Tahitian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
TA.PEKE.1C Peʔe/peʔe Agile (Lmt)
PN.TAI-TAI Taitai Salt, saltish, brackish; bitter (Dvs)
EP.KALU.D Aru An elderly person when the skin becomes wrinkled (Dvs)
PN.MEQA.B Mea To do, a word used as a convenient substitute instead of naming the action (Dvs)
NP.POGA-A-ISU ʔAa/poʔo ihu Narine (Lmt)
PN.MUKA.1A Muo/o Taro shoots used for planting Phonologically Irregular (Dvs)
CE.RAWA-IKA Ravaʔai Pêcheur; pêcher (assurer sa subsistance par la pêche) Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
PN.TALA-TALA.A Taratara Prickly, thorny, ragged (Dvs)
TA.KAUNUNU Aununu The sixth of the Tahitian lunar months (Dvs)
NP.PALOLO-MULI Paroro-muri May-June (Hry)
NP.PALOLO-MULI Paaroro-muri Mois de calendrier lunaire (Aca)
CE.HIGAIA Hiaia The name of a Tahitian month (Dvs)
CE.REFU.3 A/rehu, va/rehu The name of the third Tahitian month (Dvs)
CE.REFU.3 Rehu A month name, between December and January (Hry)
PN.TA-PUNI Tapuni To hide or conceal oneself (Dvs)
CE.MOKE Moʔe Perdu (se dit d'une chose); oublié (Lmt)
CE.MOKE Moʔe/moʔe Solitaire, isolé (Lmt)
PN.KAU-QAA ʔAaua Cloture, enclos, cour Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
NP.TEE-LAA Teraa Ce...là, cela, celui-là, celle-là, loin des interlocuteurs dans l'espace et dans le temps (Lmt)
NP.TEE-HENA Teenaa Celui-ci, celui-là, près de la personne à qui l'on parle (Lmt)
PN.TAQA.2 Ta/ii The steam of perspiration (Dvs)
PN.FAKA-SOA Faʔahoa Devenir ami (Lmt)
NP.TAU-AMA Tauama A canoe with an outrigger (Dvs)
CE.SEKE.2 Hee To be in a discharged or banished condition, as one turned out of his place (Dvs)
NP.TAU-SINU.* Tahinu Plante (Tournefortia argentea) Phonologically Irregular (Jsn)
TA.POO-FATU.2 Pofatu/aoao The name of a small tree of hard wood. (Sophora tomentosa) (Whr) (Dvs)
PN.FAKA-MAA Haʔamaa Honte, avoir honte, etre confus (Lmt)
MP.MAHUKU Mooʔuu Nom générique des Cypéracées (Lmt)
PN.UU Uu Cogner, heurter; rencontrer (nez à nez), croiser quelqu'un...affronter, faire face (Lmt)
PN.GASUE Ahue/hue To be in confusion, alarm, on account of being unprepared (Dvs)
NP.FAKA-KAA.2 Faa/a/a To kindle fire, to make it burn well; to cause food to be well cooked (Dvs)
CK.MAEA.2 Maea The white or sappy part of trees; a worthless person (Dvs)
AN.QAHU.2 Au auahi Fumée, vapeur (Lmt)
FJ.KAPU.2 Abu, apu Wide or broad, as cloth (Dvs)
CE.PUTA.1B A/puta Apparaitre à travers les nuages; venir à l'esprit, venir à l'idée (Lmt)
LO.AKERISI Akarite Sauterelle (Jsn)
CE.ARI Aria Shortly, presently, by and by (Dvs)
AN.QARO.A Aro The front, face, presence of a person (Dvs)
PN.AMU Amu/amu Grommeler, rouspéter (Lmt)
EP.AA-NUANUA.* Anuanua, anuenue The rainbow (Dvs)
PN.QAATEA Aatea/tea Vaste, étendu; clairsemé, clair, sans obstacle, dégagé (Lmt)
MP.QATUA Te Atua Dieu (Lmt)
CE.AUTA Autâ To sigh or groan through pain or grief (Dvs)
CE.FAA-ITE.B Fa/i/ite To reconcile those who were at variance (Dvs)
EC.FAKA-MAUMAU Haamou To consume, annihilate, extirpate. Phonologically Irregular (Dvs)
PN.FA-LIU Fariu To turn to or from a thing or person (Dvs)
EO.FALU Fanu Few, some (Dvs)
EP.PUU-FENUA.* Puufenua Placenta (Lmt)
AN.FAQO.1A Fao A nail or chisel (Dvs)
OC.FAQO.1C Fao To make holes with a fao [nail or chisel] (Dvs)

2769 entries found