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16729 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
East Futuna PN.KENU Kenu/kenu Dig in earth with foot (of animals) (i)
New Zealand Maori PN.KENU Ma/kenu/ Spoor, trace
Tikopia PN.KENU Kenu Footmark, track of feet or tail
Tongan PN.KENU Ma/kenu/ Disturbed (of earth)
Tuamotu PN.KENU Ma/kenu/ Disturbed (as of earth, etc.)
Tikopia OC.KESA Kesa Green, yellow-green, with suggestion of off-colour, indeterminate between light and dark, hence may be applied to greenish grey, purplish grey, or murky brown of dry leaves
Tongan OC.KESA Keha(keha) Yellow or yellowish, especially of mats
Mangareva TA.KETA.* Keta/keta Etre raide, tendu (se dit des étoffes manquant de souplesse) Problematic
Tahitian TA.KETA.* ʔEta/ʔeta Résistant (à la cassure et à la déformation), solide, ferme, dur, rigide, raide; résistant physiquement (en parlant d'une personne), athlétique; sens figuré, entêté
West Futuna EO.KETE.A Kete Square, woven mat for sitting on
Sikaiana OC.KETE.B Kete Stomach
Tongan OC.KETE.B Kete Stomach
New Zealand Maori CE.KETO. Keto Infested with maggots
Marquesas FJ.KETU.1 Ketu Prise up, root, as a pig (I). Levier, enlever, arracher, soulever, extraire avec un levier; repousser à la main, jeter au loin (Lch).
Anuta PN.KETU.2 Ketu Hop on one leg; malformed (foot or leg)
Hawaiian PN.KEU.1 ʔEu Stir up, incite, animate, encourage
East Futuna PN.KEWA.1 Keva Maladie de nerfs, raideur convulsive raide ; rigor mortis
New Zealand Maori FJ.KI.1 Ki Preposed nominal particle marking indirect object or goal of intransitive constructions and instrument of transitive constructions; to
Mangareva FJ.KI.1 Ki Marque le régime direct ou indirect des verbes
Mangareva EP.KII.1 Ki mai, ki atu Dire
New Zealand Maori OC.KI.2 Ki Preposed nominal particle marking instrument with transitive verbs
Tokelau OC.KI.2 Ki Preposition marking instrument
New Zealand Maori TA.KII.2 Kii Be full (of container, house, stomach etc.)
Marquesas TA.KII.2 Ki Marque du superlatif. Oko ki, très fort Problematic
Rennellese TA.KII.2 Kikii Magino kikii, dead calm (of the sea) Problematic
Easter Island PN.KIA.1A Ki May (in front of a verb); forms the imperative for the first person plural
Mangaia PN.KIA.1A ʔIa Particle (verbal): may...., let us...; (introducing an optative or hortative clause): that, so that Problematic
Niue PN.KIA.1A Kia Pre-verbal positive imperative (exhortative) subjunctive mood marker
Samoan PN.KIA.1A ʔIa Pre-basic particle with optative function (i.e. serving to indicate a command, wish, purpose, etc. . Sign of the subjunctive
Anuta PN.MAA.2 Maa mei Fermented breadfruit
Anuta MP.KIE.A Rau/kie Pandanus sp. for fine mats
Penrhyn MP.KIE.A Kia Sleeping-mat
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.KIE.A Kie Small pandanus
Pukapuka MP.KIE.A Kie Specially made mat sometimes used as sail Borrowed
Rennellese MP.KIE.A Kie Pandanus used for fine mats
Tikopia MP.KIE.A Kie Pandanus sp. with relatively soft leaves, from which mats are plaited
Tokelau MP.KIE.A Kie Kind of pandanus used for high quality mats
Anuta PN.KIE.B Kie Ceremonial pandanus skirt; fine mat
Pukapuka PN.KIE.B Kie Specially made mat (sometimes used as sail
Pukapuka PN.KIE.B Lau/kie Prepared fibre from "yulu" bush variety of Pandanus, used for making fine mats
Tikopia PN.KIE.B Kie Small decorated mat used as loin garment indances
Tikopia PN.KIE.B Kie Waist mat of kilt type, finely plaited from pandanus leaf...
Niue AN.FONU.1 Maa/fonu Stuffed, full (refers to eating)
Tuamotu PN.KIE.B Kie/kie Man's waistband of pandanus matting
Pukapuka TA.KIE.C Kie Specially made mat sometimes used as a sail
Fijian XW.KIE-KIE.A Kiekie A mat of very fine plait worn by older women over other dresses at funerals
Tokelau XW.KIE-KIE.A Kiekie Special kind of mat woven purely with laukie. The most valued kind of mat
New Zealand Maori NP.KIE-KIE.B Kiekie A climbing plant (Freycinetia banksii) whose long narrow leaves are used to make the finest plait-work
Rapa NP.KIE-KIE.B Kiekie A sedge (Carex stokesii)) used as tie strings for taro; also aerial roots of mangu
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.KILI.2 Kili Rasp, something (e.g. sandpaper) used to make things smooth