbg) |
PN.MORI.A | Mo/mori | To send (an object) | (Fbg) |
NP.MOAGA | Mooanga | Fish sp. (= apuru) | (Fbg) |
OC.MOTU.A | Motu/motu | To cut up or split | (Fbg) |
PN.MAUMAU.1 | Moumou/i | To spoil, destroy | (Fbg) |
PN.MAUNU | Mounu | Bait | (Fbg) |
PN.MUQA-KI | Mua | To go first | (Fbg) |
EO.MU-MUNI | Muni/muni | A game in which people hide | (Fbg) |
SO.MUQA-GA-LAQE | Mungaarai | Forehead | (Fbg) |
PN.MURI.1B | Muri | Back, the rear portion of something | (Fbg) |
AN.ROGO.1A | Rongo | To hear | (Fbg) |
AN.NAMU.1A | Na/namu | To have an unpleasant odour, to stink; sour, pungent or other disagreeable odour, such as the smell of *ma*, or rotten fish | (Fbg) |
PN.NEFU.2A | Nepu | Fog | (Fbg) |
SO.NEVE | Neve/nga | A load carried by a woman by tying it to her back with a strip of barkcloth | (Fbg) |
??.QATAMAI.B | Nima atamai | Right arm, right hand | (Fbg) |
PN.MATA.2B | Niu mata | Young coconut | (Fbg) |
PN.MATUQU.B | Niu matuu | Mature coconut (before the stage where the liquid congeals to form the *oko*) | (Fbg) |
PN.MOTO.2B | Niu motomoto | Coconut before it has become fully mature and fallen from the tree | (Fbg) |
PN.QUI | Niu vi | Green coconut Phonologically Irregular | (Fbg) |
PN.NOU.3 | Nono, nounou | Short | (Fbg) |
CP.NOQA | No/noa | Promise (n,v) Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Fbg) |
EO.NOO-GIA | No/nongi | To ask for something; a request | (Fbg) |
CP.NOQA | Noo/kapa | A belt made from sennit cord | (Fbg) |
CP.NOQA | No/(u)ua | To hang by the neck | (Fbg) |
SO.GAA-QUTA | Ngauta | Landward, ashore, inland, toward the centre of the island | (Fbg) |
OC.-GA | -nga | Substantive suffix, often used to change a verb to a noun | (Fbg) |
CE.AAIO | Ng/aaio | Calm weather; sometimes used as generic term for weather | (Fbg) |
CE.GAKI.A | Ngaki | To be short of wind Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Fbg) |
OC.KAO.3 | Ngao, ngau | A kind of bird Problematic | (Fbg) |
PN.PULE.2 | Nga(a)/pure | Married man | (Fbg) |
MP.GALU.1 | Ngaru | Breakers, surf | (Fbg) |
PN.GATALA | Ngatara | A kind of reef fish... | (Fbg) |
OC.GAU | Ngau | To chew | (Fbg) |
PN.GAAWARI | Ngavari | Slack (as a fishing line) | (Fbg) |
PN.MO-QI | Ngo | Prefix indicating that an object has in some way been altered in such a manner as to prepare it for use (e.g. ngo-ika 'piece of cooked fish', ngo-paka 'piece of tobacco ready for smoking') Problematic | (Fbg) |
CP.GOGO.1 | Ngongo | A type of bird | (Fbg) |
PN.KOLE | Ngutu korekore | To curse someone or shout in anger | (Fbg) |
OC.GUU.1 | Nguu | A hum or soft groan; to utter such a sound | (Fbg) |
PN.O | O | Of | (Fbg) |
PN.HOKA.1 | Oka | Transverse beams supporting roof of house | (Fbg) |
EO.HOKA.2 | Oke | To remove the husk from a coconut | (Fbg) |
1431 entries found