Tahitian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
CE.WAHII Vehi Enveloppe, envelopper Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
CE.WAHII Vehî A case, sheath, or covering; to case, or cover a thing; to make into a bundle and tie up (Dvs)
CE.WAHO Vaho Locatif: dehors (peu usité) (Lmt)
PN.WAHE-GA Vaea A state of peace and plenty Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvs)
PN.WAHE-RUA Vaerua To divide into two shares (Dvs)
MP.WAI.1 Vai Water (see the modern pape) (Dvs)
CE.WAIHO Vaiiho To lay, place or put a thing in a certain place; to leave a thing in its place; to leave off; to let alone (Dvs)
CE.WAIHO Vaiho Laisser (Lmt)
PN.WAI-KELI Vaieri Water that encroaches on the land, undermining some part of it (Dvs)
TA.WAI-RAGA Vairaʔa Emplacement (Lmt)
EP.WAI-RUA Vairua, varua, verua The soul or spirit (Dvs)
EP.WAI-RUA Vaarua Ame, esprit (Lmt)
PN.WAI-PUNA Vaipuna, vaipihae [vaipihua?] Water that bubbles up; spring water (Lmt)
PN.WAI-TAFE Vai tahe Ruisseau, rivière (Jsn)
NP.WAI-UU Vaiu Milk, also milk mixed with water (Dvs)
AN.WAKA.A Vaʔa Pirogue (Lmt)
TA.WAKA.B Vaa/hiva All the people within the prescribed limits of the Island, or district (Dvs)
PN.WALA.2 Vara/vara A claire-voie; épars, clairsemé, rare, rarement (Lmt)
PN.WALE.1 Vare Pus des yeux, chassie. The matter of a diseased eye (Dvs). (Lmt)
CE.WALE-A.B Varea To be drowsy, overtaken with sleep (Dvs)
PN.WALE.2 Vare Etre dupe, être trompé (Lmt)
NP.WALI.2 Vari Earth, mud, dirt, filth of any kind; to be dirtied, befouled (Dvs)
EP.WARI Vari Sang menstruel. Blood discharged from the body (Dvs). (Lmt)
PN.WALO.1 Varo/varo Sensation provoquée dans l'oreille par un bruit qui résonne de manière confuse (son de tonneau); ce bruit; [bourdonner (oreilles)]. The vibrations of sound on the ear, or of scents on the organ of smelling; a voice heard without seeing the person (Dvs). (Lmt)
PN.WALO.2 Varo Esp. crustacé: squille (Pseudosquilla cillata) (Lmt)
OC.WALO-WALO A/varo (Premna tahitensis). The name of a tree of hard wood (Dvs). (Jsn)
AN.WALU.1 Varu Huit (arch.). Eight, in counting (Dvs). (Lmt)
AN.WALU.1 Vaʔu Huit Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
OC.WALU.2 Varu (Gymnosarda unicolor). The name of a fish (Dvs). (Hpr)
OC.WALU.2 Vaʔu Thon blanc (Gymnosarda unicolor) Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
PN.WARU Varu, vau To shave, to bark a tree, to scrape (Dvs)
PN.WARU Vaʔu Râper [Iles Sous le Vent (Leeward islands) Dialect] Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
CP.WANA Vana Oursin noir à longs piquants (Echinus sp.) (Lmt)
PN.WANA-WANA Vanavana Ressentir des picotements, des foumillements. Rough, ragged, unpolished; a sensation felt when something disagreable touches the body, as a worm crawling, &c.; rough, ragged, unpolished (Dvs). (Lmt)
NP.WAANAGA Vanaa Orateur; discours, conseil, avis (Jsn)
MP.WAO.A Vao The extremities of the inland vallies; a rustic or clown (Dvs)
NP.WASI Vaahi Fendre, ouvrir (des noix de coco, etc.); partager, diviser (Lmt)
NP.WATA Vata Etre dégagé, étre libre de tout obstacle Uncertain Semantic Connection (Lmt)
CE.WAAWAA.1 Vaavaa Phasme (Graeffa coccophaga) (Lmt)
EP.WAWAI Vavai Coton (Gossypium religiosum, G. hirsutum) (Lmt)
NP.WAWAO Vavao An interposer between hostile parties; to interpose between contending parties; to separate combatants (Dvs)
OC.WAWE Vave Tôt, vite (ne s'emploie que dans négations). Soon, shortly, quickly, ere long (Dvs). (Lmt)
CP.WEKA.1 Te/vea/ A bird (Rallus pacificus) [Bruner] (Clk)
NP.WEKU.1 Veʔu/veʔu Dégoûtant, répugnant, sale (se dit des personnes et des choses) (Lmt)
OC.WELA.A Vera Incendie; brulant; bruler. Fire, a general conflagration...; burnt, scalded, scorched; cooked or hot, applied to food (Dvs). (Lmt)
OC.WELA.B Vera Hot, very warm, feverish (Dvs)
EP.WERE-WERE.A* Vere Oakum to caulk a vessel with (Dvs)
EP.WERE-WERE.A* Verevere Thin, gauze-like; the eye-lids (Dvs)
TA.WERE-WERE.B* Verevere Lately, a name given to the female pudenda (Dvs)
OC.WELI.1 Veri A sea insect (Dvs)

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