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4445 Results matching "sa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tongan TO.ALAGA.B Alanga Mast, sails, oars, tackle (of boat)
New Zealand Maori NP.ALAALA Araara Trevally (Usacaranx lutescans)
Hawaiian PN.HAALIQA Aalia Pool where salt is formed; salt-bed
Penrhyn PN.HAALIQA Aaria Water pathway, narrow passage, that is a stretch of water between two islets, which is shallower and narrower than a passage (ava), which...even a small boat cannot normally go through.
Tuamotu PN.HAALIQA Aria Shallow passage, inlet filled with rocks, leading into lagoon
Nukumanu PN.QARIKI Ariki Sacred chief, "high priest"; Lord (Trt)
Luangiua EO.QALO.3 Alo/alo. Alo (Sar). Paddle (v)
West Futuna AN.QARO.A Aro Chest; forward or front side of something. Versant (Rve).
Easter Island MP.QAROFA.A ʔAroha Commiseration, compassion, condolence. Grief, sorrow, sadness; regret, be sorry; pity (Wbr).
East Uvea MP.QAROFA.A ʔAlofa Salut
Marquesas MP.QAROFA.A K/aʔoha/, aʔoha Regret, aimer. Hommage, reconnaissance; présent, don gratuit (Lch). Love (Mtu).
Luangiua MP.QAROFA.A Aloha Sad. Love
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.QAROFA.A Aloha Be sorry, be sad, pity
East Futuna PN.QAROFA.B Alofa Salut, bonjour, bonsoir
Marquesas PN.QAROFA.B Kaʔoha, (ʔ)aʔoha. Ka/aʔoha (Mtu). Salut, bonjour, adieu; saluer. Salutation marquisien lors d'une rencontre, expression de l'amitié, de l'affection, de la bienveillance (Lch). Greetings.
Rarotongan PN.QAROFA.B Aroʔa Greet, welcome, salute
Tahitian PN.QAROFA.B Arofa Saluer
Tokelau PN.QAROFA.B Alofa/aga Greetings, salutations
East Futuna SO.QALOFI ʔAlofi Name of island with sandy beaches screening Futuna from the trade-winds
Takuu SO.QALOFI Arofi Sandy area of beach
West Futuna AN.AMO.1A Amo/sia Wipe, rub; massage. Passer la main une fois, caresser (Rve).
Samoan SO.AMA Sama Turmeric powder mixed with oil and used as a remedy for scabies ; to colour the skin with turmeric
Mangareva PN.QAMIO Amio (_matagi) Vent qui vient de tous les cotés, qui souffle par saccades
Rennellese PN.AMU Amu Curse by accusation of incest
Tongan PN.QANA-.2 ʔAne/efiafi This afternoon (said after dark) or yesterday afternoon (said next morning)
Tongan PN.QANA-.2 ʔAne/hoʔataa At noon today (said in the afternoon or evening) or at noon yesterday (said next morning)
Tongan PN.QANA-.2 ʔAne/uhu This morning (said at noon or later)
Tongan PN.QANA-POGIPOGI ʔAnepongipongi This morning (said at noon or later) (rare)
Arosi AN.ANE.A Sane White-ant
Kwara'ae AN.ANE.A Sane White-ant, Termite
Lau AN.ANE.A Sane White-ant
Pukapuka SO.ANO.2 Ano Go. Said to be a shortened form of wano. (Sg. verb). Not recent borrowing. Common in old chants
Sa'a SO.ANO.2 ʔAno Pass away, disappear out of sight Problematic
Emae PN.QANOIHA Anoisa Day after tomorrow Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas NP.QANU.1 Anu Froid, coup de sang, avoir froid
Anuta OC.QANU.3 Anu Spit; spittle, saliva
Easter Island OC.QANU.3 ʔAaʔanu Saliva, escupir
Marquesas OC.QANU.3 Anu/anu (MQS-Atl) Crachat. Salive (Lch).
Mangareva OC.QANU.3 Anu/anu Salive, crachat; cracher
Tikopia OC.QANU.3 Anu Spittle, saliva
Tuamotu OC.QANU.3 Anu To spit, spittle, saliva
Lau AN.QANUFE Safila Centipede Problematic
Takuu CP.AO.1 Ao Gather up small items (rice or sand) from a flat surface; scoop up
Samoan NP.QAO.2 Ao Head (chiefly); title of importance throughout Samoa (Mnr); to have peace (Prt)
Rennellese FJ.QAOGA ʔAoga To be enough, useful, satisfactory, valuable, worthwhile, suitable, proper; to be able, have permission; should, ought, may, need; to fit, as clothes
Niue PN.QAPA Apa/apa Make obeisance, show respect
Tongan PN.QAA-POO ʔApoo Tonight (said during the day)
Easter Island EP.AA-POOPOO Apó era Pasado mañana
New Zealand Maori AN.ASA.1 Aha/aha Saw-like instrument of shark teeth set in a wooden mounting
Mota AN.ASA.1 Asa To rub, wash by rubbing