Tikopia entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.QAUEE Auee Expression of sorrow (Fth)
SO.AUGA Aunga Peel, of skin (Fth)
SO.QAU-KAU Aukau Pus; discharge from nostrils (Fth)
PN.QAU-MAI Au mai Bring (Fth)
XO.AU-SI-AFI Ausiafi Smoke (Fth)
NP.QAU-TALU Autaru Clear land for cultivation (Fth) (Fth)
MP.AWA Ava Channel; stream of any size (Fth)
NP.QAAWAGA.A Aavaga Marry (Fth)
OC.E.1A E Verbal particle, present tense marker (Fth)
PN.E.2 E Preposition agency marker; with, by (Fth)
AN.EFU.1 Efu Be raised as dust; stirred up, hence sometimes murky (Fth)
PN.QELO Elo Bad-smelling, stinking Phonologically Irregular (Fth)
OC.QEPA Epa Ritual offering of finely plaited Pandanus mats (Fth)
SO.EVA Eeva Rise in a floating manner (Fth)
AN.FAA.1 Faa Four (Fth)
PN.FAA-.4 Faa- Causative (Fth)
AN.FAQA.1 Faa Leaf-stem of a fleshy plant (Fth)
PN.FAQELE Faerere To die in childbirth (Fth)
CP.FAQELU Faelu Go at random, grope about Problematic (Fth)
SO.FAFA.3 Fafa Rope stays and sheet of sailing canoe (Fth)
PN.FAA-FAA Faafaa Grope (Fth)
AN.FAFAGO Fafago Waken someone (Fth)
PN.FAFALI Fali Pick up to get rid of (as ordure etc.) in leaf wrapper; pick up small objects Phonologically Irregular (Fth)
OC.FAFIE Fie, ra/fie Firewood (Fth)
AN.FAFINE Fafine Woman (Fth)
AN.FAFO Fafo Outside (Fth)
MP.FAGA.1A Faga Prise open, as bark from tree (Fth)
PN.FAGA.1B Faga Open, as of woman's legs or vulva (Fth)
NP.FAAGAI.A Faagai Feed people, pets or plants (Fth)
PN.FAGA-MEA Fangaamea Sea fish sp., ? Red Snapper (Lutjanus bohar) (Fth)
NP.FAGO Fango Sniff, smell (Fth)
PN.FAAGOGO.A Faangongo Half coconut shell (Fth)
OC.FAAGOTA Faangota Fish in deep sea by handline (Fth)
CP.FAGU.1 Faguo Bowl. Problematic (Gmd)
AN.FAI.1 Fai Ray, of several species (Fth)
OC.FAI.2A Fai Make, do, prepare, produce (Fth)
PN.FAI.2B Fai Produce a child Problematic (Fth)
PN.FAI.3B Fai In active sense e.g. have a dream (Fth)
PN.FAI-GATAQA Faingataa Difficulty; effective power (Fth)
NP.FAAILU.* Fairu Grope about Problematic (Fth)
PN.FAI-TAMA Faitama Progeny (Gmd)
PN.FAA-ITE.A Faaite Accumulate in pile, as barkcloth (Fth)
PN.FAQI-TOTOKA Mua/faitoka/ The spot in front of Rarofiroki temple (Kch) Problematic (Fth)
PN.FAIWA Faiva Doings, pursuits, skill (Fth)
EO.FAKA-.1 Faka- Causative (Fth)
PN.FAKA-.2 Faka- After the style of (Fth)
SO.FAKA-.3 Faka- N times (Fth)
EO.FAKA-FOHA Fakafoa Boil, swelling on the body (Fth)
PN.FAKA-QITA Fakaita Set on edge, as the teeth (Drd)
PN.FAKA-QITA Fakaita/ita Gnash teeth (Drd)

2123 entries found