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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Kapingamarangi FJ.QOFA Oho Break, tear apart many things
Tongan MP.OFI.A Ofi(ofi) Near, to be, approach, enter
Nuguria OC.SOKA.1 Hoka (te niu) Schälen
Mangareva OC.SOLO.1 ʔOro Ecroulement, éboulement, glissement de terre
Nuguria PN.OFO.A U/oho Aufstehen am Morgen
Mangareva FJ.FOLI.1 ʔOri Quête, fouille, recherche
Tikopia PN.OFO.B Ofo Scatter, rush away
Mangareva PN.SOLO.3 ʔO/ʔoro Courir vite; embarcation, navire à course rapide
Rotuman PN.OFO.B Ofo Announce approach of an expected person Borrowed
Tuamotu PN.OFO.A Oho To start, suddenly awake, become wide awake, as after a second sleep
Hawaiian CE.OGAOGA Ona Mite. louse
West Uvea OC.QOHO Oo (ina) Apporter des vivres pour une occasion spéciale (fête,...)
Mangareva OC.OI.1 Oi Change position, but not far. Remuer, changer de place, mais en restant prède l'endroit où l'on était; s'approcher; marcher en tournant la tête de temps en temps
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.OI.2 Oi/e Interjection indicating surprise
New Zealand Maori CE.OI.4 Oi (Pterodroma macroptera) Grey-faced Petrel; (Puffinus tenuirostris) Short-tailed Shearwater
Marquesas PN.OQI.A Oi Knead breadfruit paste. Pétrir, délayer. Pétrir, knead [Southeast Marquesan Dialect]; malaxer (une pâte) (Atl).
Tahitian PN.OQI.A Oi Pétrir à la main, malaxer une pâte. To knead, applied to dough, mahi, etc.; to mingle different substances, by working with the hand in a dish (Dvs).
Tongan PN.OQI.A Oʔi To mash, shape by force; press or change into a new shape or pattern, alter the shape or pattern or nature of (or endeavour to do so); to try to persuade or compel to act differently, to urge, press
New Zealand Maori NP.OQI.B Oi Move continuously (as the sea), shudder, shake gently; to disturb (as soil or water with a stick), agitate, disturb
Rarotongan NP.OQI.B Oi Agitate, movement of bird's wing
Samoan NP.OQI.B Oi Disturb; meddle with what would have been better left alone...
Tahitian NP.OQI.B Oi Shake, move repeatedly
Kapingamarangi SF.MAA-QOKI Ma/oki/oki Empty, as of a house or country, deserted, uninhabIted Problematic
Mangareva MP.QOLOGAA Oroga Plante rampante; espèce de filet très fin
Tuamotu PN.OKI.2 Okioki Rest, pause after completing preparations
East Futuna PN.OKO.1 Oko/oko Ramasser, recuieller minutieusement. Aller chercher sa nourriture dans la brousse (période de disette); avoir du mal à trouver des produits (Mfr).
East Uvea PN.OKO.1 Oko/oko Ramasser ce qui reste de bon en temps de famine; ramasser du petit bois à bruler
Marquesas NP.OKO.2A Oko, oʔo Mûr; fort, robuste, vigoureux... Fort, solide, robuste, courageux, bien portant, rude, pénible, tenace, violent; (adv) très, fortement (Lch).
New Zealand Maori PN.OLA.1 Ora Alive, well, satiated with food
Rarotongan PN.OLA.1 Ora Live, survive, be alive, living; get better (of an illness); be safe; lively, vigorous, energetic, expressive...
Sikaiana PN.OLA.1 Ola Alive, living; life; salvation (in Christian teaching); fun, lively, entertaining, exciting
Waya PN.OLA.1 Cola Be alive, living, live; survive, be spared; escape death after capture; healthy, well
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.OLA.2 Ola A medium high straight tree, its wood being used for rafters and ceiling in houses
East Futuna CP.QOLA ʔOla Écharde. Au figure, quelqu'un faisant ombrage; gênant, détesté, détestable
East Futuna CP.QOLA Ola Quille de navire, de barque, de bot . Coque ou quille de bateau Problematic
East Futuna PN.OLA-WAI Ola-vai Plante (Psychotria insularum) Rubiaceae
Tahitian CE.KOO-MOTO Omoto A cocoanut in the last state before the ripe opaa
New Zealand Maori PN.OLI.1 Ori Cause to wave to and fro, agitate; sway, move, quiver; move about; copulate
Takuu PN.OLI.1 Ori Rock, sway gently; (of legs) wobbly, unsteady
Tikopia NP.OLI.3 Oriori Recite formula of thanks by abasement...; a funeral dance song
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.PALA.1B Para Rotten (of vegetables, fruit)
Manihiki-Rakahanga FJ.OLO.3 Oro To grate takataka coconuts for oil; cooked grated outer parts of puraka
Marquesas PN.OLO.2 Oʔo Râler, avoir le râle, respiration bruyante, asthme. Glousser, chanter (Lch).
Pukapuka FJ.OLO.1 Olo Plantation place name, Te Olo a Valu Problematic
Tuamotu FJ.OLO.1 Oro A plume-like tuft, cluster of feathers of frigate-bird Uncertain Semantic Connection
Ifira-Mele MP.QOLOGAA Rogaa (Pipturus argenteus)
Marquesas MP.QOLOGAA Oʔoka, oʔona Esp. d'arbuste, espèce de plante
Nukuoro MP.QOLOGAA Olongaa (Pipturus argenteus)
Rarotongan MP.QOLOGAA ʔOrongaa Small tree sp. (Pipturus argenteus)
Tahitian MP.QOLOGAA Rooʔaa Arbuste (servait à faire les lignes de pèche) (Pipturus argenteus)