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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Mangareva CE.TOOKERE Tookere Gong (I)
Mangaia CE.TOOKERE Tookere Slit gong, also AIT, ATIU
Pukapuka CE.TOOKERE Tookele Small wooden gong (post contact) Problematic
Tahitian CE.TOOKERE Tooʔere Tambour à lèvres, en bois
Tuamotu CE.TOOKERE Tookere Wooden gong
Easter Island AN.TOKI Toki Formón de piedras . Hard stone used for making tools
Nguna AN.TOKI Tooki Axe
Takuu AN.TOKI Toki Adze made from Tridacna shell; incisor tooth; constellation: three stars within Orion outlining a shell adze...
Emae MP.TOKO.1A Tooko Pousser la pirogue du fond diriger
Tahitian CE.TOO-KOE.* Tooʔoe Possessif: deuxième personne, possession forte [Grammaire]
Emae NP.TOKOLAU.* Tokolau Good wind Borrowed
Nukuoro PN.TOKO-TOKO Tokotoko A pole (originally of bamboo)
Rennellese SO.TOKO-TULI Tokotugi Squat with one knee on floor
East Futuna PN.TOLA.2 Tola Central shoot of coconut palm
East Futuna PN.TOLA.2 Tolau Central shoot of coconut palm
Waya PN.TOLA.2 Toorau White, soft young leaves at top of coconut palm
Hawaiian PN.TOLE ʔOo/kole/ Anus, buttocks
New Zealand Maori PN.TOLE Koo/tore/ Anus
Hawaiian CE.TOOREA Koolea (Pluvialis dominica)
New Zealand Maori CE.TOOREA Toorea Oystercatcher (Haematopus spp.); pied stilt (Himantopus leucocephalus)
Mangaia CE.TOOREA Toorea Pacific Golden Plover (Pluvialis dominica)
Mangareva CE.TOOREA Toorea Oiseau: Bécasseau sanderling (Crocethia alba)
Penrhyn CE.TOOREA Toorea Grey Plover (Pluvialis dominica)
Rarotongan CE.TOOREA Toorea Migratory shorebird, Pacific Golden Plover (Pluvialis fulva)
Tahitian CE.TOOREA Toorea Pluvier (Pluvialis dominica)
New Zealand Maori TA.TOO-RINO Toorino Twisted, spiral; eddying (as deep current) (as perfume); a wind instrument shaped in a bellied cylinder
Tuamotu TA.TOO-RINO Toorino A spiral, twisted in a spiral
Pukapuka PN.TOLO.1 Tolo To scoop out, push, poke, tickle ; push aside; turn over soil; thrust burning stick into ground Problematic
Samoan FJ.TOLO.2A Tolo (pl. fe-tolo-fi) Crawl, swarm (said of animals found in numbers); (of animals) steal food, by moving up to it surreptitiously
Niue PN.TORO Too Sugarcane>
Tongan PN.TORO Too Sugarcane
Mangaia FJ.TOLOA.A Toroa Brown Booby
Rarotongan FJ.TOLOA.A Toroa Red-footed Booby (Sula sula)
Tuamotu FJ.TOLOA.A Torooa Bird sp., (Sula sp., Booby?)
Waya FJ.TOLOA.A Toroo A large seabird, probably (Macronectes giganteus), Giant Southern Petrel
Kapingamarangi PN.TOLOA.B Doloo Duck sp. (Buck)
Samoan PN.TOLOAKI Toloaʔi Litter, brood
Tikopia PN.TOLOAKI Toroaki Give food to, feed, nourish
New Zealand Maori PN.TOLOGA Tooronga Deal out in small quantities (e.g. food) Problematic
Nguna AN.TOLU Toolu Three
Tahitian PN.TOMO Tomo To enter, as at a door; to go into the vallies the first time in the season for mountain plantains; to be brought low, as a ship or boat heavily laden; to be sunken; to sink altogether, as a ship, boat, or canoe
New Zealand Maori PN.TOO-MUQA Toomua Early, previous
Niue PN.TOO-MUQA Toomua To arrive early. To be the very first (Sph).
New Zealand Maori PN.TOO-MURI Toomuri Late
Niue PN.TOO-MURI Toomui To be the very last, to be very late
Tongan PN.TOO-MURI Toomui Late
East Uvea PN.TONA.1 Toona Sorte de vérole très tenace
Rotuman CE.TONO.1 Fono Place a prohibition on a food resource to conserve it Problematic
Ifira-Mele FJ.TONU.1A Too/tonu/ Straight, true, correct
Nuguria FJ.TONU.1A Haka/tonu Roll out, smooth