Rennellese entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
NP.PEE-LAA Peegaa There (far), like that, that way (Ebt)
PN.TAQA.2 Taʔa/taʔa Sweat, perspiration; to sweat, perspire (Ebt)
PN.FAANAU.A Haanau Children (classificatory sons and daughters), spouse of 'igaamutu (Ebt)
SO.QAAUGA ʔAaunga Gesture of any kind; to conduct, as an orchestra (Ebt)
SO.KAPUTI Kaputi Fetal sack; edible fat sack in the head of a coconut crab (Ebt)
SO.KAU-LAMA Kau gama Base of coconut-leaf torch, discarded after the torch is burned out (Ebt)
PN.QOPO O/ʔopo To be numerous, as people or geemugi fruit (Ebt)
PN.FAKA-SOA Hakasoa To place with, as part of an offering (Ebt)
SO.TATA.2 Tata To drag, haul or move, as trash or a canoe; to draw, as a bow... (Ebt)
NP.TAU-AMA Tauama Persons in a small canoe following a large canoe netting flying fish... Uncertain Semantic Connection (Ebt)
PN.TOKONAKI Tokonaki A taro pudding in which taro is grated raw before addition of coconut gratings or cream Uncertain Semantic Connection (Ebt)
PN.TOKO.1C Toko/haha Supporting stick, as to support a banana plant or to hold up a window; to support thus (Ebt)
PN.TOKO.1C Toko/i To support (Ebt)
SO.LAO Gao Tail, as of a lobster (Ebt)
PN.MOHE-QAHO Moeʔao A kind of shark (Ebt)
PN.TAMA-TAQANE Tama taʔane Mischievous or disobedient boy; male, but not a lineage head; male of low prestige, as one born out of wedlock (Ebt)
CP.TAQE-KI Heki Not yet (Ebt)
XO.POSU Posu/posu/a To be tired or bored with work or eating the same thing, esp. oily food (Ebt)
SO.SEPE Sepe To cut or trim, as a small stick or vine (Ebt)
FJ.TUGU.2 Tungu Cleft in a rock or tree where rain water collects (Ebt)
PN.QARA-FAKI ʔAgahaki Sleep restlessly (Ebt)
NO.SALAPOLU Tagapogu Name of a star... (Ebt)
PN.KOGA-A-LOTO Kungaa goto Center (Ebt)
PN.QULU-TUKI Ugutuki A kind of reef fish (Ebt)
MP.KAWE.2A Kau/aki To bring, take, pull in, escort (Ebt)
PN.FAKA-TAFA Hakataha To get out of the way or away, step aside; to dodge, as a missile; to be sideways, on the side (Ebt)
PN.SAA-KILI.1 Saakuni To unwrap, open, as a parcel; to pull up, as sleeves; to clear away, as brush Phonologically Irregular (Ebt)
PN.MEO ʔAa/meo To be sad; to sulk (Ebt)
PN.MEO Kai/meo To be angry about stinginess (Ebt)
SO.QEPU ʔEpu To overflow, spill, fall out (as a person from a canoe); to fall off (as a fish from a hook) (Ebt)
PN.ENE.1 Ene/ene To treat carefully or spoil, as a favourite child (Ebt)
AN.LAWA-LAWA Gaba Web, as of spider; spider sp. (prob. Gasteracantha taeniata) (Ebt)
MP.MAHUKU Mouku Bush, jungle (Ebt)
PN.TOFI-QA Toohinga Garden composed of successive parcels, as formerly given to a father, son, or brother-in-law to harvest (Ebt)
SO.QULU.4 ʔUgu Opening chant and male dance to the sounding board... (Ebt)
PN.PAA.5 Pa/paa To crackle, as a stick being broken (Ebt)
PN.PAA.2B Paa/kia To be hit; to scold, silence, or drive away, as a child (Ebt)
PN.KEA.1 ʔEa/ʔea Childhood disease with swollen and whitened tongue Phonologically Irregular (Ebt)
PN.QUTI.1 Bee/ʔuti To itch (Ebt)
PN.GAA-GAA Ngaangaa/saʔa Demon-infested Uncertain Semantic Connection (Ebt)
PN.GARUE Ngague/nga Temple [place] Uncertain Semantic Connection (Ebt)
PN.GASUE Ngasue/nga District god Uncertain Semantic Connection (Ebt)
PN.TAFA-QAKI Tahaʔaki To be last Uncertain Semantic Connection (Ebt)
PN.TAFA-QAKI He/tahaʔaki To be next to one another (Ebt)
XO.KAFOTA Kahota Perspiration, to perspire (Ebt)
SO.SEE.3 See To be paralyzed, as fish poisoned by Derris (luba), a Mautikitiki expression (Ebt)
XO.KAO.4 Ka/kao Tall and slender, as trees (Ebt)
NP.FAKA-KAA.2 Hakakaa To light, as a match or lantern (Ebt)
XO.KATOKO Katoko Young stage of kanapu [Brown Booby, Sula leucogaster] (Ebt)
PN.SU-GALU Suungagu Driftwood; to hang on to driftwood or to a life jacket (Ebt)

2091 entries found