Sikaiana entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
PN.FAKA-LELE | Hakalele | To make fly | (Dnr) |
OC.ISE.1 | Ise | Fish sp | (Dnr) |
OC.ISI | Isi | To peel | (Dnr) |
NP.IWI.A | Ivi | Bone | (Dnr) |
PN.RAA | Laa | There | (Dnr) |
AN.LAA.1 | Laa | The sail of a ship | (Dnr) |
AN.RAQA | Laa | Branch (of a tree) | (Dnr) |
OC.LAQAA | Laa | Sun | (Dnr) |
AN.LAQE.A | Muaa/lae | Forehead | (Dnr) |
OC.LAFA | Laha | Ringworm | (Dnr) |
MP.LAFA-LAFA | Lahalaha, llaha | Wide | (Dnr) |
PN.LAGA.2 | L/lana | Plait | (Dnr) |
AN.LAGO.1 | Lano | A fly | (Dnr) |
AN.LAGI.2 | Lani | Sky | (Dnr) |
OC.LAGO.2 | L/lano | To support, prop up | (Dnr) |
MP.LAI | Lai | Fish sp. | (Dnr) |
MP.LAKA.1 | Laka | Cross over, pass, step over; be first, be best, pass (exam); pass (of time) | (Dnr) |
PN.RAQA-KAU.B | Laakau alo | A fishing rod used for bonito | (Dnr) |
PN.RAQA-KAU.A | Laakau | Tree, plant | (Dnr) |
AN.RAKU | Laku/laku | To scratch; to draw someone's attention by scratching them | (Dnr) |
AN.RARA.1 | Lala | Warm up | (Dnr) |
NP.LALI.2 | Ma/lli | Secrete saliva | (Dnr) |
AN.LALO.A | Lalo | Below, underneath; down; when at sea towards deeper water both inside the lagoon and outside the lagoon | (Dnr) |
NP.LAA-UA | Laaua | Third person dual independent pronoun | (Dnr) |
PN.LAMA.1 | Lama/lama | To watch for | (Dnr) |
AN.RAMA | L/lama | Torch fishing | (Dnr) |
AN.RANU.A | Lanu | To be mixed, of a semi-solid with a liquid, to thin the semi-solid | (Dnr) |
PN.LAQOA | L/lao/ | Put finger down thrown to induce vomiting | (Dnr) |
XO.LAOI | Laoi | Good, fine, content, healthy, in working order | (Dnr) |
PN.LAPA.1B | Lapalapa | A tree buttress | (Dnr) |
OC.LAPA.2 | Lapa | To flash, as lightning or a flashing light | (Dnr) |
PN.LAPA.1B | Lapalapa | the places in the trunk of a tree that extend out from the tree, as the trunk of the tava tree. | (Dnr) |
FJ.LAPE | Lape | Fish sp. | (Sps) |
SO.LAPITI | Lapiti | Seabird | (Sps) |
AN.LAU.1A | Lau | Leaf | (Dnr) |
PN.RAU.1 | Lau | Strain through a cloth | (Dnr) |
PN.RAU.2 | Lau | Cardinal number - one hundred for mats, pudding, fish, and fathoms | (Dnr) |
PN.LAA-TOU | Laatou | Third person plural independent pronoun | (Dnr) |
EO.LAWA.1A | Lava | Sufficient, usually in measurements of quantity, size and weight | (Dnr) |
NP.LAWA-KA | Lavaka | To be capable to accomplish something, to be possible | (Dnr) |
PN.LAWE.2A | Lave | Catch onto, hook onto, as a fishhook catches onto a piece of coral | (Dnr) |
PN.LAWEGA | Lavena | A fish species | (Dnr) |
NP.LEPU | Lepu/lepu | To stir a semi-solid | (Dnr) |
MP.REFU.1 | Lehu | Ashes | (Dnr) |
MP.REGA | Kaa/lena | Turmeric powder (traditionally used for adornment; made from the ano plant) | (Dnr) |
SO.LEIA | Leia | To choke on water | (Dnr) |
SO.LEKA.3 | Leka/leka | Regurgitated food | (Dnr) |
NO.LEKIA.* | Lekia | (Anous tenuirostris) | (Clk) |
OC.LELE.A | Lele | Fly, flow (as a river) | (Sps) |
FJ.LEMO.1 | L/lemo | To drown someone | (Sps) |
1416 entries found