Tikopia entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
AN.TURI Turi Knee (Fth)
AN.TULU.1 Turu Dribble, trickle, as from hole in roof (Fth)
PN.TUQU-RUA-POO Turuaapo Middle of the night; midnight in general sense; depth of night (Fth)
PN.TUMU-QAKI Tumuaki Crown of the head, top, summit (Fth)
PN.TUMU-TUMU Tumutumu Tip, top (of plant), crest (of wave) (Fth)
AN.TUNA Tuna Eels, especially lake eels (Fth)
AN.TUNU Tunu Roast, heat over fire (Fth)
OC.TUPA Tupa The large beach crab (Cardisoma sp.) (Fth)
PN.TUPE.1 Tupe Pitching game throwing beans (Fth)
AN.TUPU.A Tupu Grow (Fth)
OC.TUPUQA.A Tupua Spirit (Fth)
OC.TUPUNA Tupuna Ancestor (Fth)
OC.TUPUNA Puna Male or female of grandparent generation or above (Fth)
AN.TUSU.A Tusi Point, delineate (Fth)
OC.TUSI Tusi Trace with finger, mark (e.g. with turmeric); write (mod.) (Fth)
OC.TUSI Ta/tusi/tusi Marked in pattern; banded, as tail feathers of bird (Fth)
PN.TUQU-TAKI Tutaki Knot, join on, tie (Fth)
AN.TUTU.3 Tutu Beat out (bark-cloth) with wooden beater on a slab (Fth)
CP.TUTU.4 Tutu Kindle, set light to; heat (Fth)
PN.TUTU-A Tutu Beat out barkcloth with a wooden beater on a slab (Fth)
PN.-U -u Second person singular (possessive) (Fth)
PN.QUU.A Uu Sheaf, bundle, collection of anything; categoriser of sticks, twigs etc (Fth)
MP.QUUQUU Uu Coconut crab (Birgus latro) (Fth)
PN.UA.2 Ua/aki Lever outwards, as in enlarging a hole with digging-stick, moving log with crowbar, working paddle away from canoe side (Fth)
OC.UQA.1A Ua Neck, throat (external) (Fth)
PN.UQA.1B Ua piro Intense desire, longing, e.g. as for fish. (Fth)
SO.KAILE.2 Niu mata kaere Young nut, soft shell, flesh inside (endosperm) barely formed (Fth)
AN.QUFI.1 Ufi Yam, of several types (Fth)
PN.QUFI.3 Uufi Cover, to cover (Fth)
PN.QUFU Ufu Parrotfish, small and young (Fth)
AN.QUGA Uga Hermit crab (Fth)
PN.QUGA-KOA Ungakoo Teredo mollusc, boring into timber (Fth)
FJ.HOGAHOGA Ungaunga Bush nettle (Laportea interrupta) Phonologically Irregular (Fth)
AN.QUHA Ua Rain (Fth)
PN.QUHIKI Viki Prefix meaning small (Fth)
MP.QUHILA Uira Sheet lightning; summer lightning (Fth)
PN.QUI Uvi A word used about the green stage of fruits, esp. coconuts (Mbg)
OC.UKA.A Uka Cord, string (Fth)
XO.UKA.B Uka Muscle, sinew, vein (Fth)
EO.ULA.1A Ura Blaze, flame, burn brightly (Fth)
PN.ULA.1B Ura Glow . Reddish brown (Mbg)
AN.QURA Ura Spiny lobster (possibly Palinurus) (Fth)
FJ.QULAFI Uraafi Reef and sea fish (Scaridae) (Fth)
NP.QULA-QULA Uraura Freshwater crayfish (Fth)
RO.ULE Ure Penis (Fth)
PN.QULI.2 Uri Dark colour, ranging from black to dark blue or dark green (Fth)
AN.QULU.1 Uru Head, top, crest, principal, source (Fth)
PN.QULU.2 Uru/ao Woods, natural vegetation (Fth)
NP.-U-LUA -oru Second person dual possessive suffix (Fth)
PN.QULUA Uruua Category term for very large fish, often aggressive (Fth)

2123 entries found