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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tongan PN.QUU.A Oo A bundle
Tongan AN.RUA Ooa The numeral two
Tongan TO.QUAGA Ooanga A maggot
Tongan OC.UKA.A Ooca A bow-string
Tongan PN.UQU Oó-oó. Oo/chia. To bite, to peck, to sting. To bite; stung.
Tongan AN.QUTI.2 Oochi. Aʔoochi. The buttocks.
Tongan XW.UKA-MEA Oocummea Metal of any sort, particularly iron
Tongan AN.QUFI.1 Oofi The yam
Tongan PN.QUFI.3 Oofi-oofi To cover over
Tongan AN.QUHA Ooha Rain
Tongan PN.QUHIKI Oohigi Small, diminutive; young of any animal
Tongan MP.QUHILA Oohila Lightning; to lighten
Tongan MP.UI Ooi To call out, to call after, to cry or exclaim against; the interjection, fye!
Tongan PN.QULI.2 Ooli Black, dark, gloomy
Tongan MP.QULI.1 Oolli To steer
Tongan EO.ULA.1A Oolo Blaze, flame
Tongan PN.ULA.1B Oolo To glow
Tongan PN.QULU-QAKI Oolooagi First, beginning
Tongan PN.QULU-POKO Ooloo-boco A skull
Tongan MP.QULUGA Ooloonga A pillow
Tongan XW.QUMA Ooma A kiss
Tongan PN.UMA.B Ooma The shoulder
Tongan MP.QUME Oome A seal (phoca)
Tongan PN.QUMOTI Oomochi A cork, a stopple; to bung up; a pledget of banana leaf for wounds
Tongan MP.QUMU.1A Oomoo Victuals dressed under ground, or baked
Tongan AN.QUNA Oono Scale of a fish, tortoise-shell
Tongan PN.QAUA.2 O´-ooa To desist, hold, forbear; softly; until
Tongan OC.QUTO Ooto The brain; the cocoanut, when it is in the act of germinating
Tongan MP.QATU.2 Otoo A line or row
Tongan MP.QATULE Otooli A fish, resembling mackerel
Tongan OC.PAA.3A Pa A certain kind of fish-hook, made of tortoise shell and mother of pearl shell, on which no bait is put...
Tongan AN.PALU.2 Paloo To mix with water
Tongan MP.PAPA.1A Papa The hollow piece of board on which gnatoo is imprinted
Tongan PN.PATU.2 Pátoo A mark of a wound not gained in battle
Tongan AN.TAA.1B Ta To hew, to carve wood or stone
Anuta NP.TAQO.2B Tao/tao Coconut fronds covering roof
New Zealand Maori NP.TAQO.2B Tao/tao A lattice of rods or vine stems to retain in place the thatch of a roof
Tongan PN.TAKAPAU Tácapów Mats of the cocoanut leaf, used for flooring
Tongan AN.TALO.1 Talo A certain esculent root
Tongan FJ.TA-QALO Taloo To beckon
Tongan XW.TALU.2 Taloo Since (after which time)
Tongan CP.TAGI.B Tangi. Tattangi. To coo, as the doves. To clink, to jingle together.
Tongan PN.TAGULU Tangooloo To snore
Tongan AN.TANU Tanoo To overwhelm, to bury
Tongan EO.TAQO.1 Taoo To cook victuals
Tongan PN.TAU.2 Tów-tów. Táoo/be. To hang. Pendent, hanging.
Tongan PN.TOQO.1 Taw To open, as a box, or door
Tongan PN.TOTO.1 Tawto Blood, to bleed
Tokelau FJ.TEI.2 Taai Preposed particle: nearly, almost, soon
Tongan PN.TAFITO.A Tefito The root of any plant