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4899 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tikopia PN.TO-TOLO Totoro Crawl; commonly used for progression across traditional Tikopia house , normally on hands and knees
New Zealand Maori PN.TAA.4B Taa, taia Net (vt)
Samoan PN.TAA.4B Taiʔa To fish for *palolo*, *lo*, *pala'ia* and *inaga*.
Niuafo'ou TO.KIA.2 Kia Neck Borrowed
Niuafo'ou PN.MAEA.1 Maia Rope
Niuafo'ou PN.SAU-QARIKI Hauʔaliki/sia Attended by chiefs
Niuafo'ou PN.PAKIA.1 Pekia Die (Chief) Borrowed
Niuafo'ou PN.FIA-FIA Fiafia Happy
Niuafo'ou PN.FIA-KAI Fiakai/a Hungry Borrowed
Niuafo'ou PN.FIA-MOHE Fiamoe/a Sleepy
Niuafo'ou PN.FIA-INU Fiainu/a Thirsty
Nuguria PN.FIA-INU Fia inu To be thirsty
Nuguria PN.FIA-INU Hiainu To be thirsty
Niue PN.FIA-INU Fia inu Thirsty
East Futuna PN.FIA-INU Fia inu Avoir soif
Samoan PN.FIA-INU Fiainu Thirst; to thirst
Rennellese PN.FIA-INU Siabinu To be thirsty, to want to drink Phonologically Irregular
Tikopia PN.FIA-INU Fia inu To be thirsty
New Zealand Maori PN.FIA-INU Hiainu Thirst
Ifira-Mele PN.LAAKEI Faka/raakei Regalia, ornaments of a chief; decorate oneself, get spruced up
Easter Island CE.AA.3 A te tapa Hacia el lado, al lado
Luangiua AN.AFIAFI Ahiahi Nachmittag [afternoon]
Luangiua OC.FOA.A Hoa, hooia Offnen [open (coconut)]
Luangiua PN.FAKA-TUQU Haʔakuu-lia, haʔakuu-ia Bauen, aufstellen [build, put up]
Tikopia PN.TAU.4 Tau/tau-via Rebuke, abuse
Tikopia XO.TAU-TAU Tautau-via Rebuke, abuse
Anuta AN.SAPO Tapo To catch in the hand (especially a falling or thrown object)
Anuta OC.FASI.A Vai/ia Sever, break apart, split (of outrigger) Phonologically Irregular
Anuta NP.AE Aa Yes (colloquial speech) (this word is usually nasalized somewhat, so that it may come out sounding like "ngaa")
Anuta FJ.QAFA.1 Apa (tia kupenga) Net spacer
Anuta MP.ATE.2 Ate Type of plant (Wedelia biflora) (Adenostoma lavenia)
Anuta MP.QATU.2 (Nga) Atu/piti Vanikoro, Utupua, Reef and Duff Islands (i.e. Santa Cruz islands excluding Anuta and Tikopia)
Anuta MP.QATU.2 (Te) Atu/raro All "islands" west of Anuta (i.e.Tikopia, Solomons, Banks, New Guinea, New Zealand and Australia)
Anuta AN.IA.4 Ia! Here it is!
Anuta PN.KAPI.C Kapi/kapi Many. [May be Tikopian]
Anuta PN.KALO.1 (Na-)karo-pia To dodge
Sikaiana MP.QETI K/keti (pass. keetia) To remove the husk of a coconut with the teeth, as a rat or small child does. Phonologically Irregular
Anuta PN.MAA-KONA.1 Ma(a)kona Full (with food), satiated
Anuta PN.MANIA.1 Ma/ni/nia Lustful; to lust after something Uncertain Semantic Connection
Anuta PN.MANIA.1 Ma/ni/nia Fingernail, toenail Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Uvea PN.MATA.5 Mata/faiaa Porte d'entrée; entrée de la barrière de la chefferie
Emae PN.MATA.5 Mata/feiaa Door
Luangiua PN.TUQU.3A Ku/ku/kia Abschneiden [cut off (several things)]
Anuta MP.QILO-A Paka/ma/iro/ga Memory; memorial...
Anuta EP.PEE-IA Paka/peia Thus, in this/that manner, as follows
Anuta XO.FE-TA-QI Paka/peta/aki A dueling or fencing match fought with sticks or clubs; a sham fight as in "marriage by capture" ceremony
Anuta AN.TAQANE Paka/taane To sit with legs crossed or folded ("Indian style"), in the style of men
Anuta PN.WAATIA Paka/vatia A pudding made from sago flour and coconut cream
Anuta AN.FANO.2 Pano/pano To wash or wipe oneself, especially one's own hands; cloth, coconut husk or any other object used to wipe one's hands
Anuta MP.FIRI.1 Pi/pii/ngia Busy