Hawaiian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
MP.TULU.2 Kulu Timber used in a house, as sticks, posts (Pki)
CE.TURU Kuu lua Fourth day of the old lunar month; also the name of the seventeenth day and second after the full moon (Pki)
PN.TUQU-RUA-POO Kulu au moe Late night, midnight Problematic (Pki)
EC.TURUMA Kuluma Accustomed to, intimate with; usual, customary Uncertain Semantic Connection (Pki)
NP.TULU-TULU.1 Kuukulu Pillar, post; to build a house (Pki)
EO.TUMAQA Kuumaa Prefix to numbers, as `umi kuumaakaahi "eleven" (Pki)
CE.TUUMATATEGA Kuumaakena Lament, bewail, mourn loudly for the dead, grieve (Pki)
PN.TUQU-MAQU Kuumau Customary, usual, regular (Pki)
EP.TUMU.1 Kumu Origin, base (Pki)
MQ.TUMU-LAGI Kumulani Base of the sky, horizon (Pki)
AN.TUNA Kuna Eel (freshwater spp.) (Pki)
AN.TUNU Kunu Cook on open fire (Pki)
CE.TUU-ORO Kuolo Tremble, as the voice; vibrate, resonate (Pki)
OC.TUPA Kupa Dark-red cowrie shell Problematic (Pki)
EP.TUUPAAPAKU Kupapaʔu Corpse, cadaver (Pki)
CE.TUU-PONO Kuupono Upright, perpendicular, honest, decent, proper, appropriate, satisfactory, rightful, reliable, right, just, fair, suitable, advisable etc. (Pki)
NP.TUU-POUPOU Kuupou(pou) Sharp-nosed Wrasse (Cheilio inermis) (Pki)
AN.TUPU.A Kupu Sprout, grow, increase (Pki)
OC.TUPUQA.A Kupua Supernatural being, being with magic powers (Pki)
OC.TUPUNA Kupuna Grandparent, ancestor... (Pki)
CE.TUUPUNA Kuupuna Plural of kupuna (Pki)
AN.TUSU.A Kuhi Point (Pki)
EC.TUU-TAQE.* Kuukae Excrement (Pki)
PN.TUQU-TAKI Kuukaʔi Rope fastening fish nets together (Pki)
CE.TUU-TARA Kuukala Proclaim publicly, tell abroad, announce (Pki)
EP.TUTE.1 Kuke Push (Pki)
EP.TUTU.1 Kuku Hoop (used as net spreader) (Pki)
CE.TUTU.2 Kuku/ku A shrub (Colubrina asiatica) (Pki)
AN.TUTU.3 Kuku To beat, as tapa (Pki)
CE.TUUTUU-AKAU.* Kuukuuau Large crab (Metapograpsus thukuhar) (Pki)
PN.-U Aa/u, o/u Second person singular ∅-possessive (≠ definite singular possessed item) Problematic (Pki)
CE.NONI.2 Noni Troubled, agitated, perplexed, confused; to mix (Pki)
AN.UA.1 Ua/ua Sinewy, tough, glutinous, viscid (Pki)
PN.UA.2 U(w)a/i To move (as an object), push aside; move from place to place (as a tethered animal), sliding (as a door); opening and shutting (Pki)
PN.UQA.1B Ua/naoa lack of appetite, sick at the sight of food. Problematic (Pki)
MP.UE.A Ue Jerk, pull, twist, pry, turn, sway (Pki)
AN.QUFI.1 Uhi Yam (Pki)
PN.QUFI.2 Uhi Mother of pearl bivalve (Pki)
PN.QUFI.3 Uhi Covering, cover, veil, lid (Pki)
PN.QUFU Uhu Parrot-fish spp (Pki)
PN.UGA Hoʔo/una Send, transmit, send on an errand, command, put to work (Pki)
PN.QUGA-KOA Unaʔoa A mollusk (Vermetidae sp.) (Pki)
PN.QUGA-KOA Kaunaʔoa A mollusk (Vermetidae sp.) (Pki)
AN.QUHA Ua Rain (Pki)
EP.UHI Uhi Solid tattooing (Pki)
PN.QUHI.1 Ui Ask, question, appeal (Pki)
PN.QUHIKI Uʔi Youthful, pretty, vigorous Problematic (Pki)
MP.QUHILA Uila Lightning (Pki)
EO.ULA.1A Ula Flame, to flame (Pki)
AN.QURA Ula Lobster (Pki)

2221 entries found