Pukapuka entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
OC.A | I/a | Personal article | (Bge) |
PN.-A | -a | Suffix forming adjectives from some nouns | (Sby) |
NP.AE | Ae | Yes (prob. post-contact borrowing) | (Bge) |
PN.QASA-GA.A | Aayanga | Name for the unbroken stretch of built-up reef on eastern (windward) side of atoll, stretching between motu (islets) | (Sby) |
PN.AFAGA | Awanga | Open space used as a meeting place | (Bge) |
PN.QASA-GA.A | Aayanga | Name for the whole barrier reef, considered as a reef | (Bge) |
AN.AFI | Awi | Fire | (Bge) |
PN.QAFII | Awii | Wrap food with leaf covering | (Sby) |
AN.AFIAFI | Awiawi | Later afternoon or evening | (Mta) |
MP.AFO | Wao | Cord, especially fishing line | (Bge) |
SO.AFU.3 | Aawuu | To be agreed, unanimous | (Sby) |
PN.QAFU.1 | Awu | Hot | (Bge) |
NP.AAFUA | Laaua | Like, resembling Problematic | (Sby) |
PN.QAAFUA | Aaua | Shoal, sandbank | (Sby) |
CP.AGA | Anga/anga | Habit, behaviour (archaic) | (Sby) |
NP.PALA.1C | Palapala | Mud | (Mta) |
AN.AGI.1 | Angiangi | Soft, breeze; windy ; windy, breezy | (Mta) |
PN.AGO.2 | Ango | To measure | (Mta) |
PN.AGO.2 | Ango/ango | Careful rationing of a limited supply | (Mta) |
AN.QAHO | Ao | Dawn; light | (Bge) |
OC.QAHU.1 | Au | Gall bladder | (Bge) |
AN.QAHU.2 | Au | Smoke, breath | (Bge) |
OC.AI.1 | Ai | Verbal directive particle | (Bge) |
AN.QAITU | Aitu | Spirit, ghost | (Bge) |
AN.AKA.A | Aka | Root of a plant or tree | (Bge) |
PN.QAKA | Aka | Kick, stamp | (Bge) |
PN.AKIAKI | Akiaki | Black-naped Tern (Sterna sumatrana) | (Sby) |
MP.AKO | Ako | To preach | (Mta) |
MP.AKO | Akoako | To practice, preach | (Sby) |
FJ.QARA | Ala | To awake | (Bge) |
NP.ALAFI | Alawi/a | Revival of old ideas or habits by an individual | (Mta) |
PN.AALAI | Aalai | That which wards off, protects or defends as barrier; reef, in the sense of the outside reef considered as warding off the sea and protecting the land; reef heads and barriers in the lagoon | (Bge) |
CO.ALAALA-FUTU | Laalaawutu | Golden Jack (Gnathanodon speciosus) | (Sby) |
PN.ALA-TI | L/alati | To be itchy | (Sby) |
CE.AAREA | Aalea | Space, area (prob. borrowed) | (Sby) |
CE.AAREA | Aalea/lea | Spacious | (Bge) |
TA.ARE-ARE | Aleale | Clear, pure Problematic | (Mta) |
PN.QALELO | Alelo | Tongue | (Bge) |
OC.ALI.1 | Ali | Left-eye Flounder (Bothus mancus) | (Hpr) |
PN.QARIKI | Aliki | Chief, head of a major paternal descent group | (Bge) |
MP.QALILI | Alili | Periwinkle | (Bge) |
AN.AMO.1A | Omo/omo | To rub with oil Phonologically Irregular | (Bge) |
EO.QALO.3 | Alo(alo) | To paddle | (Bge) |
AN.QARO.A | Alo | Front side of the body or any object ; lagoon (front of island vs. tua) | (Sby) |
MP.QAROFA.A | Aloa | Love, pity | (Sby) |
EO.QALU.A | Alu | Go after, pursue | (Sby) |
SO.AMA | Yama | Yellow butterflyfish (Chaetodon ephippium) Phonologically Irregular | (Sby) |
PN.QAMANAKI | Manaki | Hope, long for | (Sby) |
PN.AMO.1B | Amo | A rolled strand of sinnet | (Mta) |
PN.QAMO | Amo | Lift up, carry on head or shoulders | (Sby) |
2219 entries found