Anuta entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.KA-KAHA Kakaa To be warm, to feel warm... (Fbg)
MP.KEMO Ka/kamo Lightning, flash bulb, flashlight Phonologically Irregular (Fbg)
SO.KAFI Ka/kapi To call someone to come (Fbg)
PN.KASI.2 Ka/kati Yellowfin tuna (Fbg)
PN.KAKAMIKA Kamika Plant sp. (Achyranthes bidentata) (Fbg)
PN.KANA.1 Kana A substance found in water on reef and used for polishing metal (a type of coral?) (Fbg)
XO.KANO.1B Kano a paito Kinsman, kindred, family, neighbour (Fbg)
XO.KANO.1B Kano/penua People of the island, population (Fbg)
NP.KANOFI Kano/i/uto Rectum; posterior lobes (Fbg)
AN.SUU.1 Tu(u), kano/tu(u) (of tuber) To be no good because it is watery inside (Fbg)
PN.KASOA Kaoa Necklet; also used metaphorically to refer to one's child... (Fbg)
PN.KAPE.2 Kape To scoop something out, as in tearing out one's eyeball; to remove the top of something, like a tin can or the end of a coconut (Fth)
PN.KAPI.C Kapi/kapi Many. [May be Tikopian] (Fbg)
PN.TAFUTI Kaputi To run away Phonologically Irregular (Fbg)
PN.KALAGA Karanga Speak, say, tell (Fbg)
PN.FA-LIU Kareu To turn one's head to look back Phonologically Irregular (Fbg)
PN.KALO.1 (Na-)karo-pia To dodge (Fbg)
PN.KAU.4 Kau Stem, shaft, body (Fbg)
PN.KAU.4 Kau nima Arm (everything from wrist to shoulder) (Fbg)
PN.KAU.4 Kau vae Leg (from ankle to hip) (Fbg)
PN.KAU.2B Kau Group of people (Fbg)
PN.SII.1 Tii/ti, titi Fishing with a pole and short line from the beach... (Fbg)
PN.KAU.4 Kau/pa Leaf petiole (Fbg)
AN.FAQA.1 Kau/pa Leaf petiole (Fbg)
FJ.TAKELE.A Kau/takere Canoe keel (Fbg)
OC.KAWA.1A Kava Kava plant (Piper methysticum), not found on Anuta; drink made from kava plant; alcoholic beverage (Fbg)
EO.KE Ke Infinitive marker: for/to, until (Fbg)
XO.KAU.8 Kau Very large hook...used for catching large fish such as sharks, and for hanging objects in the house (Fbg)
PN.KAU.4 Kau rararo Boom supporting bottom of pandanus leaf sail (Fbg)
AN.KAU.3 Kau raro Very large longitudinal supporting beam in house; made from trunk of a coconut tree (Fbg)
OC.KEHE Ke, kee Distinctive, different, exceptional, unusual (Fbg)
EO.HAA.1 Ke a? What for? In order to do what?... (Fbg)
PN.KEFU (Ke)kepu Green; blue (Fbg)
MP.KEMO Kemo/kemo Blink (Fbg)
MP.QETI Keti To strip betel nut or coconut with the teeth Phonologically Irregular (Fbg)
PN.KEU.1 Keu kitua Chase someone away (Fbg)
MP.KIE.A Kie Type of pandanus whose leaf is used in making mats (Fbg)
EO.KINA.1 Kina Sea urchin (Fbg)
NP.KIO.1B Kio Chicken (Fbg)
AN.KILI.1 Kiri Skin; outside covering (Fbg)
OC.KILI-KILI Kirikiri Pebble (Fbg)
TO.TAMA-TIQI.* Ki/tamati Baby (Fbg)
NP.KIWI.1* Kiui A small bird which comes only during monsoon season (Fbg)
PN.KIWI.2 Kivi To have something in one's eye (Fbg)
FJ.KO.1 Ko Specifying particle preceding nouns and pronouns in active constructions, or noun phrases standing by themselves (Fbg)
PN.TE-NA Ko ena That one. Problematic (Fbg)
PN.TE-NI Ko eni This one Problematic (Fbg)
PN.KONA.3 Kona Inedible because of noxious chemical properties: e.g. tobacco, soap, poisonous species of taro (Fbg)
MP.KOPI.A Kopi(kopi) To embrace; grasp; hold to one's breast (Fbg)
PN.KOLOA Koroa Durable goods (Fbg)

1431 entries found