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4903 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Niue OC.KAU-KAU Kaukau To bathe (Avatele dialect)
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.KAU-KAU Kaukau/ia Bathe, wash (vt)
East Futuna PN.KAU-QULI Kaukau uʔuli (Diaspyros samoensis)
Tahitian PN.KAU-QULI Auri Young saplings of the uru, ahia, mape and vi trees; iron of all sorts
Rarotongan NP.KAULU Kauru Extremity of anything (especially tree tops)
Easter Island PN.KAU-MAFUTE Mahute (Broussonetia papyrifera)
Tahitian FJ.KAUTE ʔAute Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), autrefois (Broussonetia papyrifera) dont on faisait un tapa brun
West Uvea OC.KAWA.1A Kava Liane (Derris trifolia) utilisée pour empoisonner les poissons, et pour attacher les éléments du mur de la case
Tokelau NP.KAWA.1B Kava/hia Be stung, affected by pungency (of mouth)
Hawaiian CP.KAWA.3 ʔAʔawa Wrasse (Bodianus bilunulatus)
Anuta NP.KAWA-KAWA-QATUA Kawakawa tua. Kavakavaatua (Fbg). (Euphorbia atoto)
Anuta NP.KAWA-PUI Kawapui. Kauapui (Fbg). Alpinia sp.
East Futuna PN.KAWA-SASA Kavasasa Nom d'un espèce de liane. (Derris trifoliata) (Whr).
Samoan PN.KAWA-SASA ʔAvasaa Shrub (Tephrosia sp.) used to poison fish
Tongan PN.KAWA-SASA Kavahaha Derris trifoliata, indigenous liana. An extract of the plant is used as a fish poison.
East Uvea PN.KAWA-SUSU Kavahuhu A shrub (Tephrosia piscatoria)
Hawaiian PN.KAWA-SUSU ʔAuhuhu A shrub (Tephrosia purpurea)
Marquesas PN.KAWA-SUSU Kohuhu Espece de genet dont on se sert pour endormir le poisson (Tephrosia piscatoria)
Niue PN.KAWA-SUSU Kauhuhu, ko(u)huhu Shrub sp. (Tephrosia purpurea), used to stupefy small fish for bait
Samoan PN.KAWA-SUSU ʔAva-saa A shrub used to poison fish (Tephrosia) Phonologically Irregular
Tongan PN.KAWA-SUSU Kavahuhu Shrub sp. (Tephrosia purpurea)
East Futuna MP.KAWE.2A Kavekave Servir d'intermédiaire (entre deux fiancés); faire le messager
Tongan PN.KAAWE-A Kaave/a To be carried off one's feet, especially by love
Fijian CP.KAWE-KAWE-HAA Kawakawasaa Long-tailed Cuckoo (Eudynamis taitensis) (Lau dialect)
Tahitian PN.KAWEIGA Aveia A mark to steer by when at sea, the sun by day, and moon and stars by night; a mariner's compass
Tokelau PN.KEE.1 Kee 2nd person singular pronoun (agent immediately preceding the verb)...
West Uvea EO.KE Ge Conjonction marquant la conséquence ou le but de l'action du verbe principale et suivie facultativement du pronom sujet; morphème initial de proposition, marquant une éventualité voulue ou supposée (impératif, supposition, souhait)
Marquesas OC.KEA.2 Káia The shell of a tortoise
Hawaiian PN.KEFU ʔEhu Reddish tinge in hair, of Polynesians and not of Caucasians; reddish-brown complexion, ruddy
Tongan PN.KEFU Kefu Brownish (especially of leaves or hair)
Sikaiana AN.AFIAFI Ahiahi The evening time, starting from just before sunset until after it is dark and the sun’s reflection can no longer be seen on the horizon; from about 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm
Penrhyn OC.KEHE Kee Different, foreign; special, exceptional
Rennellese OC.KELI Kegi Dig v, especially tubers
Tikopia PN.KENA.1A Kena White, especially pure white; devoid of colour, bright, shining; pale, bleached; flaxen, of hair
Tongan OC.KESA Keha(keha) Yellow or yellowish, especially of mats
New Zealand Maori PN.KIA.1A Kia To denote wish, purpose, or effect
Mangaia PN.KIA.1A ʔIa Particle (verbal): may...., let us...; (introducing an optative or hortative clause): that, so that Problematic
Marquesas PN.KIA.1A ʔIa Particule verbale qui exprime une action souhaitée, un désir.
Mangaia CE.KIA.1B ʔIa When (introducing a subordinate temporal clause) Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas PN.KIA.1A Ia Desiderative; punctative [Ua Pou Dialect]
Niue PN.KIA.1A Kia Pre-verbal positive imperative (exhortative) subjunctive mood marker
Penrhyn PN.KIA.1A Kia Desirative ; desiderative or subjunctive
Pukapuka PN.KIA.1A Kia Let (archaic particle used in old prayers . subjunctive "let" (now archaic) Problematic
Rarotongan PN.KIA.1A Kia Particle, essentially optative in meaning
Samoan PN.KIA.1A ʔIa Pre-basic particle with optative function (i.e. serving to indicate a command, wish, purpose, etc. . Sign of the subjunctive
Tahitian PN.KIA.1A ʔIa Devant une forme verbale: exprime un souhait ou un désir.
East Uvea TO.KIA.2 Kia Gorge, gosier, cou Borrowed
Niue TO.KIA.2 Kaa/kia Neck
Niue TO.KIA.2 Faka/kia/ To stretch out the neck
Tongan TO.KIA.2 Kia Neck