Tahitian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
MP.TULAKI Turaʔi Pousser (Lmt)
MP.TULAKI Turai To push from, resist, repulse (Dvs)
AN.TULI.1 Turi Surdité; sourd (Lmt)
AN.TURI Turi Genou (Lmt)
CE.TURORI Turori To stagger, or stumble; to be unsteady (Dvs)
CE.TURORI Tuurori Etre indécis, hésiter (Lmt)
MP.TULU.2 Turu Soutien, appui; soutenir quelque chose, supporter; soutenir quelqu'un, prendre le parti de...; un partisan, un supporter d'une équipe. A prop, side post of a house;any support or help, assistance; to prop, or render support in any way (Dvs). (Lmt)
CE.TURU Turu Seventeenth night of the moon (Hry)
PN.TUQU-RUA-POO Tu(ʔ)iraʔa poo Minuit Phonologically Irregular (Lmt)
NP.TULU-KI Turui A stone or other thing to lean against for support; to lean against a thing (Dvs)
NP.TULU-KI Turuʔi S'appuyer, prendre appui (Lmt)
EC.TURUMA Turuma A place in the outside of the back part of the native houses, where all refuse was cast, a sort of dung-hill; but it was sacred, and no one ought to walk over it (Dvs)
EC.TURUMA Fare/turuma An out house to keep lumber in; also one occupied by a tii (Lmt)
EC.TURUMA Faʔa/turuma Rester songeur. To be silent, to appear thoughtful and serious (Dvs). Uncertain Semantic Connection (Lmt)
NP.TULU-TULU.1 Turuturu The side posts of a house (Dvs)
EO.TUMAQA Tuma En sus, en plus. Over and above (Dvs). [ex. tens + units] (Jsn)
CE.TUUMATATEGA Tumatatea. Tuumataatea (Aca). To stand off at a distance, giving no help, only looking, while others are struggling with work, or some difficulty. Se tenir à l'écart (Jsn). Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvs)
CE.TUUMATATEGA Tumata To look at two persons fighting, without making any attempt to part them. Regarder sans s'opposer (Jsn). Problematic (Dvs)
PN.TUQU-MAQU Tumau Constipation (Dvs)
PN.TUQU-MAQU Tuumou Constipé (Lmt)
EP.TUMU.1 Tumu Le bas d'un arbre ou d'une plante en dessous du feuillage, tronc, collet, racine, souche, pied; la base d'un objet, d'une construction; pied (tout l'arbre, toute la plante)...; origine, cause, fondement, base, principe; principal, essentiel (Lmt)
AN.TUNA Tuna Eel (Anguilla spp.). A fresh water eel (Dvs). (Rdl)
AN.TUNU Tunu Cuire (au sens de faire cuire); cuit, lorsqu'on indique la mode de cuisson... (Lmt)
CE.TUU-ORO Tuuoro Appeler, invoquer, faire appel à (Lmt)
OC.TUPA Tupa Crabe de terre: tourlourou (Cardisoma carnifex) (Lmt)
EP.TUUPAAPAKU Tuupaapaʔu (Un) revenant, fantome, esprit (Lmt)
NP.TUU-POUPOU Auapa-tohe-/tupou/ Trumpet Fish (Aulostomus valentini) (Hpr)
AN.TUPU.A Tupu Pousser, croître. germer (Lmt)
OC.TUPUQA.A Tupua A charmer, one that could defend himself against the arts of a sorcerer (Dvs)
NP.TUPUAKI.* Tupuai The crown of the head, the top of a mountain (Dvs)
EC.TUU-TAQE.* Tuutae Excrément (Lmt)
EP.TUTE.1 Tute To push away, force away (Dvs)
TA.TUU-TOKO Tutoo To shove or push aside, to pull or drag along; the lasting cough, the asthma (Dvs)
TA.TUU-TOKO Tuutoʔo Tuberculose (ma'i tuuto'o); faire avancer une pirogue à la perche (Lmt)
EP.TUTU.1 Tutu A short pole on the top of a fishing net (Dvs)
CE.TUTU.2 Tutu (Colubrina asiatica). The name of a tree (Dvs). (Jsn)
AN.TUTU.3 Tutu To beat the layers of bark with the cloth-mallet, as the women do in cloth-making; to strike or beat; to express the juice from the mati berries, in order to die a scarlet colour (Dvs)
PN.TUTU-A Tutua The beam on which the women beat the bark for cloth-making (Dvs)
CE.TUUTUU-AKAU.* Tuutuuaʔau Crabe de récif (Lmt)
PN.UU U To touch, as a boat or ship on the rocks; to run against a thing; to meet for encounter; to come face to face; to face danger (Dvs)
AN.QUGA Uʔa fenua Bernard-l'hermite terrestre, coenobite (Coenobita perlatus) (Lmt)
AN.UA.1 Ua/ua Veine, artère, tendon (Lmt)
OC.UQA.1A Ua A name given to the joining of the head to the body, the back of the neck (Dvs)
MP.UE.A Ue/ue Remuer, secouer (Lmt)
NP.QUFA.1 Ufa Femelle, une femelle (animaux sauf insectes et crustacées) (Lmt)
AN.QUFI.1 Ufi, uhi Igname (Dioscorea alata) (Lmt)
PN.QUFU Uhu Parrot-fish. Large blue or green parrotfish. Poisson perroquet, famille des Scaridae (Scarus spp.), ce terme recouvre plusieurs espèces dont certaines sont précisées en tahitien par une dénomination binomiale (Lmt). (Bgn)
PN.UGA Ua To banish, expel, or drive away (Dvs)
AN.QUGA Uʔa Bernard-l'hermite, pagure (Lmt)
PN.QUGA-KOA Uʔaʔoo Vermet; mollusque qui vit dans des tubes calcaires sur le récif (Lmt)

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