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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
New Zealand Maori PN.LAWE.2A Whaka/rawe/-a Fasten, tie up, close up, join, effect a union
Pukapuka PN.LAWE.2A La/lave Caught fast, hooked, snagged (Sby); bite (as a fish at a hook) (Bge)
Samoan PN.LAWE.2A Lave/a Be hurt, affected by; hit; cut
East Futuna PN.LAWE.2B Lave Atteindre, reussir
Mangareva PN.LAWE.2B Rave Prendre; mordre, percer (ne se dit que des outils). To take, to acquire possession; to pierce, to bite (said of good tools) (Tgr).
Samoan PN.LAWE-A Lavea Hurt, affected by; hit
East Futuna SO.LE Le Singular definite article preposed to common nouns
Fijian SO.LE Le Shortened form of lewe a numeral particle preceding numbers indicating people Problematic
Emae SO.LE Re Singular definite article
Niuafo'ou SO.LE Le Indefinite article, some
Samoan SO.LE Le Definite article singular
Tongan SO.LE E Definite article Problematic
Tokelau NP.T-OO.5 To Particle occurring in dual and plural form s o f 1st and 3rd person definite, class-O possessive pronouns
West Futuna EP.NO Ni(o)- Possessive (predicate) marker
West Futuna NP.NA.2 Ni(a) Possessive (predicate) marker
Tokelau PN.LEA Lea Say, speak, tell, ask
Tongan PN.LEA Lea Speak; utter, make or produce a sound
Easter Island PN.LEFE Rehe Debilitated, feeble, weak, soft Problematic
Samoan PN.LEFE Lefe/lefe Os interior vaginae
Tuamotu PN.LEFE Ka/rehe/ Labia majora when they have been manipulated ...until lengthened into heavy folds
New Zealand Maori EP.REFE Ko/rehe/ Shrivelled, wrinkled, stunted
Manihiki-Rakahanga CE.RUFI.2 Rohi/rohi Exhausted Phonologically Irregular
Manihiki-Rakahanga AN.LOQI-MATA Roimata Tears
West Uvea MP.REFU.1 Lefu-a Cendres; chaux, chauler; blanchir, se teindre (les cheveux) à la chaux
Marquesas CE.REFUA Ehua. ʔEhua (Mtu). Année (nom d'une constellation), grand saison du fruit à pain. Year (Mtu).
East Uvea MP.REGA Lega Turmeric. Poudre jaune extrait extraite de la racine de l'*ago* (Curcuma).
New Zealand Maori MP.REGA Renga/mutu Tetragonia expansa, New Zealand Spinach
Mangareva MP.REGA Rega (Curcuma longa). Plante: safran des Indes (Curcuma longa) (Zingiberacées) (Rch).
Nguna MP.REGA Na/tetega/ Turmeric
Sa'a MP.REGA Renga Decorate with black, white and red designs
West Uvea MP.REGA Lenga Plante indigène: (Curcuma longa)
Marquesas CE.REHO Eho Shell, e.g. of oyster
Easter Island NP.LEI.2 Rei To step. Stamp down, press down (with foot or heavy object) (Wbr). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Samoan PN.TOGI.2 To/togi To give a paymen; the payment of a fine; payment for labour or produce (recently adopted)
Sikaiana SO.LEIA Leia To choke on water
Tikopia SO.LEIA Reia Bloated (as of corpse unburied)
Tokelau SO.LEIA Leia Be choked on food, water, etc. going down one's windpipe
Mangareva CE.REIRA Reira Là (se dit d'un lieu déterminé). There (said of some certain place) (Tgr).
New Zealand Maori PN.EE-NAA Eenaa Those (near or connected with the person addressed)
Moriori NP.LEKA.1 Iao/reka Entertainment
Marquesas NP.LEKA.1 ʔEka S'amuser; retarder, s'attarder, s'arrêter à
Penrhyn NP.LEKA.1 Reka Pleasant; nice, good, enjoyable, tasteful, interesting
Tahitian NP.LEKA.1 ʔAa/rea/rea Divertissement; gai, divertissant; être gai, se diverter, s'amuser Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana SO.LEKA.3 Leka/leka Regurgitated food
New Zealand Maori NP.LEKE.2 Reke Knob, poll of an adze, tongue end of a taiaha; pin used to fasten hair in a top-knot; fish-hook
Kapingamarangi NO.LEKIA.* Manu-de/legia/ White-capped Noddy Tern (Anous minutus)
Tuvalu AN.IA.4 Ia Sentence introducer: so
Tuvalu PN.QILAAMUTU Ilaamutu Mother's brother or sister's son
Tuvalu OC.ISI Ihi/ihi Tear into strips
Tuvalu PN.LAFI.2 Lafi Hide, take shelter