Nukumanu entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
AN.AGO.1 Te lau ano Turmeric (Fbg)
AN.QAITU Aitu Spirit (Fbg)
PN.QARIKI Ariki. Aliki (Fbg 1ŋŋ5). Sacred chief, "high priest"; Lord (Trt) (Fbg)
NP.AO.2 Aa-moko Long, deformed nut. (Hwd)
NP.AO.2 Ao Deformed coconut (Hwd)
NP.QAAWAGA.A Avana Spouse. Wedding; to marry (Trt). (Fbg)
EC.AVEA Aavea (Hwd)
NP.FAEKO Haaeo Bad (Fbg)
OC.FAFIE Hie Firewood (Fbg)
SO.KAIPEA.* Kaipea. Aipea (Sar). Name of a constellation. A small star or nebula between Capella and Castor (Sar). (Fbg)
NP.FAAILU.* Haariu Wipe after defecating Phonologically Irregular (Hwd)
AN.FARA Hara Pandanus (Fbg)
MP.FALE Hale House; non-unilinear descent group (Fbg)
NP.FALELO Harelo Coral sp. (probably staghorn) (Hwd)
PN.FIA-FIA Hiahia Happy (Fbg)
AN.TOKI Toki A star: Vega (Sar)
EC.FINA.1 Hina Adulterer (Hwd)
AN.QURA Te Ula. Ura (Sar). Name of a constellation. Star in the Milky Way, below Canis Major (Sar). (Fbg)
FJ.FOHI Taka/hoe Peeling skin Phonologically Irregular (Fbg)
EO.KUMETE Kumete Constellation: Delphinus (Sar)
SO.FUA-QI-TINO Haitino Body (Hwd)
PN.FUHI.A Hui Green coconut (Fbg)
PN.TAU-FAA Tauha Constellation: includes stars from Andromeda and Pegasus (Sar)
SO.MA-FULE Mahule Fungus infections Uncertain Semantic Connection (Fbg)
NO.UNU.4 Ko/unu Constellation: Four stars in the middle of Centaurus (Sar)
AN.FUTI.2 Huti Banana (Fbg)
PN.GAHE-GAHE Naennae Weary (Trt)
PN.GAHE-GAHE Haka/mata/naennae Sombre (expression) (Trt)
NP.GAE.A Naenae Shortness of breath, inability to breathe properly (Fbg)
PN.GAHE-GAHE Mata/naenae (pl. matanaennae) Lazy; poor (in spirit); weak (Trt)
NP.TOKOLAU.* Tokolau North (Fbg)
PN.QULU-KAO Ulukao Great white shark (Fbg)
SO.KANAPU.1 Kanopu Large brown booby (Fbg)
EO.HAMA Ama Outrigger, outrigger float (Fbg)
PN.PEQE-SI.A Pehi/pehi Buffeted by waves (Trt)
EC.KAFUSU.* Pare/kaavuhu/ (Barringtonia) (Hwd)
SO.KAI-MAALIE Kaimarie Generous (Hwd)
SO.KAIPEA.* Kaipea Land crab sp. (Hwd)
PN.KALEQA Karea Trochus (Fbg)
EC.KALEVE Kareve, kaleve Coconut toddy (Fbg)
FJ.KALOLO Ka/kaloló Spear fishing (Fbg)
NO.FULO Hulo Sporting competition (Fbg)
MP.KAMI.1 Kami/kami Therapeutic massage involving squeezing. Uncertain Semantic Connection (Fbg)
OC.KANO.1A Kano/uto Spongy kernel of sprouting coconut (Fbg)
NP.KANOFI Kanohi Meat of coconut (Fbg)
PN.KAPA.1 Kapa Method of massage involving finger insertion and pressure (Fbg)
NO.KAAPITI.2 Kaapiti Coconut leaf mat (Fbg)
AN.QUGA Una Constellation: part of Taurus Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sar)
NP.KAWE.4 Hai kave Brother-sister relationship (Fbg)
OC.KELI Keri Garden. Dig (Trt). (Fbg)

873 entries found