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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nukuoro OC.MULE.1 M/mule Slow, late
East Uvea SO.MULE.2 Mule Frotter, masturber
East Uvea SO.MULE.2 Mule/ʔi Frotter
Samoan SO.MULE.2 Mumule Odor feminae; odor maris before tefe Problematic
East Uvea MP.MURI.1A Muli Suivre, venir après; se mettre à la suite de qn., subir son influence; après, ensuite; dernier, cadet.
Kapingamarangi MP.MURI.1A Muuri After, behind
Kapingamarangi MP.MURI.1A Muli Behind, after
Lau MP.MURI.1A Buri The back; behind, after; stern, rear Borrowed
Ifira-Mele MP.MURI.1A Muri Behind, after; to follow
Moriori MP.MURI.1A I/muri Afterwards
Nggela MP.MURI.1A Muri After, behind; the back; the after birth; posterity
Nuguria MP.MURI.1A Muri After, behind
Nukuoro MP.MURI.1A Muli After, later
Luangiua MP.MURI.1A Muli Behind; after, again
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.MURI.1A A/muli Later
Rarotongan MP.MURI.1A Muri Behind; later, after
Takuu MP.MURI.1A Muri, muli Later, after, behind; later (but not right now), afterwards; hindmost, last
Tikopia MP.MURI.1A Muri In rear; later, in space and time; behind
Tongan MP.MURI.1A Mui Back, rear, hind; go behind, later
Mangareva PN.MURI.1B Muri Stern of boat
Nuguria PN.MURI.1B Muri End (as of trunk of a tree, an island); stern (of canoe)
Luangiua PN.MURI.1B Muli Bottom (of person). Hintern (Sar).
Sa'a PN.MURI.1B P/uri/ Back of, the stern
New Zealand Maori PN.MURI-WAI Muriwai Backwater, lagoon at mouth of river
Rarotongan PN.MURI-WAI Murivai Backwater
Tuamotu PN.MURI-WAI Muri vai Horizon, strip of sea at western edge of land Problematic
East Futuna PN.MULU.1 Mulu/ki Oter le poil, râcler la peau, nettoyer, essuyer avec la main, effeuiller, égrainer
East Uvea PN.MULU.1 Mulu Masturbate
Sikaiana PN.MULU.1 M/mulu/ Wipe (us. a wet substance, e.g. tears)
Tongan PN.MULU.1 Mulu Strip, grasp and run the hands along with a stripping motion. Hence: to roll up the sleeves in this way; to strip a stem of leaves; to strip intestines
Rarotongan PN.MUMU Muumuu Cluster round, congregate
Vaeakau-Taumako EO.MU-MUNI Muni Hide (vi), secretly . Hide, take shelter
New Zealand Maori CP.MUNA Muna Speak of privately, chat, gossip, secret
Marquesas CP.MUNA Muna Honteux, confus
Rennellese CP.MUNA Muna Say, tell
Tahitian CP.MUNA Muna/muna To mutter, to whisper
Tikopia CP.MUNA Muna Say, speak, tell
West Uvea CP.MUNA Muna Parler, parole, langage... (cloche) tinter, sonner, (tambour) battre
Marquesas CE.MUUNAA Muná A kind of ring worm, a tetter
East Futuna PN.MUSU.1 Musu/musu Chuchoter; parler à voix basse
New Zealand Maori PN.MUSU.1 Muhu/muhu Discontented, muttering
Rarotongan PN.MUSU.1 Muʔu/muʔu Mutter, whisper
Tikopia PN.MUSU.1 Mu/musu/ Inarticulate
Tongan PN.MUSU.1 Muhu(muhu) Mumble, murmur, mutter; drone, give forthe a low subdued sound
East Uvea PN.MUTIE Musie Pelouse, gazon, herbe trainante
Mangareva MP.MUTU.1A Mutu Cut off, interrupted; be silent
Waya MP.MUTU.1A Mudu Verb and adj., patient subj. (Subj. usually the stem, not the piece cut off. Be cut off, amputated, severed, cut short ,
Mangareva CE.MUTU.1C Mutu Be silent, mute (I). Garder le silence; parler rarement; cesser, diminuer (vent)
Marquesas AN.-NA.1 Na Là. Se dit d'un lieu different de celui ou l'on est. Adverbe indiquant une localisation rapprochée de la personne à qui l'on parle, un temps proche (Lch). That, in distinction from this; there (Crk).
Tahitian PN.-RA Ra Indique l'éloignement dans le temps ou l'espace, ou les deux (après une forme verbale ou nominale, avec allongement de la dernière voyelle du mot précédent)