Rennellese entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
OC.GATA.1A Ngata Pacific Boa (Enygrus carinatus); general term for snakes... (Ebt)
PN.TUTUNA Tutunu Dead portion of black pamulo or magei trees used as central portions of arrows, spears, fighting clubs (Ebt)
CP.SAGALE Sangage Tree sp. (Lumnizera littorea) (Ebt)
PN.QILO-GA ʔIgonga Symbol (Ebt)
PN.FAKA-QILO Hakaʔigo/ʔigo To inform, learn, give information, instruct (Ebt)
PN.FAKA-QILO-GA Hakaʔigonga To tell or recognize, asby a sign or by feeling; to signify; sign, token, symbol...; ring on a chicken's leg as a sign of ownership (Ebt)
OC.SOLO.2A Sogo Grate v. (Ebt)
NP.MALA.5 Maga Bitter, sour, peppery (Ebt)
PN.PALE.1B Page Support, hold, place on top of... (Ebt)
PN.PALE-TUQA Page noko Thing to sit or lie on to support the backsides; to provide sustenance; supporter; buttocks Problematic (Ebt)
PN.HEKE-GA Ekengaa heke School of octopus (Ebt)
PN.HEKE-GA Ekengaa mata Person in one's thoughts, beloved person (Ebt)
EO.FAQU-LUA Haʔugua, haʔogua The double canoe in which Kaitu'u tsailed when he discovered Rennell and Bellona (Ebt)
OC.TA-FOLA.1 Ta(a)hoga To lie down or spread out (pl.) (Ebt)
PN.TAFOLA.2 Taahoga Ocean side of barrier reef (Ebt)
AN.QUNA ʔUna Outer shell, as of turtle... (Ebt)
OC.KAO.3 Ghou Black Bittern, Ixobrychus flavicollis Borrowed (Ebt)
PN.PATI.1 Huaa pati Song sung slowly with a little clapping (Ebt)
SO.TEQE-AI Siʔai No (often used alone); to be none (Ebt)
PN.AI.2 Iai To be, exist (Ebt)
MP.QAFI ʔAbingi To carry under the arm or on the hip (as a child) Borrowed (Ebt)
PN.KAPI.C Kapi/tia To be pressed close, as in a crowd (Ebt)
NP.PAU.1C Pau Conclude; finished (Ebt)
PN.SIKU-SIKU Sikusiku Tail, end, as of vine or octopus tentacle (Ebt)
NP.WASI Basi To slice, as cucumber or papaya (Ebt)
FJ.FASI.B Hasi To cut with a pearl shell or knife, as taro tops (Ebt)
PN.TUQA.1B Tuʔa(a) Roof, top; side or outside, as of canoe, lantern, tapa (Ebt)
PN.QAW-AGE ʔAbange To give or carry, as to a place invisible or far (Ebt)
PN.QAWE-HIFO ʔAba iho To hand, give, or convey down, westward or northward (Ebt)
CP.TAGI.B Tangi Sound, ring (Ebt)
PN.OQO Haka/oʔo/hia To be possessed, crazy (Ebt)
MP.OFI.A He/ohi To be everywhere, all Uncertain Semantic Connection (Ebt)
NP.PAA-KISI Pakisi Sallow, pale (as a sick person); to weep loudly, to sound quietly, as a peaceful sea (Ebt)
NP.QASA-GA.B ʔAasanga To be out to sea; offshore sea (Ebt)
PN.MO-QI Moʔi Fine, as hair, sennit, mats or print in a book (Ebt)
PN.QOTA-QOTA ʔOtaʔota Goods, articles, possessions, property (Ebt)
NP.POGA-A-ISU Pongaa isu Nostril (Ebt)
SO.TINAQE.B Tinaʔe Confinement, pregnancy (Ebt)
NO.KAI-USU Kau isu Bridge of nose (Ebt)
FJ.TULE-QI Tuugei To turn, as a canoe; to step or put aside; to be winding, as a trail (Ebt)
PN.QATIU ʔAatiu A rare vine, Cucumis melo L. (fruits eaten raw or cooked) (Ebt)
PN.TAFA-TAFA Tahataha Outskirts of village; along the side (Ebt)
SO.IVI-TUQU Ibi tuʔu Backbone, esp. of fish (Ebt)
NP.TEE-LAA Teegaa Demonstrative: That, there (far away), other, another, next, the other person (Ebt)
NP.TEE-HENA Teenaa Demonstrative: That, there, here (near addressee) (Ebt)
PN.LAWA.1C He/gaba/i To unite, cooperate, combine in activity (Ebt)
XO.MATA-A-WAKA Mataa baka Canoe bow (Ebt)
MP.MATA-QI-HUHU Mataa uu Nipple, teat (Ebt)
PN.MUSU.1 Musu To breathe deeply and with difficulty (Ebt)
NP.MUU.3 Mu/muu To be taciturn, unsociable; to be senseless (Ebt)

2091 entries found