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4904 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Niue CP.TONO.2 Tono A weed (Centella asiatica)
Samoan CP.TONO.2 Tono The name of a weed (Hydrocotyle asiatica)
Fijian CP.TONO.2 Totono, totodro (Centella asiatica); (Geophila repens) (Whr)
Tongan CP.TONO.2 Tono A ground creeper with round leaves (Centella asiatica); (Geophila repens) (Whr)
Vaeakau-Taumako FJ.TONU.1A Tonu/ia Be on time for, be timely at
Moriori CE.TONU.1B Tonu Adverbial particle
Mangaia CP.TONU.2 Tonu Giant Grouper
Tahitian CP.TONU.2 Tonu A poisonous fish (Anthias amarui). The name of a fish that is often poisonous... (Dvs). Coral trout (Plectropomus spp.) . Loche, poisson de la famille des Serranidae (Plectropomus leopardus) (Lmt).
Rennellese CE.TOPE.B Tobe Sever, break off, especially with one piece remaining Problematic
Hawaiian PN.TOTO.2 Koko (Euphorbia sp.)
Hawaiian PN.TOTO.2 ʔAkoko (Euphorbia sp.)
Niue PN.TOTO.2 Toto (Euphorbia spp.)
Niue PN.TOTO.2 Toto/taane (Euphorbia hirta
Niue PN.TOTO.2 Toto/fifine (Euphorbia prostrata)
Niue PN.TOTO.2 Toto/tea (Euphorbia ramosissima)
Tahitian PN.TOTO.2 A/toto A small gummy shrub. (Euphorbia atoto, E.tahitensis) (Jsn).
East Uvea OC.TOU.1 Tou A tree (Cordia aspera)
Fijian OC.TOU.1 Tou (Cordia aspera), Boraginaceoe
Hawaiian OC.TOU.1 Kou (Cordia subcordata)
Marquesas OC.TOU.1 Tou Tree species, (Cordia subcordata). Faux ébène ou noyer d'Océanie, arbre de la famille des boraginacées... (Lch).
Mangareva OC.TOU.1 Tou Arbre: Cordia subcordata
Penrhyn OC.TOU.1 Tou A tree (Cordia subcordata)
Rarotongan OC.TOU.1 Tou Pacific Rosewood (Cordia subcordata)
Samoan OC.TOU.1 Tou (Cordia aspera)
Tahitian OC.TOU.1 Tou Esp. d'arbre (Cordia subcordata)
Tongan OC.TOU.1 Tou Tree species, (Melochia odorata)
Tuamotu OC.TOU.1 Tou (Cordia subcordata)
Fijian FJ.TOU.2 Tou First person inclusive trial verbal pronoun
Easter Island PN.TUU.2 Tuutuu Sacuder algo para limpiarlo de polvo
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.TUQU.1 Tu/lia Stand up against, fight against
Tokelau AN.TUQU.1 Tuu-lia Be perched upon by birds
Emae PN.TUQU.3A Tuu/tia To cross . Traverse (un cours d'eau)
Ifira-Mele PN.TUQU.3A Tuu/jia Cut
Niue PN.TUQU.3A Tuu/tia Be cut
Luangiua OC.TUPUQA.A Kipua Devil; giant
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TUQU.3A Tu/hia, tu/sia Fell (trees); cut open (coconuts)
Samoan PN.TUQU.3A Tu/tia To be cut off, as one part of an army separated from the rest; to cut of the head (in abuse)
West Futuna PN.TUQU.3A Tu(-shia) Cut away, cut off
West Uvea PN.TUQU.3A Tu/tuu, tuu/tia Couper; abattre (arbre, boeuf) [Heo Dialect]
Waya EO.TUKUFALA (Kutu)vala Barringtonia edulis, with large seed, edible raw or cooked
Samoan PN.TUQA-.2A Tua- Number of thicknesses, folds, rows layers; the next in order of age, especially of children
Mangareva TA.TUA-TEA Tuatea A heap of objects; a pile of material (such as %maa|) exposed to view. Tas d'étoffes, de vêtements, de nourriture exposé à la vue (Rch). Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori TA.TUA-TUAI Tuatua A bivalve mollusc (paphies triangulata)
Vaeakau-Taumako EO.TUFA.1 Tuf/ia Distribute
Marquesas CE.TUFA.2 E tuha ʔi te anuanu. Tuha (te vaianu) (MQN), tuha (i te anuanu) (MQS) (Atl). Cracher, spit
Tongan AN.TUFU.1 Tufu Spring of water, especially one on beach
Anuta PN.TUFUGA Tipunga Carpenter; the man who performs the operation during a boy's initiation (circumcision) rite
Samoan PN.TUFUGA Tufuga Craftsman, expert, specialist , carpenter
Tahitian PN.TUQU-GA.2 Tiaa A company of people; a flock or herd of sheep, goats, &c. Phonologically Irregular
Anuta AN.TUUGI-A Tungia Put fire to something; throw something in fire