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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Penrhyn PN.-RA Ra Locative particle marking remoteness both from speaker and hearer. This particle lengthens the preceding vowel...
Samoan PN.-RA La There; a particle of emphasis much used in the eastern part of the group: then, at once
Hawaiian PN.-RA La There (after directionals)
Mangareva PN.-RA Te/ra Ce...là
Marquesas PN.-RA ʔA There. At last; intensive (Mtu).
Rennellese AN.-NA.1 Na Clitic suffix to the demonstrative teia- and to nouns: near you, there by you, you there
Tahitian AN.-NA.1 Na (après les formes verbales ou nominales) (avec allongement de la drenière voyelle du mot précédent) Indique le voisinage de la personne à qui l'on parle, ou un temps moins éloigné du moment de référence que ne l'indiquerait /ra/...
West Uvea AN.-NA.1 Na Déictique marquant ce qui est près de celui à qui le locuteur s'addresse, ou renvoyant à d'autres éléments du discours...
Marquesas NP.NA.2 Na Exprime une possession faible, une destination; préposition indiquant l'auteur de l'action ou le moyen employé: de, par, pour, de la part de.... Of, belonging to, to, for, by (Crk).
Mangareva NP.NA.2 Na Possessive particle. Particule qui marque la possession non-dominante [sic]
East Futuna PN.NA.3 Na Verbal particle, past tense
East Uvea PN.NA.3 Na Particule de temps; forme archaique, aujourd'hui remplacée par ne'e
Fijian PN.NA.3 E na Future tense Problematic
Niue PN.NA.3 Na Verbal particle, past tense or general-truth
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.NA.3 Na Particle signifying past tense, something preceding in time or being the reason or background for something else, pluperfect
Rennellese PN.NA.3 Na Past punctual tense
Samoan PN.NA.3 Na Verbal particle, past tense
Tokelau PN.NA.3 Na Verbal particle, past tense, indicating an action completed in past time
Tongan PN.NA.3 Naʔa, naʔe Sign of past tense
East Futuna PN.-NA.4 ʔA/na, ʔo/na Third person singular possessive form after /ma/ /mo/ and /io/ 'for (A and O forms)' 'at'
Hawaiian PN.-NA.4 Aa/na, o/na Third person singular ∅-possessive (≠ singular definite possessed item) Problematic
New Zealand Maori PN.-NA.4 Aa/na, oo/na Third person singular possessive postposed comment used when the determiner of the phrase is not te or ngā Problematic
Niuafo'ou PN.-NA.4 ʔA/na, ʔo/na Third person singular type II pronoun, occurring after the prepositions 'o, 'a, mo'o and ma'a
Samoan PN.-NA.4 Aa/na, o/na Third person singular possessive predicate, his, hers, its
Niuafo'ou PN.NA.4 Ina, ne Third person singular person determiner
Rennellese PN.NAA.2 Naa/naa Embarrassed, shamed, reserved; to hesitate; kinship deference
Hawaiian PN.NAQA.1 Naa Calmed, quieted, assuaged, pacified
New Zealand Maori PN.NAQA.1 Naa Satisfied, content
Rarotongan PN.NAQA.1 Naa Abate, subside, stop (of rain or tears)
East Uvea PN.NAQA.2 Naʔa De peur que, de crainte que
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.NAQA.2 Na Not, negative imperative particle often used before the TAM particle me or after aua 'don't'; TAM particle signifying irrealis (i.e. a distant or uncertain future, a possibility, something counterfactual)
Tikopia SO.NAQA.4 Na Rest, lie (of inanimate object)
Tikopia SO.NAQA.4 Naa/nga Existence there
Marquesas PN.NAFA Naha Bois de pandanus creusé pour contenir un liquide Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian PN.NAFA Naha A sort of native cistern made of leaves; a receptacle for some liquid Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu EC.NAI Nai Mollusc sp., Fluted Clam (Tridacna squamosa)
Marquesas MQ.NAAKUU Naʔu Esp. de plante (Dln)
East Futuna MP.NAMO Namo Large shallow area on reef. Partie en creux du platier qui reste recouverte d'eau (entre le tu'a tete et la plage) (Mfr).
Lau MP.NAMO Namo Deep water in a lagoon
West Futuna MP.NAMO Namo Pool of water
Emae AN.NAMU.1A Namu Namu/atea. :Fishy-smelling
Nukuoro AN.NAMU.1A Namo-tenua Fragrant
Fijian XO.NANA.1 Nana Affectionate term for mother
Hawaiian CE.NAA-NAA Naanaa Look at, see, observe, notice, inspect; care for, pay attention to
New Zealand Maori CE.NAA-NAA Naanaa Tend carefully, nurse
Rennellese CE.NAA-NAA Naʔanaʔa Careful, cautious, wary; wonder, speculate, suppose Problematic
New Zealand Maori CE.NANE Nanenane Rotten kumara Problematic
Hawaiian NP.NANEA Nanea Contented, absorbed
East Futuna XW.NANI Nani Whine, cry, for attention
Marquesas EP.KUPU.1B Kupu, úpu Insulter, injurier quelqu'un; insulte, injure, blasphème, jurement