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444 Results matching "sai" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tongan PN.QAA-.2 ʔA/hoʔataa At noon today (said in the morning)
Tongan PN.QAA-.2 ʔA/efiafi This afternoon (said in the morning or at mid-day)
Tongan TO.ALAGA.B Alanga Mast, sails, oars, tackle (of boat)
Tongan PN.QANA-.2 ʔAne/efiafi This afternoon (said after dark) or yesterday afternoon (said next morning)
Tongan PN.QANA-.2 ʔAne/hoʔataa At noon today (said in the afternoon or evening) or at noon yesterday (said next morning)
Tongan PN.QANA-.2 ʔAne/uhu This morning (said at noon or later)
Tongan PN.QANA-POGIPOGI ʔAnepongipongi This morning (said at noon or later) (rare)
Pukapuka SO.ANO.2 Ano Go. Said to be a shortened form of wano. (Sg. verb). Not recent borrowing. Common in old chants
Tongan PN.QAA-POO ʔApoo Tonight (said during the day)
Tahitian CE.AUTE ʔAute Broussonetia papyrifera dont on faisait un 'tapa' brun
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.FAFA.3 Haha Rope to steer sail with. Stay ropes tied onto wooden arms of sail (Lch). Sheet (to control sail) (Gge).
Pukapuka SO.FAFA.3 Wawa Sheet of main sail
Sikaiana SO.FAFA.3 Aha The sail guide rope
Tikopia SO.FAFA.3 Fafa Rope stays and sheet of sailing canoe
Kapingamarangi MP.FAGA.1A Hanga The free edge of the sail
Luangiua MP.FAGA.1A Haaŋa Back of sail
Takuu MP.FAGA.1A Fana Leech of sail
Tuamotu CE.FAKA-EA Hakaea To come to the surface and pause (said of turtles); to be coming with difficulty, be exhausted (said of the breath); to stop, pause, rest
Niue PN.FAKA-FANA. Faka/fana/ To warm up food; to repeat what one has said
East Uvea PN.FAKA-QAFU-OLA Fakaʔafuola Saison de l'année selon les calendries traditionnel (avril-mai); l'epoque ou les plantes poussants vite
Samoan EC.FAKA-IPO-IPO Faʔaipoipo Marry. said to be from RAR Problematic
New Zealand Maori CC.FAKA-KAI Whakakai Cylindrical greenstone ear-pendant. Said to have been used as a teething-ring for babies
Samoan CP.FAKA-SESEE Faʔasesee To cause to go astray, to mislead; to bring the head of a canoe to the wind so as to leave the sail flapping
Takuu PN.FAKA-SEKE Hakaseke Slide, body-surf; sail a canoe with a tail wind, travel in a following sea; glide, as a canoe through water; drift
Penrhyn NP.SEKE.1D Hakaseke/seke To sail with the wind
Tahitian AN.FANO.1 Fano To sail
Pukapuka PN.FATA-FATA Watawata Good build (said of a man)
Kapingamarangi PN.FATU-KALAA Hatu kharaa Volcanic stone said to come to Kapingamarangi on floating logs
New Zealand Maori PN.FEKE-FEKE Whekewheke Rough, scabrous; said of skin of neck and face
New Zealand Maori EO.FELO.1 Whero A colour, red, orange (said of raataa flowers, ripe karaka berries)
East Futuna CP.FILI.4 Fili Adversaire, ennemi, oppose
East Uvea CP.FILI.4 Fili Ennemi, adversaire
Tahitian MP.FITI.1A Hiti/mahuta Sursauter, tressaillir
East Futuna NP.FOKA Foka/ʔi Coup de poing envoye directement ou lestement sur son aversaire
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.FOLAU Holau, folau Sail (vi)
Rennellese AN.FOLAU Hogau Ocean voyage, travellers making such; to sail
Tokelau AN.FOLAU Folau Cruise, sailing voyage; fleet; to make a voyage, travel by sea; sail, depart
East Futuna MP.FOTU.1 Fotu Appear , said of trees forming fruit
Kapingamarangi PN.FUU.1A Hu Slip out, fall out; bang, plop (said if an object has fallen)
Rennellese MP.FUKE.A Hu/huke/ Untie or loosen; undress, take off, pull out; unfurl, as sails
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.FUTI.1 Vusi/a,wusi/a,wusi/ake Pull. pull up, hoist sail Borrowed
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.FUTI.1 Vusi/a,vusi/vusi Pull, pull up, hoist sail
Tahitian CE.GASERE ʔAihere Mauvaises herbes, broussailles, brousse, buisson Phonologically Irregular
Tongan PN.GAASOLO.A Ngaholo Sail swiftly (of clouds/boats)
East Futuna FU.GATO.* Gato Be finished, used up. Said of e.g. paper, love
Mangareva CE.GORU Goru/goru Etre grand pour son age (sans avoir des muscles bien développés, se dit d'un enfant). Said of a child large for its years and of whom the flesh is soft and without firmness (Tgr).
Mangareva CE.GORU Gougou Petit enfant gros et gras. Large and fat, said of a child (Tgr). Problematic
Rennellese PN.GUTU-KAO Ngutukao A kind of porpoise said to have a longer snout than the samono
Pukapuka MP.SAKU-LAA Akulaa Swordfish, sailfish, marlin spp. Phonologically Irregular
Rarotongan PN.HILA Ira An illness affecting babies in which the eyeball is said to turn blue (?infantile gastroenteritis) (Bse)