Takuu entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
PN.AFAGA | Afana | Space between a house and the beach | (Hwd) |
NP.QAFA-TEA | Afatea | A tree that drifts to Takuu | (Hwd) |
MP.AFE.1A | Afe | Return, go back | (Hwd) |
AN.AFI | Afi | Fire, flame | (Hwd) |
AN.AFIAFI | Afiafi | Afternoon, evening | (Hwd) |
OC.QAFI-GA | Afina | Armpit | (Hwd) |
MP.AFO | Afo | Rope, fishing-line | (Hwd) |
PN.WAA.2 | Vaa | Distance along a known (and usually stated) route (noun of place, not preceded by an article); in compounds, gap or distance between two or more objects... | (Mle) |
PN.QAAFUA | Afua | Shoal; rocks near reef exposed at low tide | (Hwd) |
NP.QAFULU | Afuru | Fish sp. | (Hwd) |
AN.AGI.1 | Ani | (Of a gust of wind) blow; blow gently | (Mle) |
PN.AGI.2 | Ani | Feel very empty (of stomach); hungry, famished, starved | (Hwd) |
AN.AGO.1 | Ano | Turmeric (Curcuma domestica), the plant as well as the processed rhizome | (Mle) |
AN.QAHO | Ao | Daylight; day (as opposed to night) | (Mle) |
OC.QAHU.1 | Au | Body part, possibly gall-bladder | (Mle) |
AN.QAHU.2 | Au | Smoke; steam in a cloud rather than a column | (Mle) |
OC.AI.1 | Ai | Post-verbal particle in relative clauses | (Mle) |
AN.QAITU | Aitu | Spirit, ghost | (Mle) |
AN.AKA.A | Aka | Lateral root of a tree or plant | (Mle) |
SO.KAVEI | Kavei | Name of a constellation | (Mle) |
PN.QAKA | Aaka/si | Kick something with the sole of the foot; (of leg) kick out; extend in kicking motion | (Mle) |
MP.AKO | Ako | Learn, study | (Mle) |
FJ.QARA | Ara | Awake; stay awake; open one's eyes | (Mle) |
NP.ALAALA | Arara | Fish sp. | (Hwd) |
PN.ALA-TI | Fe/arati/ | To scratch an itch | (Mle) |
OC.QALAWA | Arava | Type of shark which excretes a yellow, apparently glowing substance when hooked; to be brownish, yellowish-orange | (Mle) |
PN.ALEALE.B | Areare | Small adze with concave ventral surface made from inner lip of conch shell | (Mle) |
PN.QALELO | Arelo | Tongue | (Mle) |
OC.ALI.1 | Ari | Flounder, flatfish of various species | (Mle) |
PN.QARIKI | Ariki | Hereditary chief and traditional religous leader | (Mle) |
OC.QALO.2 | Aro/faaki | Beckon | (Hwd) |
EO.QALO.3 | Aro | Paddle, row | (Mle) |
MP.QAROFA.A | Arofa | Love, feel compassion | (Hwd) |
SO.QALOFI | Arofi | Sandy area of beach | (Hwd) |
PN.QALUGA.1 | Aluna | Top, summit, above | (Hwd) |
PN.QALUGA.2 | Aruna | Headrest, wooden pillow; low four-legged stool | (Mle) |
EO.AMI | Ami | Egg cluster of a crayfish or crab; crustacean roe | (Mle) |
AN.AMO.1A | Aamo/si | Rub one's body or body-part; anoint the skin | (Mle) |
PN.AMO.1B | Amo | Twirl Coconut husk for making sennit | (Hwd) |
PN.QAMO | Amo | Carry something on the shoulder | (Mle) |
NO.ANAU | (Aa)nau | I | (Mle) |
SO.QANU.2 | Anu | Dance (general term) | (Mle) |
CP.AO.1 | Ao | Gather up small items (rice or sand) from a flat surface; scoop up | (Hwd) |
NP.AO.2 | Aa/moko | Early stage of coconut growth: small, some elongated, with no liquid inside; [of coconut] deformed with no meat or water | (Mle) |
PN.AO.3 | Ao | Wind around (in tying certain type of knot); grasp in an embrace | (Mle) |
OC.QAO.1 | Ao/a | Cloud | (Mle) |
MP.QAPI.2 | Api | Crowded with people | (Mle) |
PN.QASI | Asi | Inspect, visit; check on someone or something; wait for an egg-laying turtle to arrive at a beach (so that it can be caught) | (Mle) |
AN.QASO.2 | Aso | Day | (Mle) |
MP.QASU | Asu | Scoop; dip a container into water; fill a container from a tank, drum, canoe | (Mle) |
2219 entries found