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61303 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas CE.SOPII Hopé Tired, fatigued
Marquesas AN.FOQOU Hou/néi Lately
Marquesas AN.FOQOU Hou nei Il y a longtemps Uncertain Semantic Connection
Samoan PN.SUA.4 Sua To tack a ship
Marquesas PN.SUA.4 Húa To tack a ship; to change the mind, to go or come back
Marquesas PN.QIKAI Í/ma No (in pronouncing the first syllable the tongue is thrust out) Problematic
Tahitian PN.QIKAI ʔAi/ta Non; exprime la négation
Tahitian PN.QIKAI ʔAi/pa Négatif (adj); répondre négativement; (v.a.nég.) s'employait comme *'aita* (désuet.)
Tahitian PN.QIKAI ʔAi/ma Synonyme ancien de *'aita*
Marquesas PN.KALAWA.1 Kaávva A round log serving as a beam along the front of a house
Marquesas PN.KAFA.2 Káhha A kind of spell, or charm; also the disease supposed to be inflicted thereby Borrowed
Marquesas PN.KA-KAU.2 Kokau Pédoncle, queue d'un fruit ou d'un ustensile quelconque; pétiole; col; goulot; tubercule
Marquesas CE.TOOGAAFUA Tou kahhúa Fat of the kidneys
Marquesas CE.GASU.1 Káhhú/a A wound by being bit
Marquesas CE.KARERE Kai An invitation to a feast
Marquesas PN.KALAA Kaiá A stone; a stone pestle
Marquesas EP.KELE.C Kaikai Black, blue, green, any dark colour
Marquesas PN.KEU.1 Káiu To touch, to shake
Marquesas NP.KAKII.* Kaké The neck; the appetite
Marquesas PN.RAQA-KAU.B Kaʔau Bois; mot dont on se sert pour exprimer toutes sortes de choses qu'on ne connaît pas Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas TA.PAA-REU Kaúaeiu, ouwáiu A woman's garment used as a petticoat
Marquesas TA.KAVITI.2 Kavéte The barb of a fish hook
Marquesas EP.QETE.* Keke/áite To tremble
Marquesas EP.QETE.* Kikii/ete Convulsions
Marquesas OC.KEHE Kei Foreign
Marquesas SO.KIVA Kévá A stone for slinging; shot or ball
Marquesas SO.KIVA Kiva/kiva Rognons, reins
Marquesas NP.KIO.1B Keyo-móa A chicken
Marquesas CE.KAI-UU Ki u, mánnu/ki-ú A grasshopper Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas MQ.KAI-TAGI Kitáne To resent, to be sullen
Marquesas MQ.KAI-TAGI Kaitani Délicat, difficile
Mangareva MQ.KAI-TAGI Keitagi Etre envieux, jaloux; envie, jalousie
Marquesas EP.KORE-GA Koáia Foolish; a convulsion fit
Marquesas PN.LOO-QATA Koátta The gigantic Cockle Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas PN.KO-IA Koeya Indeed
Marquesas AN.-NA.1 Koe/na Indeed
Marquesas OC.KOFU.2 Kóhhu Clouds or fog, hanging upon the mountains
Marquesas AN.KOTI.1 Ko/kóti To cut (meat)
East Futuna PN.KA-KAU.2 Kakau Bâton du filet épuisette "kukuti"
Marquesas CE.KUUPEE Kopéi Snot
Marquesas EC.KOOPUU.B Kopu ʔóa A seine net
Marquesas MP.GALU.1 Kou A wave or billow
Marquesas NP.KAU-QALIKI Kouíeke A kind of large closegrained tree
Marquesas NP.KAU-QALIKI Kouaii (MQS) Grand arbre qui porte une amande bonne à manger
Tongan PN.KUPU.1A Kupu/ʔi lea Phrase
Marquesas EC.AA.1 Ma ti By sea, whether on the water, or proceeding along shore
Marquesas OC.MA-RAMA.A Má-ama-áma Light, day break
Marquesas AN.MATUQA.A Madúa Fellow, whether used with affection, familiarity or contempt. A wife generally addresses her husband by this term.
Marquesas MP.MA-FANA Maihánna Warm
Marquesas PN.MAKA.B Máka A sling; to sling