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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Mangareva AN.FARA ʔAra Pandanus spp. (Pandanus tectorius), fruit du pandanus (Rch).
Tahitian AN.FARA Fara Fruit du pandanus; pandanus (Pandanus odoratissimus, P.tectorius)
Niue PN.FAQALA Faala Catch lice, look carefully, search minutely
Tikopia NP.FALA-FALA.2 Farafara Freshwater eel
Marquesas XW.FALA-SOLA Faʔahoka (MQS), haʔahoʔa (MQN), haʔahoka (Ua Pou) Ananas, plante de la famille des bromoliacées Problematic
New Zealand Maori FJ.FALAU Wharau Canoe shed; temporary shed made of branches; travel by sea
Anuta MP.FALE Pare House. Generic term for a house or building of any sort; to dwell, stay, live, reside; middle-level "descent group" similar in connotation to *api* (Fbg).
Sikaiana MP.FALE Hale House; a star constellation
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.FALELO Halelo Branch coral (porites) ; coral
Marquesas CC.SALI.3 Haʔi Porter, transporter
Mangareva CC.SALI.3 Ari To carry. Porter une chose divisible qui ne peut être portée qu'à plusieurs reprises
Marquesas PN.FAALIKI Faiʔi (MQS), haiʔi (MQN). Haaʔiki (I). Litière, tapis. Tout ce qu'on etend sous quelqu'on soit qu'il se couche dessus (Dln). Borrowed
Tahitian PN.FAALIKI Faariʔi Recipient, contenir; recevoir quelqu’un, accueillir Problematic
West Uvea PN.FAALIKI Faliki/a Étendre des branches de cocotier sur quelque chose
Emae PN.FA-LIU Fariu Turn v.i. se tourner, faire volte face
East Uvea PN.FARO.2A (Fa(ʔo))faʔo Etirer (corde), étendre Phonologically Irregular
East Uvea PN.FAALOO.A Faaloo Étendre, étirer
Niue PN.FAALOO.A Faloo To tie on, tie over, lash on, fasten on
Tuamotu PN.FAALOO.A Faroo Tighten the final lashing of a canoe
East Futuna PN.FAALOO.B Faaloo Stretch, put out (as hand) ; Être étendu; être allongé (bras, jambe)
East Uvea PN.FAALOO.B Faaloo Étendre (la main) (Faaloo te nima)
Nukuoro PN.FAALOO.B Haalo Extend one’s hand, reach out; expect things from others, and accept too readily
Tokelau PN.FAALOO.B Faaloo Stretch, reach out, extend; crane (neck)
Easter Island NP.FAALOA Koopuku ha/haroa Temperate bass (Polyprion oxygeneios) (Bloch & Schneider) >
Penrhyn NP.FAALOA Haaroa A fish of the Groper family ; white-mottled grouper (Epinephelus maculatus)
Tahitian NP.FAALOA Faaroa Spotted sea bass (Epinephelus tauvina). Mérou (Epinephelus areolatus) (Lmt).
New Zealand Maori MP.FANA.2 Hana Radiate heat, shine, glow; source of heat and light
Mota PN.FANAA Pane Boom with forked end stepped on the foot of the mast
East Uvea PN.FANAGA Fanaaga Fable, conte, roman
East Uvea PN.FANAGA Fagana Fable, legende, conte, recit, roman
Samoan PN.FANAGA Faagono A tale intermingled with song; (interj.) applied to a boaster Phonologically Irregular
East Uvea NP.FANAKE.* Faanake Monter (en parlant de la mer)
Tahitian NP.FANAKE.* Fanae The time soon after midnight, when the tide begins to ebb
East Futuna PN.FANA-KIO Vala(vala)kii (Sterculia fanaiho) Phonologically Irregular
Samoan PN.FANA-KIO Fanaiʔo (Sterculia sp.)
Samoan PN.FANA-KIO Fanaʔio, fagaʔio Tree sp. (Sterculia fanaiho)
Tongan PN.FANA-KIO Fanakio Tree sp. (Sterculia fanaiho), found only on Niuafo'ou
Fijian OC.FAANAKO Bu/tako Steal Problematic
New Zealand Maori OC.FAANAKO Whaanako Steal, theft, thief, thievish, thieving [Eastern Maori Dialect]
Rotuman OC.FAANAKO Hanaʔo Steal
Mangareva PN.FAKA-SELE ʔAkaʔere/ʔere Favoriser quelqu'un; chéri, favori; chéri, mignon, mon coeur (terme d'amitié)
New Zealand Maori PN.FAANAU.A Whaanau Extended family group
Moriori PN.FAANAU.A Hunau Brother of a sister
Luangiua PN.FAANAU.A Haŋau FB, wife's Z, B wife. Brother, son of the brother or sister of either parent (man speaking); sister, daughter of the brother or sister of either parent (woman speaking) = kai9a (Hbn). Borrowed
Penrhyn PN.FAANAU.A Haanau A ramage comprising a patrilineal extended family
Marquesas NP.FAANAU.B Hanau (MQN), fanau (MQS). Haanau (Mtu). To be born. Naître, enfanter, accoucher, naissance.
East Futuna NP.FANAU-GA Fanauga Enfantement. (Se dit aussi des animaux)
Rarotongan NP.FANAU-GA ʔAnaunga Brood, litter, breed, race
Marquesas AN.FANO.1 Hano. (Ha)hano (MQS) (Atl). Aller chercher, aller, commencer par, aider. Aller chercher, aller prendre; avoir l'intention de, avoir pour but de, se proposer de, essayer de, être occupé à, chercher à, tendre à (Lch).
Tikopia AN.FANO.2 Fa(fa)no Cleanse, especially hands, utensils