Sikaiana entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
FJ.IRI.B | Ili | To fan with a hand held fan; to blow into | (Dnr) |
PN.KA-KAHA | Kkaa | Burning without flame | (Sps) |
PN.KAKALA | Kkala | Sweet, fragrant | (Sps) |
PN.KA-KAU.1 | Kakau | Swim | (Dnr) |
PN.KAKE | Kake | Climb | (Dnr) |
PN.KALAGA | Kalana | Song with dance actions brought to Sikaiana from the Gilbert Islands, probably in the 19th century Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dnr) |
PN.KALA-MISI | Kalamisi | An insect like a cricket Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dnr) |
PN.KALEQA | Kalea | Shellfish sp. | (Sps) |
EC.KALEVE | Kaleve | Sap from coconut tree collected for various uses including molasses (Donner) | (Dnr) |
XO.KALI.3 | Kali | Penis | (Sps) |
PN.KALO.1 | Kalo | Dodge, evade | (Sps) |
FJ.KALOLO | Kal(o)lo | String along the bottom of a fishing net where stones could be placed to function as weights; string of a bow; string used in a bird net that connects then et to a small support near the handle | (Dnr) |
PN.KALU.A | Kalu | Loose, wrinkled tissue around seed | (Dnr) |
PN.KAMA-KAMA.1 | Kamakama | Crab sp | (Dnr) |
SO.KAAMATA.* | Kaamata | Begin | (Sps) |
MP.KANAHE | Kanae | Fish sp | (Dnr) |
EC.KANE-KANE | Kane/tua | Back (of person, animal, or thing) | (Dnr) |
PN.KANIWA | Kaniva | A rainbow; a beautiful person | (Dnr) |
OC.KANO.1A | Kano | Inner part, of a tree, for example the fleshy part or inside of a solid substance | (Sps) |
NP.KANOFI | Kanohi | Vulva | (Sps) |
PN.KANO-WAKA | Kano/vaka | The crewmen of a boat or outrigger | (Dnr) |
PN.KAPA-KAU | Kapakau | Wing | (Dnr) |
EC.KAPANINI | Kapanni (kapanini) | Mats made from coconut leaves (paakele) that are used for the walling of houses | (Dnr) |
PN.KAPE.1 | Kape | Taro sp | (Dnr) |
PN.KAPE.2 | Kape | Remove food from pod; take out fish eye with finger | (Dnr) |
AN.KAPI.A | Kapi | Something obscured from view | (Sps) |
FJ.KAPO.1 | Kapa | Grasp. grab hold of Phonologically Irregular | (Dnr) |
OC.KAPOA | Kaapua | Fish sp. Problematic | (Sps) |
XO.KASAGA. | Kasana | A ring for the finger | (Dnr) |
MP.KASI.1 | Kasi | Shellfish sp | (Dnr) |
PN.KATA.1 | Kata | Laugh | (Dnr) |
OC.KATAFA.A | Kataha | Frigate Bird | (Dnr) |
OC.KATEA | Katea | Open side of canoe | (Dnr) |
AN.KATI | Keti | Husk coconut with teeth | (Dnr) |
PN.KATOA | Katoa | All | (Dnr) |
PN.KAU.2A | Kau | All Problematic | (Dnr) |
PN.KAU.2B | Kau | A group (exx. people, canoes); a line, a row (exx.plants) Problematic | (Dnr) |
OC.KAU-QAHE | Kauae | Cheek | (Dnr) |
NP.KAU-QALIKI | Kaualiki naniu | Plant sp. | (Dnr) |
OC.KAU-KAU | Kaukau | Wash with water | (Dnr) |
CP.KAWA.3 | Kavakava | Fish sp | (Dnr) |
PN.MA-KAKA | Makka | Tight, taut, strained (as a fishing line that is being pulled in) | (Dnr) |
PN.QAWE-HIFO | Kkave iho | Send down Problematic | (Dnr) |
MP.KAWE.2A | K/kave | Carry to | (Dnr) |
NP.KAWE.4 | Kave | Sibling of opposite sex | (Dnr) |
EC.KAVITI.1 | Kaviti | Crab | (Dnr) |
PN.KEFU | Kehu | Very white | (Sps) |
AN.AFIAFI | Ahiahi | The evening time, starting from just before sunset until after it is dark and the sun’s reflection can no longer be seen on the horizon; from about 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm | (Dnr) |
OC.KEHE | Kee | Different, not the same | (Dnr) |
CP.KELE.A | Kele/kele | Sand | (Dnr) |
1416 entries found