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444 Results matching "sai" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tuamotu OC.KOFU.2 Kohu Envelop (said of cloud or mist)
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.KONA.5 Khona, kona [NUP] Be caught (e.g. fish in net, sail by wind) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rotuman PN.KOWI.A Kovi Disease said to be similar to leprosy; sickness in general, Borrowed
Mangareva NP.KUUKUU.1 Kuukuu A pigeon said now to be extinct. Oiseau de terre: espèce de pigeon (Ptilinopus); n'existe plus à Mangareva (Rch).
Rennellese PN.KUMALA.1 Kumala A kind of panna said to have been introduced to Rennell in about 1920; sweet potatoes; considered a Solomons word Borrowed
West Uvea MP.KUMI.3A Ku/kumi, kumi/a Prendre, saisir, empoigner, serrer, attraper, s'agripper, toucher
New Zealand Maori PN.KUPU.1A Kupu Anything said; saying, message, word, talk; to speak
Rarotongan PN.KUPU.1A Kupu Anything said: word, saying, talk
New Zealand Maori MP.IA.2 Ia That, the said (singular only)
Samoan AN.IA.4 Ia Particle used to sum up what has just been said, or to indicate agreement with it, to emphasize what follows etc.: that's it, all right, well
Mangareva MP.QILO-A Iroa Je ne sais pas (ne s'emploie qu'au présent et à la seule 1ère personne). I do not know, I am ignorant of it (Tgr).
Takuu EO.INO-QI Faka/ino/ Sail to windward, turn downwards
Anuta AN.LAA.1 Raa Sail
East Futuna AN.LAA.1 Laa Sail
East Uvea AN.LAA.1 Laa Sail
Fijian AN.LAA.1 Laca Sail
Hawaiian AN.LAA.1 Laa Sail
Kapingamarangi AN.LAA.1 Laa Sail
Emae AN.LAA.1 Raa Sail
New Zealand Maori AN.LAA.1 Raa Sail
Ifira-Mele AN.LAA.1 Raa Sail
Nuguria AN.LAA.1 Laa Sail (n)
Nguna AN.LAA.1 Na/lae/ Sail
Niue AN.LAA.1 Laa Sail
Nukuoro AN.LAA.1 Laa Sail
Penrhyn AN.LAA.1 Raa Sail
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.LAA.1 Laa Sail
Pukapuka AN.LAA.1 Laa Sail
Rarotongan AN.LAA.1 Raa Ancient mat-sail
Rennellese AN.LAA.1 Gaa Sail
Rotuman AN.LAA.1 Lae Sail
Samoan AN.LAA.1 Laa Sail
Sikaiana AN.LAA.1 Laa The sail of a ship
Takuu AN.LAA.1 Laa, raa Sail of an ancient canoe
Tikopia AN.LAA.1 Raa Sail
Tokelau AN.LAA.1 Laa Sail
Tongan AN.LAA.1 Laa Sail
West Futuna AN.LAA.1 Ra Sail
Takuu PN.LAPA.1B Laparapa Soft-rayed dorsal or anal fin (of edible fish, esp. shark); triangular corner of a sail cloth which is not stitched but hangs loose
Mangareva PN.LAWE.2B Rave Prendre; mordre, percer (ne se dit que des outils). To take, to acquire possession; to pierce, to bite (said of good tools) (Tgr).
Marquesas CE.REFUA Ehua. ʔEhua (Mtu). Année (nom d'une constellation), grand saison du fruit à pain. Year (Mtu).
Tahitian PN.LEI.1 Rei Carved bow-piece of sailing canoe. Avant ou arrière d'une pirogue Problematic
Mangareva CE.REIRA Reira Là (se dit d'un lieu déterminé). There (said of some certain place) (Tgr).
Vaeakau-Taumako FJ.LEKA.2 Leka Dwarf, small legendary people said to be living in the bush
Rarotongan FJ.LEPA.1 Repa/a Flap (of sail)
Tuamotu FJ.LEPA.1 Repa Flutter (of sail)
Waya FJ.LEPA.1 Reba Flap, fail to fill with wind (of a sail)
Nukuoro NP.LEWA.1 Leva Sail through the air
Easter Island EP.REWA.1A Reva Set sail. Go (esp. when one goes by airplane or ship) (Wbr).
Hawaiian FJ.LII.2 Lii Lace, tie, gird, furl or reef a sail