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4904 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Fijian OC.TAFA.2 Tava/ia Cut with a knife, as meat from a carcase
Emae OC.TAFA.2 Tafa/ia Scarify, circumcise
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.TAFA.2 Taha/ia [Be] cut accidentally (vi); cut deliberately, tear off (vt)
Sikaiana OC.TAFA.2 T/taha To circumcise (Not practised on Sikaiana)
Luangiua PN.TAFA-QULI Kahauli Diamond trevally sp.
New Zealand Maori CE.TAA-FERO. Taawhero A tree (Weinmannia racemosa), with smallish, toothed leaves, reddish when young. Timber reddish and of no use, not even for burning. Eastern dialect ;
New Zealand Maori TA.TAFIFI. Tawhiwhi A tree (Pittosporum tenuifolium); a climber (Parsonsia heterophylla)
Tahitian TA.TAFIFI. Taafifi Lianes (Morinda forsteri), (Jasmium didymum), (Alyxia scandens)
Hawaiian CE.TAAFIRI.* Kaahili To brush, sweep, switch; a ceremonial standard
Tahitian CE.TAFITI.1 Tahiti The name of the largest island in the Georgian groupe...
Tongan PN.TAU-QA Touʔa Persons whose duty it is to prepare kava for drinking, esp. on ceremonial occasions Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Futuna MQ.TAA-FOA Tafoia Break, crack, chip; open (as canned food, shellfish Problematic
Easter Island FJ.TAFU.A Tahu To keep the umu going for the daily meals of the working hands . Servir comida a personas que ayudan en un trabajo; hacerles comida diaria en curanto
Tahitian EP.TAFUQA Tahua Plancher (tahua fare), étage, pont de bateau (tahua pahii); champ (de bataille), terrain (de football, d'aviation)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TA-FULI Tahuli Turn (vi); so, then (clause initial)
Waya OC.TAGA.1A Taga Any deep receptacle with open top made of woven material; bag, sack
Takuu SO.TAGA.3 Tana Used to, accustomed to, not forbidden to, free from restrictions associated with the paarina mourning house
Rennellese OC.TAGAFA Langoba Probably scarlet-breasted Maori Wrasse (Cheilinus fasciatus) [Bloch] Problematic
Hawaiian PN.TAGALOA.A Kanaloa Name of one of the great Hawaiian gods, called a god of healing. God of darkness and evil ; associated with the octopus.
Rarotongan PN.TAGALOA.A Tangaaroa One of the great deities of the Polynesian race
Rotuman PN.TAGALOA.A Tagroa Tagaloa, a polynesian deity Problematic
Tahitian PN.TAGALOA.A Taaroa The great god of the Polynesians in general, he was said to be the father of the gods, and creator of all things, yet was scarcely reckoned an object of worship
West Futuna FJ.WAA-WAA.2A Hga/vava Guts, especially of a fish
New Zealand Maori AN.TAGI.A Tangi-hia Cry, weep
Marquesas CP.TAGI.B Taki (MQN), tani (MQS) Sonner, chanter, retentir, bourdonner, piailler; crier; aboyer, mugir. Son (Dln). Tonner, thunder (v). (Coq) chanter; to crow. (Atl).
Rarotongan AN.TAGI.A Tangi Any noise or sound, but especially of weeping
West Uvea AN.TAGI.A Tangi-sia (Humains) pleurer
Pukapuka EO.TAHI.2 Tai uli Dark wood (esp. of Cordia subcordata)
Tokelau EO.TAHI.2 Tai/uli Dark wood of (Cordia subcordata)
Hawaiian MQ.TAA-IA Taa ia His, her (a vestigial form)
Marquesas MQ.TAA-IA Taaia His, her
Hawaiian NP.TAI-QAO Kaiao Dawn
Kapingamarangi NP.TAI-QAO Daiaa Tomorrow
Kapingamarangi NP.TAI-QAO Taia Morning
New Zealand Maori NP.TAI-QAO Tai/taiao/ Dawn
Ifira-Mele NP.TAI-QAO Taiao Morning
Nuguria NP.TAI-QAO Taiao Tomorrow
Nukuoro NP.TAI-QAO Daiao Morning; tomorrow
Luangiua NP.TAI-QAO Kaiao To-morrow. Am nächsten Tag [next day] (Sar).
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.TAI-QAO Tiao/atla Day after tomorrow
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.TAI-QAO Thaiao Morning
Rapa NP.TAI-QAO Tiao Shadow Problematic
Sikaiana NP.TAI-QAO Taiao Tomorrow
Tahitian NP.TAI-QAO Taiao The dawn or day-break
Takuu NP.TAI-QAO Taiao Tomorrow, the next day
New Zealand Maori PN.TAIKO Taaiko Black Petrel (Procellaria parkinsoni)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TA-ILI Taili/fia Blow
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TA-ILI Thaili/hia Blow (vt)
Easter Island EP.TAI-NAFI Aŋa/taiahi Yesterday
New Zealand Maori EP.TAI-NAFI Tainahi Yesterday (Eastern dialect)