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16724 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Luangiua PN.FAANAU.A Haŋau FB, wife's Z, B wife. Brother, son of the brother or sister of either parent (man speaking); sister, daughter of the brother or sister of either parent (woman speaking) = kai9a (Hbn). Borrowed
Penrhyn PN.FAANAU.A Haanau A ramage comprising a patrilineal extended family
East Futuna NP.FANAU-GA Fanauga Enfantement. (Se dit aussi des animaux)
East Uvea NP.FANAU-GA Fagauna Ensemble des petits d'un animal
New Zealand Maori NP.FANAU-GA Whanaunga Kinsman, relative
Tahitian NP.FANAU-GA Fanauʔa Petit d'un animal
Nuguria OC.FAQO.1C Hao Drill (n); small passage
East Uvea AN.FANO.2 Fanofano Se laver les mains
West Uvea AN.FANO.2 Fafano Se laver (les mains)
Niue OC.FANO.4 Pano/pano A small coastal tree (Guettarda speciosa) Phonologically Irregular
East Uvea OC.FANUA-MAMALA Fenuamamala Nom d'un arbre
Tongan OC.FANUA-MAMALA Malamala ʔa fonua Alternative name for fonua mamala
Tongan OC.FANUA-MAMALA Fonua malala Niua name for fonua mamala
Niue OC.FANUA-MAMALA F(o)umamala Shrub sp. (Homalanthus nutans)
Rarotongan OC.FANUA-MAMALA ʔEnua A tree with very large leaves and reddish timber (Macaranga harveyana) Problematic
Samoan OC.FANUA-MAMALA (Fanua) mamala, fogaamamala (Omalanthus nutans)
East Futuna XW.TIPI.4 Vaa/tipi Liane servant à lier les chevrons aux poteaux de la maison (Entada phaseoloides)
Tahitian OC.FANUA-MAMALA Fenia A tree, the bark of which is used in dying. (Carumbium nutans) (Jsn) . (Omalanthus nutans) (Whr) Phonologically Irregular
Tongan OC.FANUA-MAMALA Fonua mamala Tree sp. (Omalanthus nutans)
East Futuna EO.FAO Faoo (Neisosperma oppositifolia)
East Uvea EO.FAO Fao Nom d'un arbre (excellent bois pour chevron de maison); (Neisosperma oppositifolium) (Whr)
Fijian EO.FAO Vao A plant (Bleekeria elliptica); (Ochrosia parviflora); Neisosperma oppositifolium (Whr)
Vaeakau-Taumako EO.FAO Hao, fao Pandanus type with long leaves (used for weaving mats) and edible fruits
Samoan EO.FAO Fao (Ochrosia sp.), small shore tree; (Neisosperma oppositifolium) (Whr)
Tokelau EO.FAO Fao A tree (Neiosperma oppositifolia)
Tongan EO.FAO Fao A tree (Neiosperma oppositifolium)
West Uvea AN.FAQO.1A Fao Clou, sagaie de peche, corne d'animal; fer
West Uvea PN.FAQO.1B Fafao Remplir (un sac), faire (ses malles)
West Futuna OC.FAQO.1C Fao Make holes in a canoe; shell for so doing
Mangareva PN.FAAPUKU ʔApuku Fish sp. (Epinephelus microdon) (Rch). Loche marbrée (Epinephelus polyphekadion) (Bct).
Tokelau PN.FAAPUKU Faapuku Marbled Sea-bass (Epinephelus microdon)
Tongan PN.FAAPUKU Faapuku Fish sp. (Epinephelus merra) and other small cod
Tongan PN.FASA Faha Mad, insane
Tongan PN.FASI.C Fahi To slaughter (an animal) and cut it up for food; to chop (a coconut) in two
Samoan PN.FASI.C Fasi Beat (child etc.), kill (an animal), slaughter
Tahitian MP.FATA.1 Fata Autel (église, temple, marae)
West Uvea MP.FATA.1 Fata te mate Coffin (1880)
Hawaiian NP.FATA.2 Haka/haka Vacant space, vacancy, room; blanks, gap; thin, emaciated
Easter Island PN.FATA-FATA Hata/uma Esternón (sternum)
Pukapuka PN.FATA-FATA Watawata Good build (said of a man)
East Uvea PN.FAATAI.1 Faatai Etre assis sur les talons et appuye par terre sur les mains
East Uvea PN.FAATAI.1 Faataʔi Etre assis sur les talons et appuye par terre sur les mains; nid d'oiseau; nom d'une plante (Cassytha)
Nuguria NP.FATI-GA Hati-rima Elbow
Emae NP.FATI-GA Fatigaarima Inside of elbow
Rarotongan NP.FATI-GA Atinga-rima Elbow joint
Takuu NP.FATI-GA Haatina te mataarima Knuckle of the finger or thumb
Takuu NP.FATI-GA Haatina te mataavae Knuckle of the toe
Takuu NP.FATI-GA Haatina rima Measure from fingertip to elbow
Tikopia NP.FATI-GA Fatiga rima Elbow fold
Tahitian CE.FAATINO Fatino To move slowly, as a cat watching its prey; to go slyly and slowly, as a thief, that he may secure his prey