Fijian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
MP.PIKO.A Viko Whirlpool Problematic (Cpl)
PN.PISI.2 Bici A fish with black and white stripes Uncertain Semantic Connection (Cpl)
PN.PISI.3 Bisi Pitch or throw a thing but not throw it away Problematic (Cpl)
AN.PITO.1 Buto Navel (dialect) (Cpl)
AN.PITO.1 Vico/vico Navel (Cpl)
MP.PITU Bitu Bamboo (Cpl)
MP.PIU.1 Viu (Pritchardia pacifica), Fan Palm (Cpl)
FJ.PIU.2 Biu/ta Throw away (Cpl)
MP.POO.1A Bo/gi Night (Cpl)
OC.POO.2 Boo-ka Seize, squeeze, lay hold firmly on (Cpl)
PN.POA.2 Boa (Crotolaria quinquefolia) (Cpl)
PN.WII.B Wiwi Sour, acid (Cpl)
PN.POGA-POGA Voga Stunted, of bananas (Cpl)
MP.POGI-POGI Bogi Night (Cpl)
CP.POQOI Bokoi A pudding (Cpl)
EO.POKO.1 Boko Extinguished (Cpl)
MP.POLA.1 Bola Mat of plaited coconut leaf (Cpl)
FJ.POLA.2 Bola War canoe from another island (Cpl)
EO.POLI.A Boli Dimple in chin (Cpl)
OC.POLO.1 Boro Plant sp., (Solanum) (Cpl)
PN.PONE Pone Surgeonfish (Fjl) (Gty)
FJ.POONIU.2 Vooniu (Cardiospermum halicacabum) (Cpl)
MP.PONO.1 Bono Block up, dam up (Cpl)
AN.POO-POO.A Booboo/ka Seize or squeeze something (Cpl)
FJ.POTO.3 Boto Only [Western Fijian Dialect] (Gty)
OC.POU.1 Bou Tall post in a house (Cpl)
NP.PUQU Vuu Basis, root Problematic (Cpl)
FJ.PUA.A Bua (Fagraea berteriana) (Cpl)
OC.PUAKA Vuaka Pig (Cpl)
FJ.PUA-PUA.2 Buabua A tree (Fagraea gracilipes) (Cpl)
FJ.PUA-PUA.2 Buabua (Guettarda speciosa) (Cpl)
MP.PUGA.1 Vuga Coral rock (Cpl)
FJ.PUQI Bui-ca Smell (SE Viti Levu) (Gty)
RO.PUKA Buka ni vuda Tree sp. (Guioa rhoifolia) (Cupania roifolia) (Hkt) (Cpl)
FJ.PUKE.1A Buke/buke Mound of earth on which yams are planted (Cpl)
MP.PUKU.1A Buku Humped, knotted; hip (Cpl)
FJ.PUKU.1B Buku Female genitals (Cent. Vanua Levu) (Gty)
FJ.PUKU.3 Kubu Put in mouth, gargle (Cpl)
MP.PULA.1 Vula Moon Problematic (Cpl)
OC.PULAPULA Vuravura Shoots or suckers of Sugarcane Problematic (Cpl)
MP.PULE.1 Buli Cowrie-shell (Cpl)
FJ.PULEWA Bulewa Pumice-like stone found on reefs (Cpl)
FJ.PULOTU.1 Bulotu The world of the dead (Cpl)
AN.PULU.2 Bulu/buluti Sticky (Cpl)
FJ.PULU.5 Buru Ten coconuts (Cpl)
FJ.PULU-PULU Bulubulu Small or young shark (Cpl)
AN.PUNI.1B Vuni Hide, conceal (Cpl)
??.PUPUU. Vuvu Troubled water Problematic (Cpl)
MP.PUSA.2 Vuso Effervesce, froth Problematic (Cpl)
PN.PUSO.2 Vuso Top end of anything, glans penis Problematic (Cpl)

1191 entries found