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16729 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Hawaiian CE.NUKA.2 Nuʔa Thick, piled one on top of the other (of mats, ocean swells)
Samoan FJ.NUKA-NUKA Nuʔanuʔa A small tree or shrub (Decaspermum sp.) (Mnr); Polynesian myrtle (Decaspermum fruticosum) (Phm)
Kwaio FJ.NUKU.1 Nuʔu Margins of sand, area of strand immediately above beach
Ifira-Mele FJ.NUKU.1 Nuku Small island
Marquesas FJ.NUKU.1 Nuku- First element in many place names
Penrhyn EC.NUKU.2 Nuku Group, gang of people; war party; kind of theatrical performance
West Uvea PN.QO O Conjonction reliant deux verbes et marquant le but: pour
East Uvea PN.OO.1 Oo Siganus spp. (small)
Tongan PN.OO.1 Oo Fish sp., small, with poison back fins ; almost certainly Siganus
Penrhyn PN.OO.2 Oou Yeah! (the reply when one’s name is called); present! (this may be a reply when the roll is called at school)
Pukapuka PN.OO.3 Woo/mamai Come (plural)
Sikaiana PN.OO.3 O/mmai Come (plural subject)
Tongan PN.OO.3 Oo mai Come (dual or plural)
Kapingamarangi FJ.QOFA Oho Break, tear apart many things
Nukuoro FJ.QOFA Oha Break, break up, destroy, damage, ruin
East Futuna EO.OFAGA Ofaga Nid d'un animal quelconque
Emae EO.OFAGA Ofaga Nest (of bird or animal)
Mangareva PN.FOLO ʔOro Avaler de la nourriture; manger ses mots
Moriori PN.OFO.B Ok/oho/mauri Arouse
Nukumanu PN.OFO.B Oho Amazed
Mangareva PN.SAFOLE ʔOʔore Poisson: Kuhlia sandvicensis, K.marginata (Kuhlidae)
Moriori PN.OFO.B Ho/mauri Start
Mangareva OC.OI.1 Oi Change position, but not far. Remuer, changer de place, mais en restant prède l'endroit où l'on était; s'approcher; marcher en tournant la tête de temps en temps
Penrhyn OC.OI.1 Oi To move, start one's voyage; make room, move aside
West Uvea PN.OI.2 Oiiii... Exclamation d'étonnement (je suis obligé d'y croire, mais...)
Hawaiian CE.OI.4 Oeoe (Oceanodroma castro) Hawaiian storm petrel
New Zealand Maori CE.OI.4 Oi (Pterodroma macroptera) Grey-faced Petrel; (Puffinus tenuirostris) Short-tailed Shearwater
Ifira-Mele PN.OQI.A W/oi/woi Dish of mashed breadfruit and coconut milk
Marquesas PN.OQI.A Oi Knead breadfruit paste. Pétrir, délayer. Pétrir, knead [Southeast Marquesan Dialect]; malaxer (une pâte) (Atl).
Tahitian PN.OQI.A Oi Pétrir à la main, malaxer une pâte. To knead, applied to dough, mahi, etc.; to mingle different substances, by working with the hand in a dish (Dvs).
Tongan PN.OQI.A Oʔi To mash, shape by force; press or change into a new shape or pattern, alter the shape or pattern or nature of (or endeavour to do so); to try to persuade or compel to act differently, to urge, press
Ifira-Mele EC.OKI.1 W/oki/ Noise made by Megapode bird Problematic
Kapingamarangi SF.MAA-QOKI Ma/oki/oki Empty, as of a house or country, deserted, uninhabIted Problematic
Rapa MP.MAHUKU Mouʔu An herb -- leaves dried in sun for hat making, root used for food Borrowed
East Futuna PN.OKO.1 Oko/oko Ramasser, recuieller minutieusement. Aller chercher sa nourriture dans la brousse (période de disette); avoir du mal à trouver des produits (Mfr).
East Uvea PN.OKO.1 Oko/oko Ramasser ce qui reste de bon en temps de famine; ramasser du petit bois à bruler
Niue PN.OKO.1 Oko(oko) To pick up, collect; firewood (for a small open fire)
Easter Island NP.OKO.2A Oko Desarollarse bien los frutos de la tierra y estar prontos a madurar
Hawaiian NP.OKO.2A Oʔo Matured, ripe, as fruit; or mature age, middle-aged, elderly; to mature, ripen or grow old; an adult human, maturity
Lau PN.OLA.1 Im/ola Human being Problematic
Marquesas PN.OLA.1 Oʔa Food, nourishment; heal. Nourriture, subsistance; les vivres, le manger; guérir une plaie, se cicatriser (Lch).
Takuu PN.OLA.1 Ora Life; alive, live, (of machine) be in working condition; escape (as of a fish), survive
Tahitian PN.OLA.2 ʔOoraa Espèce d'arbre, banyan (Urostigma prolixum)(Ficus prolixa) Problematic
Tongan PN.OLA.2 Ola/maka (Gymnosporia vitiensis)
East Uvea CP.QOLA ʔOla Avoir le rhumatisme
Tongan PN.OLA-WAI Ola/vai Small tree sp. (Psychotria insularum); also (Citronella samoensis)
Rotuman PN.OLI.1 Ori Make a slight move forwards Borrowed
Manihiki-Rakahanga MP.QOLOGAA Oronga Something from which fibre is made
East Uvea PN.OLO.2 Mato /olo/ Cri du pigeon
Marquesas MP.QOLOGAA Hoka Shrubs or small trees (Pipturus spp.)