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16733 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Takuu CE.PURUGA Puruna Woman who is not young but is unmarried: widow, spinster Problematic
Nuguria AN.RAQA Mataa-raa Branch, twig
Pukapuka SO.LAA-LAA Laalaa/ila Small shark sp.
Tokelau SO.LAA-LAA Laalaa/ila White-tipped Reef White Shark (Carcharhinus albimarginatus), when very large
Sikaiana PN.LAU-PATA Laupata A tree species (macaranga?) used for some woodworking and firewood
Tikopia NP.LELE.B Rere Traditional concept of entry into trance state; spirit held to "run" into medium, and so become manifest among men
Nuguria AN.RIKI Punaa/riki/riki (pl. puna/r/riki) Little, small
Sikaiana AN.ROGO.1B Lono News, information; a person’s reputation.
Sikaiana CP.LOLI Loli A sea slug; (fig.) a man's penis
Sikaiana NO.SALAFALU Salahalu A plant species; used for making the rim {kaullie} of bird nets {seu}, flying fish nets {taetae}, and axe handles {kautoki}
Luangiua NO.SALAFALU Salahalu Small tree sp. used for house rafters
Nuguria EO.SAU.6 Hau/makariri, sau/makariri Very cold
Takuu EO.SAU.6 S(s)au/makallii Cold; feel cold (of someone else's body, food, air temperature)
Luangiua PN.SIKI.2 S/siʔi Beginning and ending of mats - plait
Takuu PN.SIKI.2 Siki Finish the edge (of a mat) in plaiting, by bending back the ends of the strands and plaiting towards the interior
Sikaiana PN.SIKI.2 Siki/siki The method of weaving/plaiting used for the end of a mat (vasa)
Kapingamarangi PN.SIKI.2 Higi Technique of finishing a mat edge
Nukuoro PN.SIKI.2 Sigi A technique of finishing a mat edge
Nukuoro SO.SIKI.1B Sigi To assist in the delivery of a baby (by manually extracting it from the birth canal)
Nukuoro SO.SIKI.1C Sigi To tack a canoe (by transferring the mast from one end of the canoe to the other)
Tokelau PN.SIKI.2 Hiki (in weaving a mat, fan, or hat) The finishing section where the weaving threads are turned back to lock them into place
East Uvea SO.SIKI.1B Hiki/hiki te fatu Manipuler une femme enceinte
Samoan PN.SIKI.2 Si/siʔi To make a fringe
Rennellese PN.SIKI.2 Siki To finish house thatching by cutting extended endings; to make the final side of a mat, or final seam or hem of a dress
New Zealand Maori PN.SIKI.2 Hiki The join or seam between two widths of a floor mat
Takuu FJ.MAPO Sii/mapo (of wood) Rotten on the outside while the inner wood remains sound
Tokelau PN.TAFE-GA Tafega A small flow of water during low tide which is used by fish either to go outside the reef or come into the lagoon
Niue PN.TAFETA.A Tafeta Pool (of brackish water above high tide mark)
Tikopia XO.TAFETA.B Tafeta Bag or small basket, of closely plaited leaf material and string handle, for stowing small objects
Takuu XO.TAFETA.B Tafeta Small kind of basket, handbag
Nuguria XO.TAFETA.B Taheta Container for kaauna [turmeric powder], with a lid, made of pandanus or kanokano [swamp taro] leaves; kind of small basket, handbag
Luangiua OC.TAPAKAU Kapaʔau Coconut leaf floor mat
Mangaia NP.ME.1B Mei, mee Like, resembling, approximately, nearly Problematic
Ra'ivavae PN.AA- A Particle of equation, denoting resemblance or similarity: like, after the manner of...
Ra'ivavae EO.HAMA Ama The float of the canoe outrigger
Hawaiian CE.ANEI Anei Particle indicating that a question may be answered by yes or no, always following a word or phrase
Mangaia CE.ANEI Anei Adverbial particle marking a question
Ra'ivavae MP.QATULE Ature A variety of fish (similar to, but smaller than, the goggler)
Ra'ivavae AN.QAHU.2 Au War-like essence or spirit; an emanation (steam, vapor, smoke); a shade, ghost, apparition
Ra'ivavae MP.QAUA.1 Aua A variety of small whitish fish
Ra'ivavae MP.AKO Aʔo Decide, intend, make up one's mind to do; (mod.) counsel, advise, instruct
Ra'ivavae NP.FALELO Farero A variety of branching coral (the pointed tips vary in thickness...hard...may be used to drill holes)
Ra'ivavae NP.FAGO Faʔo Having a snuffling nasal impediment to thespeech, as when the soft palate is damaged Borrowed
Ra'ivavae PN.GAQESE Gaaehe/ehe To make a soft rustling or rattling sound
Ra'ivavae CE.GAGIE ŋaŋie A variety of small tree, Pemphis acidulata
Ra'ivavae PN.GAKO ŋaʔo The fat of certain animals, birds, fish, crustacea
Ra'ivavae CE.GERE ŋere To be deprived; to be not, not to be; to sequestrate ceremonially (as young maidens of the hare-nunu); to take prisoner, imprison, shut into
Ra'ivavae PN.KOKOLO ŋoro To make a gurgling sound Phonologically Irregular
Ra'ivavae MP.GUGU.2 ŋuŋu/ŋuŋu Chronic rheumatism
Ra'ivavae PN.MA-SAE Mahae Torn, lacerated