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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nukuoro PN.PUTU.2 Budu The appearance of many fish (or birds or animals that are good to eat) after a death
Rennellese PN.PUTU.2 Putu Share, especially formerly of raw food offered to the gods; to make such an offering
Tikopia PN.PUTU.2 Putu Offering of fresh food, as on the grave of a person recently dead
Bugotu MP.SAQA.1 Sa Forbid, taboo mark forbidding entrance to a place
Samoan MP.SAQA.1 Saa Sacred, taboo, forbidden, set apart
Tikopia MP.SAQA.1 Saa Wrong, as in breaking a taboo
East Futuna PN.SAQELE Saʔele Go (on foot)
East Uvea PN.SAQELE Haʔele Go on foot
East Uvea PN.SAQELE Haaere Go on foot (pl.)
Marquesas MP.SAFE.2 Háhhi To fish with hook and line Problematic
Sikaiana MP.SAFE.2 Sahe To tie a cord around something; lock or hook arms while walking; fold arms while sitting
Fijian FJ.SAFE.3 Save A child who has a younger brother or sister before being weaned; a weakling, a weak child, as being born too soon after the elder
Rennellese SO.SAAFEA Saahea To be punished by the gods as for trespassing ona taboo place, perhaps by sickness; to be bewitched
Rennellese OC.SAFU.1 Sahu Drip, flow, as water or blood
Tokelau OC.SAFU.1 Hafu An arrangement by whereby rain-water is channelled off a coconut tree or a breadfruit tree trunk so that it can be collected in a bucket or other receptacle...; the flow of rain-water off an iron roof
Hawaiian OC.SAFU.2 Hahu To clear, smooth, level; purge (as the bowels)
Hawaiian OC.SAFU.2 Hehu Uproot, dig up, put to flight, drive away
Tahitian OC.SAFU.2 Pa/hahu/ Scrape bamboo to obtain thin layer for plaiting
Tuamotu OC.SAFU.2 Hahu Scoop, scrape
Takuu MP.SAQI Sai Tie, bind; join (as two pieces of wood)
East Futuna MP.SAKA.1 Saka Dance with hand and foot action
East Futuna OC.SAKA.3 Saka Boil food in a container over a fire
Fijian OC.SAKA.3 Saqa Cook in a pot, boil
Gedaged OC.SAKA.3 Saga/u Everything that belongs to cooking
Luangiua OC.SAKA.3 Saʔa Look after, care for Uncertain Semantic Connection
Samoan OC.SAKA.3 Saka To boil food. Phonologically Irregular
Tongan OC.SAKA.3 Haka To stew or boil food
Takuu NP.SAKALI Sakare Edible part of the shoot at the top of a coconut tree; core (germinating part) of a taro or giant taro corm Problematic
Tikopia NP.SAKALI Sakare Shoot of plant (e.g. coconut) Problematic
Ifira-Mele PN.SAA-KALO Saakaro Pull Coconut off branch, scoop out banana flesh
Samoan PN.SAA-KALO ʔAu/saʔalo/ Wooden seat to which scraper is fixed
Tuamotu PN.SAA-KALO Hakaaro Scrape/gouge/scoop out (as meat of coconut)
Pukapuka FJ.SAKE.1 Yake Trip someone by using hand or foot as a hook
Easter Island PN.SAKE.3 To/hake To grow well, develop well, to grow to a good height (e.g. a plant growing, the body of a child developing)
Samoan PN.SAKI Saʔi/na Be thrown down, as a burden of food brought as a present; pull a man down backwards by his burden; break down (as trees by the wind)
Emae PN.SAA-KILI.1 Saakiri Look for
Pukapuka PN.SAA-KILI.1 Yaakili Look for, search, hunt for food
Samoan PN.SAA-KILI.1 Saaʔili Look for, search for
Tikopia PN.SAA-KILI.1 Sakiri Look for, search
Niue TO.SAKI-NA. Haakina To strike (as the foot against a stone)
Tongan TO.SAKI-NA. Haki To take hold of and lift up (a foot of person or animal)
Pukapuka PN.SAKO Yako Straight (not curved or crooked); upright; correct, true
Tokelau PN.SAKO Hako Be straight, not crooked
Waya OC.SAAKULE Caakule Part the hair to look for lice
Takuu EC.SALE Sare Walk, go somewhere on foot, sail a canoe
Kapingamarangi MP.SALI.1 Hali Leak, flow, ooze
Tikopia MP.SALI.1 Saari Drip, dribble, droop
Pukapuka SF.SALI.2 Yali To scoop out; method of fishing with a scoop-net
Samoan SF.SALI.2 Sali To scoop out (e.g. meat from Coconut), skim (e.g. milk); uppercut (in boxing)
Tokelau SF.SALI.2 Hali Scoop out, scoop up, scrape