Rennellese entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.HULI.2* Ugi Shoots, sprouts, suckers, as of taro, bananas and plantains (Ebt)
PN.KAKU.1 Haka/kaku To grow slowly, as a child; to be immature; to delay (Ebt)
PN.KAKU.1 Heʔe kaku/tia To be weary, tired, unable (Ebt)
PN.LAGA.1D Ganga To start, give rise to (Ebt)
PN.LAU-GA Gaaunga Expression of desire, as in love chants (Ebt)
PN.TAU.3 Ta/tau To promise an offering to the gods Uncertain Semantic Connection (Ebt)
TO.LUTU Gu/gutu To shake or tremble, as with a high fever (Ebt)
PN.MAA-NOQA Maanoa Cloth or leather as attached to the two ends of the rubber in a sling; line attached to the leg of a tame pigeon Phonologically Irregular (Ebt)
PN.PIKO.C Piiko/i To keep for oneself and not give; to care for a possession (Ebt)
PN.PUNU-TI Punu To stupefy fish with luba (Derris); to putrefy, as by letting wind; to give gifts as to placate Uncertain Semantic Connection (Ebt)
PN.PUPUQA Pupuʔa Hole, pit (Ebt)
PN.TAU.12 Tau Leaves for covering oven; to place these (Ebt)
PN.TA-QIA Taʔia Passive/transtive of taa: hit, kill; to drift off course, to hit (as the reef) (Ebt)
PN.ASA.2 Asa Fish gills (Ebt)
PN.ASA.2 Saba To protrude; to have fins stretched taut, as sharks Problematic (Ebt)
PN.FAKA-SAA Hakasaa/saa To make protrude; to expose, insert (Ebt)
PN.FAKA-.4 Haka/ʔoo To agree, say yes (Ebt)
PN.FAKA-.4 Haka/siʔai To say no, deny, contradict (Ebt)
FJ.HILI Igi To climb, as children, from branch to branch on a tree; to penetrate a jungle (Ebt)
PN.QAFALI ʔAhagi A fish similar to pogo [surgeonfish spp.] (Ebt)
AN.QARO.A ʔAgo/ʔago To draw near, approach, as to meet a lover (Ebt)
PN.QARO.B ʔAgo/ʔago Corner (as of a village) (Ebt)
PN.QARO-FI-LIMA ʔAgohi gima Palm of the hand; innsr surface of the arm (Ebt)
OC.SAQO Saʔo/hie, saʔo/hia (Lake) To help, support Uncertain Semantic Connection (Ebt)
NP.LANU.A Ganu Be saturated, rise, of tide, be full of liquid (Ebt)
PN.FOHE-MURI Hoe mugi Last paddler (Ebt)
PN.KELE.B Kege/kege To be dirty (Ebt)
PN.HUI-TUQA Ibi tuʔa Backbone, vertebral column (Ebt)
PN.TO-TOLO (To)togo To crawl (said of shells and fighters) (Ebt)
PN.FAKA-KITE Hakakite(ʔaki) To point out, show (Ebt)
PN.FIA-MOHE Siamoe To be sleepy, sleepiness Phonologically Irregular (Ebt)
PN.MATE.1E Mate To be low tide (Ebt)
NP.FAANAU.B Hanau/nga Place where women give birth; women's defecation place [Bellona Dialect] (Ebt)
NP.KAI-GA.A Kainga Food, meal, people eating (Ebt)
XO.KOKO.4 Koko Bay (Ebt)
OC.MAHU.B Mau To be quenched, of thirst (Ebt)
CE.OE ʔOe An exclamation to call flying fish Uncertain Semantic Connection (Ebt)
CE.OE ʔOe/ʔoe To speak repeatedly, as a name Uncertain Semantic Connection (Ebt)
PN.OFO.B O/oho To call *ooho*, as in welcome... (Ebt)
PN.OFO.B Oho/kia To shout, as in rituals (Ebt)
PN.FISU Hiu To plait the sides of a mat (Ebt)
PN.TUSU.B Maniaa ngima tusi (BEL) First finger (Ebt)
PN.LOLO.1B Gogo Be oily, greasy, rich, very sweet (Ebt)
NP.TAKELE.C Takege To be slightly full (Ebt)
PN.WOKE Oke To thrust, as to the side; to thrust a canoe outward with a paddle (Ebt)
NP.QALI.1B ʔAgi/ʔagi Night of the new moon, the first day of the lunar month (Ebt)
PN.RAQA-KAU.B Gaʔakau Log, stick; canoe log; shark tail; fighting club (Ebt)
SO.KALAPA Kagapa Small inedible rock-climbing black fish, prob. blenny, e.g. Chevron Blenny (Omobranchus elongatus); also sandfishes (Kraemeriidae) (Ebt)
SO.MAAFULU Maahugu To stretch, as when awakening (Ebt)
SO.FAI-FEKAU Hai hekau To work (Ebt)

2091 entries found