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219 Results matching "kia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Penrhyn PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia Wounded, scratched, bruised; wound, scratch, abrasion, bruise
Rarotongan PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia Touch, make contact with; graze, abrasion, superficial wound
Rennellese PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia Hit, strike, stumble; depend on, as for food or shelter
Tikopia PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia-ina Wound, cut, stab
Tokelau PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia Be hurt, suffer seriously, be badly affected
Niuatoputapu XW.PAKIA.2 Pakia Click-beetle
Tokelau XW.PAKIA.2 Tuu/pakia/ Chrysomelid or click-beetle (Elateridae sp.)
Tongan XW.PAKIA.2 Pakia/mala Kind of insect which is very vigorous in its movements
New Zealand Maori NP.PAKI-AKA Pakiaka Root
Marquesas CE.PAA-KIRA Pekia Sommet, point culminant. Faîtage d'une maison (Lch). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas CE.PAA-KIRA ʔOho/pekia Chauve, calvité; sommet de la tête; spirale des cheveux
Easter Island CP.PAKI-PAKI Pakia Foca, lobo del mar
Emae OC.PELU.A Peru/kia Wind up, coil
Rennellese MP.PISI.1 Pisi/kia Be drenched, soaked; to wet, soak, splash; to receive a spurt of a liquis, as lime juice, in the eye; to cry, of eyes filled with onion scent
West Uvea OC.POO.2 Popoo, pookia Battre/frapper des mains, (danses) taper dans les mains; laisser une trace/empreinte; imprimer; (insectes) claquer; (eau) clapoter
West Uvea OC.POO.2 Po/poo/kia Tapoter le dos d'un enfant pour l'endormir
New Zealand Maori CE.POO-FUE.* Poohue (Clematis spp.), (Muhlenbeckia sp.), (Passiflora tetrandra), (Calystegia sp.)
East Uvea PN.POO-KIA Pokia Etre frappé, souffleté
Emae PN.POO-KIA Pookia Catch with cupped hand
New Zealand Maori PN.POO-KIA Pookia Covered over; overtaken. Passive of popoki
Ifira-Mele PN.POO-KIA Pookia Catch by covering with hand
Penrhyn PN.POO-KIA Pookia To be overwhelmed
Pukapuka PN.POO-KIA Pookia Grabbed
Rarotongan PN.POO-KIA Pookia Covered, struck by waves, overtaken. Passive of popoki
Tokelau PN.POO-KIA Pookia Caught by being covered by hand
Tokelau PN.POO-KIA Pokia Be caught (or found) unawares
Tongan PN.POO-KIA Pookia Be touched (of the eyes) by a spook and so to be injured in a certain way
Tuamotu PN.POO-KIA Pookia Covered over; overflowed; smothered
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.SEMO H/emo/kia Pay what remains, complete payment
Rarotongan CP.SELE.1A ʔEre-a, -ʔia, -kia Tie round, tie up, tether
Tongan PN.SOPO.A Hopohopo/kia To beat over and into (as waves)
West Uvea PN.SOPO.A Sopo-kia Sauter; jaillir, (soleil, lune) se lever [Heo Dialect]. Plonger; traverser en sautant (Rougeyron 1860))
West Uvea PN.SOPO.C Sopo, sopokia Jaillir (soleil, lune) se lever
Niue PN.SOPO.D Hopokia Frightened, shocked
Niue PN.SOPU.1 Hopu/kia Caught, of prisoners
Hawaiian MP.TIA.1A Kia Pillar, prop, post, nail, spike, mast
Luangiua MP.TIA.1A Kia Root Problematic
Luangiua CP.TIA.1B Kia To make net
Hawaiian EP.TIAKI Kiaʔi Watch, guard
Luangiua PN.TIQAKI Kiaʔi Let, permit, allow Problematic
Luangiua PN.TIALE Kiale Creeper, white flower
Tokelau SO.TILI.4 Tili/kia Continue family line
Emae PN.TOO.1A To/kia Plant
New Zealand Maori PN.TOO.1A Whaka/too/-kia Plant
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TOO.1A Thoo (trans. to/kia) Plant, make holes with a digging stick for planting
West Uvea PN.TOO.1A To/kia Semer, planter
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.UNU.1 Unu/kia Stick into the ground Uncertain Semantic Connection
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.WIKI.2 Vaki/vakiakina To praise Phonologically Irregular
Emae MP.MUTU.1A Mutu/kia To break something
Nukumanu OC.KIATO Kiato Outrigger boom