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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Moriori TA.TEPE Tepe/toto Clot (of blood)
Rarotongan PN.TETE ʔOo/tete/ To shake with cold, tremble
Emae CP.TEQETEQE Tete/bue Fish sp., balloonfish (Arothron sp.)
Tongan PN.TE-TEA Tetea Albino, or unnaturally pale; anaemic looking
Hawaiian PN.TEU.1 Keu Remaining, excessive, additional, spare, surplus, extra, too much Problematic
Marquesas PN.TEWE Teve Arrowroot (Tacca fallifera). Sorte de plante bulbeuse et vénéneuse (Tacca); petit tambour (1904).
Niue PN.TEWE Teve A plant (Amorphophallus campanulatus) traditionally used like pia (Niuean arrowroot) during periods of food shortages
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TEWE Teve A plant with a large edible root, similar to taro
Tahitian PN.TEWE Teve The name of a plant, and acrid root. (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius) (Whr). (Dracontium polyphyllum) (Jsn).
Rapa MP.TII.1 Ti Root of karo karo (Cordyline sp.), which was eaten
New Zealand Maori NP.TII.3 Ti/ti Shine, of sun or moon
Rennellese NP.TII.3 Tii To shine, as the moon
Takuu NP.TII.3 Tii (of sun or moon) Shine brightly
Fijian CE.TII.4 Titi Flow gently, ooze (as gum from a tree) Problematic
Sikaiana CE.TII.4 Tii/tii Sprinkle (as in salting food) Problematic
Luangiua MP.TIA.1A Kia Root Problematic
Easter Island EP.TIAKI Tiaki Care, solicitude; to guard, look after, wait, watch
Mangareva EP.TIAKI Tiaki Garder, surveiller; veiller à la sureté de quelqu'un, à la conversation de quelqu'un. To guard, take care of, preserve; to watch over, foster; to look after the health of another; to inspect (Tgr).
Rarotongan EP.TIAKI Tiaki Wait for; guard, look after; sentry, foreman
Niue OC.TIFA.1A Tifa Mother-of-pearl shell; bonito hook made of pearl shell; earring; plant (Acacia spirorbis) [from resemblance of its fruit to earrings]
Anuta OC.TIKA.A Tika A type of dart made from a reed shaft about four feet long, with a heavy hardwood head; a contest in which men compete to see how far they can throw their *tika* darts...; to throw something after the fashion of throwing a reed dart
Easter Island EP.TIKA.B Tii/tika/ Arranged, straight, flat. Smooth; right, correct (Wbr).
Hawaiian CE.TII-KARO Kiiʔalo Dig out (as the eyes), scoop out
New Zealand Maori CE.TII-KARO Tiikaro Pick out of a hole, scoop out; pick holes in anything
Moriori CE.TII-KARO Tikaro Scoop
Rarotongan CE.TII-KARO Tiikaro Hook, prize, winkle, gouge out
Tuamotu CE.TII-KARO Tiikaro Scoop out (as the eyes) To pick the soil, as with a pickaxe; to scrape, as with a hoe
Tuamotu CE.TIKI.2 Tiki Be frustrated disappointed; receive leavings, waste portions of food Problematic
Fijian FJ.TIKO-TARA Siko/rere Artamus. Wood-swallow (Geraghty 1993)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TILA Sila Yardarm. Windward boom (of Te Puke canoe) (Gge).
Rennellese PN.TILA Tiga Ship's boom
New Zealand Maori EP.TIREO Tirea The moon on the second day
Penrhyn EP.TIREO Tiiroe The first night of the lunar month, the new moon, moonless night
Rarotongan EP.TIREO Tiiroe The new moon
Tahitian EP.TIREO Tireo The first day of the moon, or first night
Kapingamarangi PN.TILI.1A Dili To shoot at; to throw (stones) at; to pelt
New Zealand Maori PN.TILI.1A Tiri Throw, scatter, distribute, plant root crops
Nukuoro PN.TILI.1A Dili Shoot at
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TILI.1A Sili-a Throw; shoot (through). Fish with casting net ; throw with a twist (Grn).
East Futuna PN.TILI.1B Tili A scoop net
Waya FJ.TILI.2 Tiri Ooze out, bleed, run slowly in a thick stream
Anuta MP.TIRO Tio Look Problematic
East Futuna MP.TIRO Tilo Look at with optical aid
East Futuna MP.TIRO Tio Look at Problematic
East Uvea MP.TIRO Sio Look at Problematic
Fijian MP.TIRO Tiro Look at something reflected in water or a glass; peep furtively; admire oneself
New Zealand Maori MP.TIRO Ti/tiro/ Look at
New Zealand Maori MP.TIRO Tiro-hia Look at, be looked at
Emae MP.TIRO Tiro/fia Glance, take a quick look
Ifira-Mele MP.TIRO Tiro/a Look down at something